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<br /> .�_'r�"^`"'-"12^.^S: l. ' '- '_^�._."_ ',L^ W1� _�.1 — — . -_......_
<br /> ila� 1'_S7,s�.l��yd.l��,'7�a--w. ,s�-�v-+-�-+.�a..�-,;acL-+�'.a.n-�.--=v.-�s-�tr.m-l�c-_-��i."4�� ':�""...._,-_.�rta{F-�t--svt -----
<br /> �'3�„cr�'.w:a�rrczua+� .sn�+i�• .r-- _57J� '"�:'t'�.'"'o'�'AL}1St^�„:"S.'il/�ffCrt3r�.�4_rl��a�� __.
<br /> � ���
<br /> i=. !;°�4::�,�r3fR1P t�Y�li.A�3E.ti. U��x I.c'�+t�.r's rcyucs�. Bam�we�siuli�ib�i t�►l�r�:::!! :r:s�o!'the
<br /> Pt�ry"Kdi'}'wi� 11�1 �.`tiri!} �3 11Yr3C 1tt�'v:wd:tluN will�{CZ1Ck uT tQC��rtY� �L�the s�ri�g�uti�t. lxoxlcr
<br /> sts�tl t►t.s�tt�d�fu tn�:wtlii'y.catc:i�1 a�r c��c the azlati�.{��txi t�.mcr.^utc�w Ir,aa�s, in[xiutu''a sut�
<br /> disccdi:,u,rt�uaaf:.�:bN F�:..:,�::z'�C:.th�v�on1"lauc�., �1 mam •'subk+w►s`•if tbe Sa'urity lwtswrajt ir uu
<br /> a ltasrl�c�W.
<br /> H. ASS[GNR9�iNT (� KENT3: APPi)1N'i'1�t�IVT � REI:CsIVEitt [.Eltil� 1N l�.�.tiStUl��
<br /> I3�xrow•u abs�lut�l�• and un.^oc��ticu�aUy tssi�ne a�xl transPern ta Lxrtiicr�l!the m�ts wx1 re�uwes t"R�s'1 af
<br /> ��y. �andicss of Fu w}wi�i tt� Rent. c�f she Property arr �yabk. Bonuwa authuci�es l.e�er ur
<br /> l,enddr's�gerww W c+olloct tbe Rents,x�r!+yjroa tt�t each tetw►t of�be Pn�peAY��PpY�Rcnts w Lsndet ar
<br /> l,cad�er's�eats. How�tvu.BUifOWCf 5�1iII(OCCIYC[bE RCI1�S YQtlI(1)L.CII�Il�i Q1Vd1 BOi't'OW!!IWtKY Clf Lltlritll
<br /> �1t�f1►G[I((p Q�I1Q�T{IJ�1�Zj OF�1C'$OC11�Ity�tU�1Gf1t�(ll)LdldCt�S�IVqI qOI�OC W�IG�t��(�IG Kllltil
<br /> . aro tp!+�p�tid tt�D.eavtet or l.rndtr's a�eat. 7'his assijtttnaK u�Rent&mnctitutes an�bsul►ue sas'�runeat wtl aot
<br /> yn ssci�nmc�t for�r�,iditiow!securiry only.
<br /> �i•[,endtr.gi��c oatice of brcach w&xrowu:ti)all Rr.ats raaei�od by Bo�roww sb�ll bc heW by Rorrowor
<br /> as uusiacfa+r�b:�l�fit of Letder oaly.ta be�Qlied w the w�secured by tbe Secu�i�y ins�nuuaot:iii)Lcnde�r
<br /> sball�br wxittW:o.otlo.�and reoei�c all of tho Rans of the PropatY:(iiil Bormwe*aRtaes tlh�t�d t�w�°f t�
<br /> Prcv}�tfp ct�al�pay �II itaxs due and unptid w l..a�ier o�lrnler's agenls upon l.eader's writtai d�x�1 W the
<br /> tesWt►t: (�v) unksc appl�icabie law pre�vida wlKtwise, all Renx odteslal by l.aider a�I,c�xier's�ens sl�all be
<br /> appliod fust w thr uoas of talcing coturol of Ltd nvu►aging the Propercy aad oollociic�s txY:Ratts.iacludin�.bu�
<br /> • nat limitod co. �Itxt�YF �ees. roceiver s fac, premiuux on rooaver� bc�ds. reQair and � cats.
<br /> . insunu�oe prar►'t�cros,lazcs. �ssasmaxs and otitier ch�r�es oa the Pt+operty.aad thea ta the wms sa�w+ed by the
<br /> Stcuiin'Insinunec�:tv)iss�ier.L.ender's age�Ms or any judxially appoiotod rcodva st�ll be l'uble co aoeount for
<br /> o�• tZuse Rentx actnally trceived: and tvil Irnkr st►tll be anitled to havr a �aiver �PPa witl�out any
<br /> posseseion af.xnd�Se���'OP�Y �d coUoct the Rcais aoct ptofitt deri�aii fi+om the F'ropenY
<br /> s?wwin��s to tt�inrde�uxy of We Pmpaty ss sxurity.
<br /> If the Rc� pG the Pmpeny �re not wt�'rtiaot ta.rnver tbe costs ot talcing oa�tml oi aad a�eKi�d�e
<br /> property�nci of odleating the Raxs�nY funds expendtd by L�ntfer fa sucls purp�oses s�ll beoome i�efehtaloess
<br /> of Bonnwer to l�enda saurod by the Securiry Insinuud�t txt�ivant to Uniform CuveattM�• of the Reats�ad Isas
<br /> Bon�o�w�r�s aftd wnrrants lhat Horro+wet has uot execwed anY P��
<br /> not md will not perfona�nY art tl�t w�ouW prcwed Imdor fm�a exenisi�g�a ri�h�s usd�t this pa�r�ph.
<br /> I.eMer. or isnder's ageats or a judica�llY �PP�+� �'ver, shall ao1 be requirod W eota upoa. take
<br /> ooatroi of ar m.i�ain tbe Pmpaty befa+e or aftu givia�aotia of default to Bar,o�r. f�e+�rev�r. t.c+oiier, a
<br /> -.... .. .. . a,.,,.�,..-�..�..�.�.,r_�;u�i�aii ' caoov�t.miY da so at acy wae when a d�ult oocurs. My�p�iic�� _
<br /> -- -—,�_-.---�------,__... 3:�_.. ---------------- - -
<br /> o��tCtsts s8ail not aue or w�iYC�y ciefr�u.'i cx�a��alidstt a�sy os��'sght or ce�nady of�raurr.zn�s a�ip�aRas u
<br /> RepEY,af the Pt�operty shall tamiaatt wha�ap ti�sunu serurct!by the Secutity lnsttumaK arc P�id i�fuU.
<br /> 1.CRU6'S�D�FAULT�GO�'iSiON. Bormwa's defauft or breacl�und�x aaY aote or aB�a�at in whie�
<br /> i�eader has�n it�terett s�ull be a bneach under the Sauricy L�strun�t acbd Lcuder any involce uiy of d�e ranedia
<br /> pe�iaed by the Savricy Instrutnent-
<br /> BY SIGNING BF.LOWr Si�U�Yit�OGCQLS � St�J�S LJ�iC !ClmS illd �Y1510115 CP[Iia1I10d lIi t�14S �-d
<br /> .. Faosily Rider. ` . .
<br /> - , . .. � �. u.+.t��.. '(Sea1) (Seal).
<br /> VID L LJ1R9L1M -eonowrr , � ♦°°O'""`�
<br /> 3 t�S'`..
<br /> - GTI�tII� !4 LJ�ii90t�i -s«W..« . � �0°°'"'Q
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<br /> � . . ' � .},, •�; }��. , .
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