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<br /> 17.TransFcr oP t!u Property or a Beneilcial I�nterest lu[lormw�er. If ull or�in,��ur1 Uf thc Piuperty ar uny interest in it --
<br /> , is+old ar�ran�fcrred(or if u heneGcial interest in Bo�mwer is wld��r t�antiferrod ark! ��rruw•er iti�xx u��tur�l per�on)w►thaut
<br /> I.er►der's pri�r written ronsent, I..eixicr nuy. ut its optian, rcyuire immediate pay�ncnt in fuil af uU sunu sccure�l by this
<br /> Security Instrunxnt.How�ever.this aption �t�all iwt be exe�cised by I.c�t�er if exereise is prohibitec!by federnl law ac of tlie date _
<br /> , of this Security Instrunxnt.
<br /> if l.tndcr excrr.ises this option, Lender shall give Borrou•er nwicc oP txrelrrution.The nc�ticc shall provide a period of not
<br /> Icss than 30 days from the duc the iwtic�is deliveral nr n�ilcd within which Borraw•cr nwu �y nll sums s�cur�d hy this
<br /> Scrurity Instrument.if Bur�r�wer i'aiis to pay these su:ns p:ioe tc�thc expl��ation uf this periocl, Lender n3ay invoke xny romodies �
<br /> pemiitted by this Securiry Insirunxnt without furiher notice or dema�wl on Borrau�cr.
<br /> 18. Borrower's Right to Rej�ut�ie. If Borcawes m;ets,cc:tain conditioas. Borrower shall have the righi to have -
<br /> enforcement of this Security Insttutnent discontinaad a1 szn�� time prior eo the carlier of: (a)5 days(or such other period as
<br /> app:icable law muy specify for reirutatement) beFore sale uf the Praperty pursuant to any pt�wer of sale cantai�ed in this
<br /> • Sccurity Irutrumznt;or(b)entry af a judgnkr.t enForcing this Security Insiru�nem,Thnsc conditions are that Bortow�er:(a)p�ys
<br /> I.endu all sums whlch then would be due under this Security Instn�ment und the Nate as if�o acer,leration h�d occurred; (b)
<br /> cures tuu• default of any othea ca�•enants or asreemems; (c)pay�s all expenses incurred in enforcing this Securiry jn.etrumem,
<br /> inclu,diqg, but �ot linuted to.reasoctable attorruys' fees; and(d)takcs such actian as Lender may reasanably reqwre to assure
<br /> tlwu the lien of this Security Instrumeiu, i.ender's rights in the•Property a�tid Borrawer's abligatian to pay the sunu secured by
<br /> ' this Sec�riiy Instrument shall continue unchanged. Upon reinstutement by Borrawer, this Security Instrun�ent and the
<br />: ot�ligations secured hereby shall remain fully effective as if ta aoceleration had occurred.liaw•ever.this right ta reinstate shall
<br /> . nai apply in the caee of acceleration under paragraph 17.,
<br /> l9. S�le of Note; Chw�e af l.oan Servicer. The hote or a part�al interest in the Note (together with this Securiry
<br /> ln.trument)may be sold ooe or more times without prior�v.�tice to Borrower.A sale rt�y result in a change in the entiry(known
<br /> �,�a'he"I.aan Servicer")that collects monthly payments dke under the Note and this Securiry Ituttvment. There alse may be one
<br /> or m�re changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a sale of 1he Note.If there is a change of the Loan Servicer. Borrower will be
<br /> given written notico of the change in xcordance with paragraph 14 above and applic�ble law. The notice will siatt the n�me and
<br /> • address of the aew Loan Servicer and the address to which payments s!►ould be made. The notice��iU also c��ntain any other
<br /> infor�utiation requir��'1 by applicable 1aw.
<br /> • yp, E�,cs�s Substances, Borrower shall not cause or permit the presence. use,disposa;i, storage, �r release of any
<br /> ' N�ardous Substanees on cv in the Property. Bonower shall not do, nor alloW an�•one else to do. anythi�affecting thc =
<br /> �'r.ip�:rty that is in violsuion E�f any Enviranment�i Law. 'i'ix�preceding two sentenc.,s shall not apply to the pr�.�nce, use, or _
<br /> storage on the Property of small quantities of Hazardous Substancts that�re Senera113'recognized.to be app�pr:�te�o ramaa!
<br /> ` rcsidential uses and to mvntenance of the Property.
<br /> �� Barrower slull promptly give La�er written notice of any investigation,clalm. demand, 9au-�it or ott�r sction by any
<br /> . govemment�l or regulatory agency or private party invol�-iu�q the Prope�ty�nd any Hazardous Suh.uarx� or En�ironmental Law
<br /> ' oF w•hich Borrower has actual knowledga If Borrower Ir�s. or is notitiod by am�;�vanmenta2 or regula:ary a:ithority,that
<br /> :,. ony removal or othe�remediation of any Fiarardous Sulu'tun�e affecting the Properry is neoessary. Borrowu�a1I ptomptly talce
<br /> ydl noassary remedi�l actions in accordu�ce with Fnvirontnental Law.
<br /> As used in this paragraph 20. `Hazardous Subst�nces'are thos�substances definod as to�ic mr h�ardau wbst�ncss by
<br />„ !. Environmental law and the follawing substances: gasoline. kerosene, other flunrn�ble or tvzze petroleum products, toxic
<br /> pesticides and h�rbicides.votaaiie solvrnu,rt�urials oontaining asbestos or fom�aldehydo.and rrdia�ctive matorials. As asod in
<br /> '� this paragrzph 20. 'Envirotur►eaQal law" rnearu federsil lnu•s and laws of the jurisdiction where the Propem is located that ,
<br /> 7�� � --IO�iliGioilG�'a`t,�ltfCij;3icnija"YaTu'YR'.iiF:l�i:8iw':�3ii. -. . .-�- �--- -�--. �..._ ._ -.
<br /> NON-UN11�O�tM COVENAKTS.Soaowcr and Lenckr further uovenani and agrae as fallows:
<br /> � 21.Aooderatba;Raned�es. I.eader s�11 give notice to Borru�•er prlor to aocelera4ioe!'ol9owing Borrower's breach
<br /> a'i.i:y u,:e�.sa: a u��rc.eai � Wis �x�:.-�ty E�tnt (be�t not pre�r to s+a�celerA*iix� uader �wragso6 ly adess
<br /> applks�bk law provides otherwise).'Ihe natke shsll speci[y: (p)the defs�ult; (b) tbe action t�equtred to cure the de[wlt;
<br /> (c)a date.nolless tl�aa 30 days fi�om tik dxte t6e notice ic�iv�n to Borrower, by w4icL tls�detsWt must be cured:and
<br /> (d)tbst fx11w^e to care the detpult on or before tbe date spectfied in the aotice may msult ta aoceler�awt ot tLe sums
<br /> secured by this Savrity Inctruro�ot and sale oP tbe Prope�ty. The uotke s6aU furtha� iaform BorrowYr v'1 tLe ri�ht to
<br /> �' raastste atter s�ocela�atian and tbe rigbi 2o brIng a court s�ction 4o assert the ooa�istwac aT a default or any oilke
<br /> :;� defea�e ot Becnawsr to soeda�tiou ond sa1s.I� tLe delAUlt is no��cau�ed on or before the c�te spedtied in tbe notia�,
<br /> I.eader, At its optbn,may require im�me�ate pa9axnt in tull ot a11 su�nc se�.vred by this Secarity Iastavmcat withoa�t
<br /> �:. furtber dem��od aod may-iarolce the po�er of r�le sod any other nynedies pena�etted by applkable I�w. Lender shall be
<br /> entitled to coUect all acpeases iucusred ia Qursuing the rmtitdks provided in this paragr�pt►21,io�tudlo�.but not 1lo�ited
<br /> ,� W,reavooaWe atta�neYs'[as and cosis d Yitk evidence.
<br /> a Ii the power ot sWe is iavolced,'ilmtee s1w11 reoord a caHce of de[aWt in wch coum4;�in w6k� any p�t ot tLe
<br /> Propaty is locsded and sball cwil copies ot such noUce in the marmer prescribed by app�irra.'�M1e!aw ta Bc�rawer and to
<br /> - tbe otber pasoos pre�crlbed by applicsbk law.Atter the time roquired by applicabk law,'ft��a s�nll give publk notke
<br /> ' ot sWe to tbe perso�s aud io the maon�r prescribe�i by appUcable law.Tructa, wiWout deinand on Borrowtr,shall sdl
<br /> �� , tLe Propaty at public snction to tLe highest bidder at the time sad place and umkr tbe te�snc daagnatecl iu the�otice o�
<br /> ssde in oae or morc pands su�d in Aoy ordcr Trusta determines. 9'ructee uwY P�P�sale ot�11 or any ps�ral ot the
<br /> :� �b��y aaanouoceao� at the Wae stnd pl�ce of aay pnwiously scl�da! sa{�_ I.eader or iLs desigoee may
<br /> '� Form 3028 9f90
<br /> � Pqe 6 016
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