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<br /> WYaxut�n�y no bn�er ba roquirecl,ut tho optinn of Lender.iF moct�ago instuanco cova9tge(in tho anwuat wsd[or iho�riod
<br /> t�si f.ender rc9uices)Pro�+ided by ya insurei approved by l.us�a 48ain bxomas avnil�3a and i�obWlned.Burmwer rJ►ail pry 1bo
<br /> pr�mi,wns requiral tn maiauin rnottC�� �"�"°°"`'"in etfect. a tn. provido a loss r�:s�:rv0.uatll tho rcqutremcut for aaori��c �
<br /> �asurrnco a�ds iu x�rdanca witi�any wriiten 3gna..suea�t bctwr,�B�rowrr smd i.eader ac rpplicabb l�w. _
<br /> 9.Iutpectfo�. L�nd�er or its agen¢way mako rea9oaabla eatries upoa�uul inspecttotw of tha Propt7ty.I.cisder �hell�Ive -
<br /> Bo�mwa aotico ai tl�e tiaos of or p:inr to�i�spa.'ciop �ifY+a�szacanabS��us�,t'or t2s:iaspoc�r.a. �
<br /> 10.Coodemaatioo. �be proceuls of any award or cIalm for damaBes. dinect or conse4uential. in connoction with aay
<br /> coacicmnadon or otber tatictQ of aoY P�of ihe Propaty�or fot coaveyanca ia li�w of coAdaaaaation.ara hud�y a4si�nal end -
<br /> sb�ll ba p�id to I�encler.
<br /> In�ho evont of s�uual t�iCing o5 tho Property.thso pcocoeds sbaU be applk�d to ttw sums s;..,�ur•,d Oy thi�Sxurity Instiument, _
<br /> whethes a aot thea due�witb any excess paid co Bocrowcr.In tho e�zut af a Farcal taking of che Property in which tbe fair market
<br /> v�tuo of the A^ope�ey itnnudiateiY before tho C�lting iv equal w c�r girat�ch�rbe a�s�ount of the sutas seci+red by thia SoeuritY
<br /> Instnur►d�t iana�odlaselY befare the tal�og. unk�sw Batrowa and L.eadei o�h�ra�i;���oe ia writiag� the aim� sec�u+ed by d�is
<br /> Soctuity Ta4avroeat sHall be ratucai by the acoo�unt o�the prooxds multagliod by dse fdZowia�fracaon:(�the total amouat oF
<br /> tbe sums socu�+ed immodiately b�faro the t�iag� dividal bb'@)the fair�t walue of the Propa'ty lmroedtately befae t!a
<br /> talciqg.Aay b�lanoe shall be paid to Bocrawrt,ta the e�ent of s pactial tsle+u8 of tLe Arc�patY ia wh�the f�ir waticet vatuo of tLo
<br /> Property iiamediatelY befare tAe tAtin� is �rxs tti�a the amonnt of the s,uns savrad iuiatiediately befote tbe taitia�. �uiles�
<br /> B�xroaer aad L�axler dbaw�ve ag�ee in wtic�ox tuikss s+�pplic�bk t�w ot�wise provldas,tho pe+uceeds shall bc appliod tn the
<br /> sums sec�rod by this Secwity L�meat whet�C�r aut tue suu�are tbea dva.
<br /> I�Yhe ProQecty is ab�adonad�ay Barrawer.a if. aEks n��tice by l,uuler to Bamv��er t�t the ca�daano�r offera to m�ica aa
<br /> awacd a sdtle a clsim for dtina,g^�c,Boaowa fa�s to nspoad W I.aidcs within 30 day��fta tbo date tho aotico is giveo.l.es�ber
<br /> is autbociud m col3oct sad s�p1Y the Pcooeod�,at itq opdon,eidKr W mwca�n a repair of the Pcupa�ty ar�o tha sucas eocurod
<br /> by t1s3,S�urity Instrumau.w6et�et or uot thm dne.
<br /> Ua3ess I.e�da aod Bocmwrr c�¢bawise�gree ia wiitin8.aaY�pplic�ation o�P���shall not oztead or pos�one
<br /> tba due date af tEe moothlY WY��refesred w ia panagwphs 1 aad 2 at cl�age tde�moaat of sucb paymans.
<br /> li.Borrawer Not Reiaeed;Forbwraoct By Leader Not a Waivar. Bxia�sion of dre tima for pay4seat a modificatbn
<br /> of ama�isadoo of tt`��aoc�una by mis s�ity Inmumeac�ated by L�ader w any s�cces�or in iata+est of am+nwa dau
<br /> aot oper�io tu reiea9e d�e 1i�bilitY of tbe a�i�a�Basrowex or Bam�ra's suvicessors io iat�a�e�t.Lreuder adaU nat bo requic+ed W
<br /> comme�oe P�+oceedio�s�ai�t saY a�ccessor aa inl�st a refuse to a�lwd dme far payeoeot or othawiae modifY aa�octiz�oA af
<br /> tbe sums�ocru�ed by thit Saarri�y�una�t bp:ea9on of a9p de�nd wade by t6e ar�Bamwa a Bm�awer's euooat�oa
<br /> io is�e�sst.Aay facbantxx�by L�eades ia ezar.isina�oy ri�Ei¢or nsoedy slull not be a�n.er of a peeclude the eze�ci�a of�qy
<br /> �a'�Y-
<br /> 12.S�aea�as sad Aa��Baud:Joist aad Se�erW LLb�;Co�sera.'ILo coveaaats aod �roaaeais of this
<br /> $OGK�y �IIRL1110t�t t11i11 11iDd 9Ad bWCfit thC S11oDCS�O[S 9��j17 Of LCtldK�[Id BOd�OWtt.�bJOCt b WC pf'OYiTj0lsf Of
<br /> -- - - --�■n�17p6 ii. Ba:vwR's wrsv.�is .:.: :�:.,�:..:.: � ��.r..a�•r•t �� ��:wr.d.n.m�son. �6:e Seority .-- -, -
<br /> Ia�eummt bnt dxs not auocWe d�e Note: (a�i�oo-st�aiag tAis Sa�nit�►Icsormaait aniy�o ma�ig�e,gtaat�aG c�evay tl�i
<br /> Boav�cs'a�iu Ibe Froperty usde�'the tamr of this Sau:ity Inst�utaa��(b)is not P�so�11Y o�ii�od eo P�Y tLo sunu
<br /> eoc�u+ed by this Soeauity L�sCumea�and(c)agi'ce�s tis�t I.mciet aod aay d�ar Barowa may ap'oe lo esLead.modifY.facbear a
<br /> waloe eay�odMioos�vith reg�w t6e�ams of tha Saartity Iastromeat a t6e Nwe�vjthaut tMt Baaoarr's couseat
<br /> 13�La�Cimr�. If tbe ian secvred bq t�is Seciuit�lauiummt i�subjax o�s 1sw whicb�ets m�ximuaa lo�a char�dt,
<br /> �od t6nt hM is fioaily inteYprelod�that the iniereu or o�►ac?aDe ch�rg�s edleeted ar w�e ooikc�ed in ooaaectiou with the bw �
<br /> e:caed the geimilcod limits�thea:(a)aaq auc��rau c�arBe�il be roducod by the�ao�iot nece�Y to raluce the ctarge eo d�e
<br /> p�m�ed LmitS�od(b)any su�s alresdy ootiocted fram BomoMer�rhich axcoedod pd�mit�ed liaoits�F be nfunded io$omo�ret.
<br /> Leadri maY cboo�e b maice tEis sefund by r�iu�d�e paocip�l oarad uadar d�e Nde ae by�kie� a di�p�Ymeat�o
<br /> Baaro�va.If a refuod reducas.�dpol.the reductioa w�71 be ur�ed as a par6al preps�m�at wiliaiit�nY P�Y���
<br /> uodet tbe Dio�e.
<br /> 14.rTot�oa. Any aotice 10 Bcia�owa pcc�vided far ia this SoaIIity Iastn�meat�Oall be�ivea by 3davuin�it or by a�io,�it
<br /> by fist eLes cat�l uakss s�pplicabie law requircs uve of aaoWa met�od.'18e notict sh�ll be dLrect�ed�o the PmQe�ty Addtr,ss et
<br /> mp ot6ar add[sa Baao�va der�o�es by ootioe to I�eader. My nodce oo Laides sball be�ivea by fmt cla�a mdl l�I.enda's
<br /> a3cheas�1esl here3n oc any orba�I�eader des�oaaes by notic�e w Boaroaer.l4ay twtice pcovided far io tbis Seeority
<br /> 1as�cu+m�t�hall be doerood W have bxa givea w Borro�rer or ixaciei whw given a�p�+ev�ded in diia�ap6.
<br /> 1�Goverst�=Lax;Se►erabiiit�. 71�is Sxurity fnsavmeat shs21, be govaned by fedrral La�v � t�e law uf tbe
<br /> �ctioo in Mhicb die Praperty is bcsted.In dre evait t1�st aoy pa►visioe a c1�e of thi4 Sec�y In�trumwt ar the No�e
<br /> 000flicts a+itb appiica�le laa,sucb cantlict st�ll not affax otha provisic�ss of this Seanity Tnstrumeat or tbe No�e wticb can ba
<br /> �effea witbout tha caoflict7ag provision.To this ead d�e provi�a�s of this SeazritY tn�umwt and the Nae art decl�e+od to
<br /> ba aeverabla
<br /> Porrw soZ� N!o
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