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<br /> Know all men by these pre$ents that:
<br /> Whereas, in an aation of partion pending the District Court o£
<br /> Hali County, Nebraska, where Eieanara i�iar�aret Galvin. a/k/a Eleanor --
<br /> Galvin, and John Galvin, wife and husband were Plaintiffs and Mary
<br /> Louise Skrupa, a/k/a Rosemary Skrupa. and Frank Skrupa, wife and
<br /> husban� and others were Defendants far the partition of the premises _
<br /> hcceinafteX described, �he undersigned referee, appointed by said
<br /> Court to make partition of said real es�ate, made report in writina
<br /> duly signed, settina fnrth that partitian af said lands could not be
<br /> made without qreat prejudice to the owners thereof, which report was
<br /> duly examfned by said Court, and said Court beinq satisfied therewith
<br /> canfir�aed the same, and thereupon made an order and caused the same
<br /> to be entered, directing me as said referee t� sell said premises at _
<br /> public sale on the following terms, to-wit: Fifteen percent (15�?
<br /> cash: and the balar�ce upon canfirmation.
<br /> And in pursuance of said orcler I caused a notace to be published
<br /> in The Grand Island Daily Independent, a ne�rsgaper printed and in
<br /> Qeneral cfrculation in Hall County� that I would offer �aid lands for _
<br /> sale at �he rotunda of the Aali County Cc��rrthouse, in Grand Island,
<br /> Ne6raska, on the 12th day of July. 1973, at 2:00 o'clock p.m. of saia
<br /> day, and at the time and plac� s�a�eci in said notice* and after said
<br /> natice had been publ+ished for mQre tEcan thirty (30�) days I offerec'£
<br /> sai8 lands� to-wit: The South One-�alf of �the 5outhweat Quarter
<br /> � � (S�SW�) of Section Thirt�-four t34)► Township Eleven (11)..ttange
<br /> Nine (9) West of the 6th F.M.. Ha�.� County. Nebraska. for ��le at
<br /> _ . -_--.pu�til-ic�-aucti6n, �ana- soia tne sawe t�r� '�L�-s,c,����-��:s: � .,r. }�e,e«.�__
<br /> � o€ $200,000.00. she being the highest bidder therefoi. And afteri�z�rcis.
<br /> . on the 16th day of Auqust, 1979, said Court approveci and conf irned said
<br /> � sal�. and by an order directed me as sai� �referee to execute to sa id
<br /> Mary Louise 5kr�upa, a deed conveying said �ands to her in fee simple. .
<br /> Vow therefore I, Gwyer Grimminger, Referee, f:� consideration �f
<br /> the premises and the sum of $200,000.00, so paid by said Mary Locr��e
<br /> . Skrupa, and by virtue of the powers vested in me by law, do by these
<br /> �� . presents gsant, sell, and. �Qnvey unto the said -_
<br /> and to her �ieirs and assians the real estate described as follows: ,
<br /> ' �The Sou�n One-half of the Sautbwest Quarter , '
<br /> � � (S�,SW�) csf Section Thirtv-four (34) , Township
<br /> - Eleven (11) , Range Nin� C9) West of the 6th "
<br /> P. M. , Hall Cours.ty* vebtaska,
<br /> with a11 appurtenances tliereto 6e�onaing, to have and to Iiold the
<br /> sa�we to her, t�e saic3 Mary Louise Skrupa� and her assigns forever.
<br /> IN WI�'NESS �vH�ttECir'. i nave ilbieuii�a� s�t ;Ky h.�.^.3 �i: ,�� � 'sf
<br /> October, 3979. . _ . .. . ..-. • .����<_ ,
<br /> � . .
<br /> r imminger. Referee
<br /> . � �
<br /> .
<br /> � s -
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