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<br /> 1?.7 ra�ufea�ot lhe!'�operty w'�8iuei'ul,i!Iute:"a�i(n Borroticer.iC ull ur x��y�n�f the E*r.�+eriS c�r�ny intcre�t i��t
<br /> is s��ld OP lr'd►1SfC.�cCC1(u1'If a bClleftCl�l'1(1ItIYSt 10 Qt�[���u'.•.r is �oW i�r trnncfcrred atu!E3��rrow•er ic ncx a nAtuT�l{+crsonl withc�ut
<br /> I,en:ier's prinr w•ritte� caacent. Leneie� nwy, at its optiun, r4quiro immcdlute paynxnt in fult of a11 �aims sec:urcet by thi9 _
<br /> Se:.u�ity lrutrumxsit.Howcver,this option st�all nat bc exerciscd by Le�uler iF exercise is pcohibiteci by frd�crai law• �uf the d�te
<br /> af this Security Uutrun�ent.
<br /> 1i'i.e�wlee ex�rclw.c this option. l.e�der slwil givc Ba+'rouer�tatice of acceicr��i�m.'�he ixxitie st�all pn��•ide a peri o nc+t
<br /> less than 30 d:�y� fr�m thc date thc noiice is cklivered or ouiilal x•ithin which Borrow�er must Eu�• a11 urcos�e:ura� hy this
<br /> Sc:urity Instnime�t.If Rarrower iails to pap thcsc sunis};rior tn tha oxpiratian of this period.l.ender n�y in�•ak�uny riukx3ie�
<br /> pern�itted by this Securiry Insuument withc�ut furttur nnlic�ar den�and on Barrv�'er. -
<br /> 1g, g,�reo�►•er s Right tu Reinctate. lf Barcc�Wer mcets eertuin eonclitions, Barrav�'er shal{ t►a�'r. tT►e �ight ta have
<br /> enForcement of this Security lnstrument diseootinued at any timo prior to the earlier uf: (a)5 da�� (or suc��ottcer peria� as
<br /> applicablc law may specify for reirutatement) bcfnre salo of'ttie Propeny pursuant to any paWec af salo ec►ntained in this
<br /> Secunty Instrumen►;or(b)entry of a judgment enfarcing thls Security Instrument.Those conditicxu ar�that FtnrraN•er: (a)pays
<br /> Lcnder ull sums which then would be due un3ec this 5ecurity Ins rume�nt�s�ur�n�cnfarc�tthis�S�curt y 1 strume��t�
<br /> cures any default of any att�r coven3nts or a�rcements; (c) pay p�
<br /> ���ud��g,bue not Iinuted to,reasonable attume�•s' fees;and (d)tal•es such Action as I.ender m�y reax►nsbly rcquire to ussun
<br /> that the lien of this Security Instrument, l.endei s rights in�iw Property and Borrow•er's obligation ta pa�•thn sums securod by
<br /> this Security Instrumenc shall continuo unchangod. Upc�n reinstatement by Borrower. this Socunt� ituirument and the
<br /> �ig��ons secured hereby st►all remain fuUy effective as if na acceleration hud occunecl. How•ev�r. thic ngM ta reinstate stnll
<br /> not apply in the case of acceleration under p�ragraph 17.
<br /> 19. Sple ot Note; (.'han8e of'Loan•Ser'toer. The Note or a parei.il interest in the Note(tog�iT►�r w�ith this Socurity
<br /> Instniment)us�� be sold one or more timrs without prior notice to Borrowcr.A sale may resu�t in a ct�a in th-cntity(known
<br /> u the"Loa,�S�e�+iaer')that collcets mamhly p�,yments duo under the Note and this Security Instrument.Therc:also may f+e o�
<br /> or nwre cAs���::ti�f���rvicu unrofutad ta u salo of the Note.If tlure is a change of tt�Loan Sen'icar.B�rroW+er w iti be
<br /> �i,.en wcir,m�:"r7�of Li�c`sange in aocordance with Par.�raph 14 above and applicable law.'1'he notice W'ill s�ate the narne and
<br /> a�9resz of the suw Lua,� Se.tvicer aad tlro adtltess to w�hich payments shauld be made. The notire wi11 alsa contain any other
<br /> infortnation re�uind by a�licable law.
<br /> 20, ��S Substances. Bormwer st�ll ncat eause ar permit the presence, use. disposal, storwgo, or releasc of �ny
<br /> H�za�dous Su,R�stances on or in the Ptoperty. Bortou2r shall not do, nor allaw anyone else to eb, an}ahing affectinu �he
<br /> property that is in violation af any Bnvirann�ental Lau�. The prcxoding two sentences shall not apply to tho prc�ence,c�.�.or
<br /> storage on the Property of srnall quxntities of Haz.tirdo:u S++bstancxs that arc generally reoognizod to be apPro�rziate to a.�rwal
<br /> residaatial uses and to marottn�x�of the Property.
<br /> Bo�owes st�ll promptly g��e�nder written no�i of any investig�tion,claim, dernand. lawsuit oT atl�~�don by any
<br /> govemmenta'�nr regttlator���gtncY or privatc parcy inticicing the Yn�perty and su►y Haz�rclous SubsEa�c ar Ga�eimarr�e�ual law
<br /> of which Borr�►wer has attual keowlodge. If Borrower learns,or is notified by�ny govommental or regt►iaton' authorit�- ctut
<br /> any rernoval or other remcdiation of any Hazardous Substance affecting the Property�s necess•rrY,Bosrow�tr st�l�PromF4l�^ t�Ce
<br /> ;��y r�m�iaf ectqcros in accordaace with Environnxntal i.zw. .
<br /> As used in this psu�ra,pi�20. 'Hazardaus Subs►ances' are those substanas defined as toxic or h,azani�cu subswnces by
<br /> �n�uotunenta! Law and the following substances: ca.�line, kerosene, other flammabte or tozic pUrolcutt� Pfoduces• t°xiC
<br /> pesti�ides a�hctbkid�s,volatile solvents.m�terials cvntaining asbestos or fortnaldehyde.and radioacti��c miA:"ri usi A«s��int
<br /> this parag�,l�,2p, �Bnvimnm�ta!�taw" means federal laws and laws of the urisdiction wtiere the Prc�+erty .
<br /> �.ar,x.e��ttht safecy ar mviroumeoW�l D��ioa.
<br /> NON-U2�7FOA.M COVEIVAN'�.Rnrmwer aad L.etlCez faither covenu�i m i�s�"��tion idb�iug���r's brrxh
<br /> 21.Aooekrstioa3 Remedies.I.e+�der shall gi��e�otice to Borrower prior
<br /> ot�oy covenaai.ar.agceeaxat in this Security Is�ument (Iwt not Prior to aocdn�tloa uisd�+' iutr�gr�+Ph 17 unlac
<br /> A�piieabk!aw �xnvid�atiser�vise).'ILe notice slml0 gpe�ify: (a)tLe de�swlt: (b)the adion r'MMutral to atre tbe default;
<br /> (e)i date,not less tlu�a 30 days irom the date the notice is given ta Borsower.by wt�icb thx dcfanit mt�si be r�cr!;snd
<br /> (d)that fail�ue to au�e ti�c dctsalt on or txiore the date r�T�'lhede iapoitic�e shxl,f u�rtbKr inform Bor�������O
<br /> sccured by this Se�uitY Itut�vm�°t and ss�le of thr Propefty.
<br /> reimrtate si!lter a�tian aod the righl to brin�a court �ction w ass�ert the nw�-exidence ot s� dtlscnU� 1 notice,
<br /> de[mse ot Bos�xee to aooeiee�tlon Aad s�te. If tQ�e c�dAUlt is not eured oa or before the dase spaftte���
<br /> I.earkr,at itt optiwt� �ayrequ3rc tmmcdiate ps►y m e a t in full of sil! wms securtd by tLls Security Im�m�t witbout
<br /> hut6er demand�and may invoke the po�er ot sak swd�nny otier rcmedies per�dttecl by�pplicabk l�t�..I.e�der s#�eEl be
<br /> editled to ooliect all expeases tacurred ia putsuin8 t6e Kmedi�W'a�ided in tLis psra�s(�h 21.indwlia�.bet iwtliarited
<br /> w,re�soosbi�attomeYs'fas aod oosis of title evi8eace.
<br /> I[t!k power o�salc it iavo�cc�, Tnistee sIrCE record a aotke ot defaWt in wch rnuotY ia vrt►fc6 triey part nt tl�e
<br /> property fs lofatod and shatl�maU copies ot s�ch matt5ce i¢tbz manner pre.uribed by applicabie la�lo i3orrower and to
<br /> tbe otLer pe�oa►s 1�r�cribed by�tpp�ieabk larr.Aflter tl�e time requfred by appiicabk law,7Yusta sisall gi�e pul�ic notk^e
<br /> of sn{e to tLc pereoag r+ad in tht manee�'W+escribal bY aPP��law.'I'nastee,withow deaaand oa Bonbwer,si�rd��dl
<br /> tbe�ropMY�t Iw61ie auetlon to t6e 6S�btst bidder at t6e time�td plaoe and under tLe tams daignsied ia tbe ara�ice of
<br /> s9k io one or mose and in any arder Tntstee dctermines.Trusta way postpone sak ot ai�ar any p�nYi,�Y the
<br /> � �operty by pubitr�uyu,00a�eot st tht time smi place ot anY Pm'�Y �sak. Lend�tr or ita desl8nee ma9
<br /> . Pu�'ch�e tLe Z°r°�ty�aY�'s�ie.
<br /> ' . iam 3G� 9190
<br /> � v.ors a s
<br /> . . � . �.
<br />