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<br /> 'IbQfi'i'NFl2 Wi'Tii all tlse improvurant� mw or i�crz.�tl.,r e��.:..3 on tiio�}operyy�anc! ati cs�enu.nte�x�►t�wncr�.ancl --
<br /> fi�wrcy a��v ad t�resfZar a psrt uf tbe p�qxrtY•AU r�lueaaeats apd addislcxw�kwU alaa bu c�vtn3 b��[�►u Sawi�y I�rt�um�t.
<br /> All of t!k iarc�oinQ is reftrrod to ia this SacuritY Iasorunsenc ar t!�"Pt�opersy»
<br /> BUAROWFR CtiUVFNANTS tbu Horrowtr i�l�wfully �el�ed ot'tha emsua hcsehy catvay�od Rt►t1 t►rs Rus dght to�r�at sJSd
<br /> convay iho!'�oQacy and tlyt tha Propaty ia wu+�cun�brrod.wcc�t [or eaatunbrancca of�. Br►m�we+r w�criai�rr�w€1! .
<br /> defa�d�sr�]Iy the titlo io ttsa R�+aty�si��i1 cLim�fod�wbjoct w�ay c�a�cumbrac�c r.1 t�rd. --.
<br /> 'i7�iiS SF.CU�21't"Y INS'IRUN�N�'co�ab�ir�untform coveaaau for rtutic�na! uac aad non-uaiCatm covuunls wit3i Limital __
<br /> v�r,ations�y jueis�beiiou w a�x�.;�:�a uni.`a-�e�x::ci.�}isu�=mrat ce�rcrin�roa!Rro�crty. _
<br /> LJN�O�RM COVENf►NTS.Somoww�acl I.aider oovenaat s►nd o�rea ns foUuws: wbm due tDe
<br /> 1.Payaeat d Prieci�al asd Iatereatp Pr�D�9rtnt ud laite C4urqcs. Barower shr�! {K�mP�Y i►aY -
<br /> p�iacipal of�wd�ntrsest on the dobt evidenoed by tAe Noza aad�aY P�'A�Ymcnt snd lata cbargw eiuo under tl�o Natc.
<br /> i Btiodc tor Tasta aad I�vasca Sabjxt to �pQlic.ab{e I�w at W a wriW:a waiva by Lu►dct. llomowrl sl�11 p�Y w =
<br /> I.a�der on tb3 day moatNY Mymmts�re due uada the Note.untU the PTote i�pald in fu11,a sum("F�u►ds")for: (o)ycarty s�xes
<br /> yacl assasmeats whicD may atmin prio�icy over this SecuritY Inruwneut as a li�en on the Propaty�(t�)yr.arty leasehold PaYaseats
<br /> oi grnund rrnts oa the Propaty.if aaY:(c)Y�Y�d a F�'�'mattwnce premuuna;(d)Y�arly flaacf inwrance p�cemiums.if
<br /> wY: (�)Y�Y �8��P���aY:aad(�onY sums imYabla by Barower to I.e�xkr.in�daa�wit1� the
<br /> p[ovisiais of p�g�apb $�ia lieu af the paY�neat af owrt��o tar�uance �x+eatiuma 11�e90 items uta c�llod'F.scrow It�ans.'
<br /> l,eoda raaY,at�ay time.colkct aad hoW��u�ds ia�o a�aount aot i�c��zcood tt�e ma�ciiaum araount s�kruk�for a fodaally related
<br /> mortgage b�nn eniy roquire for Bam�+v'�e�crow W000unt aad�at iha fodeeal Rral F.state Settl�nt Proc�u+er Act of 1974�c
<br /> �f[(llf2 A�C 10�AO,�2 V.$.C.•$OChOt1�l tt SlQ. (�.'�i�.'���Wl .�aUdZld'18W�111i��DS�'f0 l�iE n'111di 9C�1��' W`
<br /> �aount.If w. Iasder raay.at�►y dme.coilect asd boid Ftwila in An �iwunt mat w exoeed tbe k,c�et�nunt.L�enda'may
<br /> r�nale tba aatouat of Ht�ads due m We basis of cun+eat data�ad�1e estoamaoes of e:peadiwres oS fi�tuce FxtoM I�t ac
<br /> o�ha�rite in aocadanx with�ppiic�blo law. `
<br /> 'I3�e F1�ods sOvll be held ia�a iasti0c�iou wbooe deposits ore L�t�u�d by A fedaal�eacY�instrumat►t�titY,ac eadty(inc�toi
<br /> I,ma«,if I,waa is mce�n iasdaiBoa3 ar ia my redaal ydo�aa t�oaa sank.z�ena«�dau apQly tha�aas w py me Fix�+ow
<br /> Ikms.Leader may not c�rge Aarm�rra far 6oldiog amd�pplyiag dx Fundn.mt�ly aaalyzing ILe cacrow a000unt.a vaifY�uS
<br /> the Gsrmw Iums.�n1e��x�der qYs Hacrower iue�e��t oa tbe fiwdp aad�bie law pamita L�dtr to m�ice wch a cAtr�a
<br /> HoMr�va.Le�da may c�equa+e Baaawer 10 pay a 000-ome cL�rBa for aa indepa�deat rai est�e nx rq�ortio,� ,e�vicx usod 6y
<br /> I�enda in 000noction�vith thi�1o�n.uoles��P'P�'��'PQVktas ottx�dee.UWds aa�+eea�ui ic mtde or�pptlable ltw
<br /> roquira iolarest q be p�id.Irmder sl�l aot be roqairod to psy Bu�rower any in`arest or e�mioQs oa tbo F�uods.Barra�rer aod
<br /> . I,pxyer asay aa�rroo L�.mao-�,ta�ver,tt�t iata+at�hall be p�i,d m tbe Funda.L.aoc{tY�11 pve b Hotcaaar,�vil6out c1�'Be.an
<br /> mowl�000uu�pa�of tAe�,sboaing aedits�ad debits ta tbe Funds end the pupo9e far wh�cltL dd�m die F�1mdt�v�s .
<br /> ` m�de.'1'be�ods�pBo�d ss additioo�l�oc�itp far all wms aecorCd by thia Socu�itY 1n�nmaenl• ,• �
<br /> If die Ha�dt he3d tiy Lendar e:oeed tLe una�pamined io 6e heW by q�plicable litw,Leoder sh�U a000unt to BocroMer far
<br /> }� the e:cas Fi�rc�fs':t a000�d�cioe with t�e roquisemeats of�pplic�blo t�aw.If the raount of t6e Fnocls bc3d by I.ayda�t any dwo i�
<br /> not s�'icamt�n�ty tbe E's:i+o�r I�s�v6ea d�e.I,eodet�aaY�o aopg'Y Somnv�a ia�vriting.a�mci.io wub tyue Boao�rrr�h�ll p�Y .
<br /> '- s_.,a...�.. ..�.........,.�..� �n.a.tre un tt�e dt�cimcv.Boarn�►m'�hall miD:e uF dr�3�cY in no miocz d�o tkeive
<br />-, ' w�w rr .�. ♦ '_ "_ �'' ' - -.... _.."' ' _ "'__ '___. _ .
<br /> ���Z'l9�Ci'is01Ct�LlC�Y�310a. .. ,. . ..- ---�- -.._, .,.. _..--- - - �--
<br /> jJpOp p�TSl�pt 10�tl�0�i�lUtiit�OCIII��1�LS$OC{�f�2Y�+��1�[+��}I Pt�LII�10 BOR'O1Vll��'�
<br /> bdd by L�o�d�a:If,t�ocia pusgtapb 21,I.ender sl�all aoq�iro t�xll dra Ptaparty,Lmc{er�Paor w tba s�aivsiou or s�e o��e
<br /> properiy, �all�ppiy�ay��u�ds heid by I�eadar at the wmo oti'ycquirition ar s�ie as a cradiE ag�ainsi t�e sua�s�oca�red b}� t�is
<br /> t �af P��e�ea. Uuk�applicabie iaw providw otha�wisG s'�fl paymeats c�axlved by l.axkr�n�da p�
<br /> 1�od 2 alrll bC ipplied:fast.b!uY P�Y���es due un�tha Noto;9000M.to am0unts p0a'9bb uodCt paa@�pii 2:
<br /> t. d�ind.b mlete�ft due:60u�th.q p[i0ci�1 due:aQ1d 1W.iD�ny WG C1�l�duC Unda 1bC NdC. �
<br /> 4.Citr�es;I.ie�. Baa+oxxr t�il pry all t�u�e�.�att.d�rBes.5oes�d�+�lo d�e Prapa�ty
<br /> ' ,vh;eb,n,y amia p�iodey►ovrr m�sa�ritr Ia�u.�oa te�boia pf�ymma oc�grooaa reats,if any.Bac�on��han p.y mae
<br /> i obiiptiod in tLe m�tmar pro�vicbd ia P�rapb Z.as i�G oot paid ia tl�msameeR S�erawa aLall po►y t�u t�dmo di�ecxly b Ihe
<br /> i pl1�OC O�IVOd�1Yi11Ea. BOr!'a1Mtl f�1u pf0� fU[il�f�l 60�1dli'�'DOfjI�C�Of�OVAtf W bC�iYl�l���.� '
<br /> � Borret+er m�es thaa p�yme�ss QirodiY.Ho�er�hall p�oen�tlp fl�mid�to L�ad�x�+eoa�s evi�deac�mi8 tbe P�yr�t�. .
<br /> , Bamo�va �it pem�ptty d��nY}�*+Lich 6as priordy�ovrs this Sec�ity Iastnimmt urdas Ba�so�a:(a��ees io
<br /> .; �i�b@�e Pry°oent of il�e o�o�ecurod by tLe liea in a mamus aocep0�bie q Lrsde�;,N)oonle�s io�ood fai�tLe liea
<br /> t bY. a deta�� eafc,�eanmt of tbe lien in, le�al Prooeedin�a'�bicb.ici tbe I.eoAtrr'i apioioo oper�e 10 pe+�vau tbe
<br /> � . eofa�oemeot of d�a 1iea:or(c)�ecum fn,a�tbe hoider of tbe lim an agrxauat sa!�7r :u L,a�drs wbo�d��8 tl�e liea w
<br /> 4 - t4is Soattity initru�neot If I�ead�r deoamioa d�e�oy prt af dn Propaty i9 s�bjxi b a li�a�icb msy�in p�ioeity ova t5is
<br /> � Sacu:ily 10��LatiBer m�y�iv�Hate��ver a notice idauifyiqg the Uw.Basowet sLell s�tit[y tfe tlea at nte one or mae
<br /> . of d�e�c6ons xt focth above wi�hio�IO days of t�e�iviqQ of t�otioe.
<br /> _ _ . ForwaOt� stlQ.
<br /> � aa�.aa• ��
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