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<br /> 5. ii�xaroi ur �vyet�y !ww•a�. Bw-�.►w,,r ►tuSl L.;:.p th: impca�•c�nenu �w rxisting cx l�eraafter eracta�! c►r t�se _...
<br /> E�rqxrty inwrai a�ainst locr.Dy fi�e. t�rdy incluclecl wi:hin the ltrat 'exte��ded m�e�c"sux9 any other ha�url,i. Gk1uJ.ii�
<br /> floads or fk�adin�,for which Lencler royuira iiuurtisor.7'his insanu�ce cl�ll be maintaineJ i»the�mounts a�i f�x tha puiods
<br /> thac [.trnkr royuires. The tnsurnnce eurier prc+viding the insurwncY sha�l bc chosen by Borrawer wbjat ca Lcuder's a{�pravai
<br /> whirh sls�li iwri be u►uCSSOn+Wy witht�eld. IP &uruw•.r f.�ils to malntain coverage described �bovr. f.airier u1ay.�l L,e,nder's
<br /> uptiot�,ubtain co�era�e ta prataK L.axier'y rights ia the Pr.K'rrtY �►�iccar�with paragra�p�h 7.
<br /> Alt insurance poiicies �u�l�i�ewats sh�1t b�,xceptabfr to Le:xler s�ncf st�all incfu�e a standaid nwrtg�e etause. I.enciCr
<br /> s,`�{I h:}��:.right ta Fal3�'�:.�l's:ks::r.�m..�.cwnls. If Le�er requirts,Horn�wtr shall pcomotly give to l.etxkr�ll rccciDts of
<br /> Qxicl prenuunu a�d�rew��l �wtioes.In the e�•ent uf Suss,Borrow�r shal!gi�e prontpt isotice to the iiuuraace carries arx!Lender.
<br /> i.e�:�«,�.�W::c�r�:,i of locs if not made pran�itlY bY B�rxawvr.
<br /> Unless L,ender and Barcnw•er dlKrwise:.,gree in wriunp,iasur�ncc prooxds shali be apP�ial ta restoraticu�or repair of the
<br /> F�ropertY dam�geci,ii the rescoroticxi or repair is eaHiuuuc�ty f«itfa m:.d l.er.der's s'.:wity is�u�l 1GSS=sxd.lf tht mtoration or _
<br /> repair is not ceonomically feasible or l.encier's securisy wouW bs lacstnad,.tha iwur.�nce proceeds shall b�apaiod to the wms
<br /> �ecurcd by this Security Inu�ument, wixtlkr or n�t ttu;n due. with an�r er.��,�paid to Borrower. If Borrow•er abandcuLS the
<br /> ' Pn�perty.or does not uuwer within 30 days a noti4�c from Ixnder thut tlw i�u.uranoe cartiu h�offerad to cettle a claim.thw
<br /> [.ender m�y ooltax th iasurance pcocee�is. L�der ro�y use tbu ptc��oedc W repiir or restore the Prapeny or to pay wuu
<br /> socurod by this Socurity Instrument,wfu.�thcr or aot ttr.�n due.'IT�e 34�day period will btgin when the roticc is givea.
<br /> Unkss l.uxkr aad Borrowor oth�:rwise agrce in writin,g, any �pplicac�w�of proo�eds ta principal stull not eatead or
<br /> postpone tbe due due of tt�e moruWy pzymcut� cef�rnd w in oaragnphs 1 �nd 2 or change the��ount of tho payments• If
<br /> under panigsaph 21 ttx Properiy is acquir�l by l.e�uJcr.Sorrower's rigiu to any iacursur,�e policies xnd proceeds rewlting from
<br /> damage to tbc Property priur w t!�acqu;sition shall pass to L�:rid�r to the extent of thc wms secured Qy this Securtty Instrument
<br /> iau�a�diat�;ly prioa�to the acquisitian.
<br /> 6.Occup�scy,Pr�ervatioa,Maiaten�ece aod PmtatWm d ilit Pmperty;Borrower's Loao Applkatiaa;L.e�t+dik.
<br /> $orrowa shall occupy.euablish,and use tbe Propat}'�s Boirov�er's priac'�nl resideaa within sixry dayc after tbe e.�rc+.�a of
<br /> this Security Ic�swment u�d shal! oontinuc to occupY the Pr.�ertY s�s B�xrc+wcr's principsl n;sidence for at[ezct���.�`s after
<br /> tbe dstc of oocupnncy,unlcss I.ender othe�wise agroes in wrianQ,which�wnsent stu11 not be unreasonably withAekt.�-ualess
<br /> eztenuating cir�umctances exist wluch are beyond Bormwer'» catitrol. Bo�rowu sholl iwt destroy, darnage or iu�:ir the
<br /> ProQerty. allow the Property to deteriorate, or commit waste on tt�e Property. Bomower shall be in default if any forf'eiwre
<br /> aetioo or proeadiqg, wbether civii or criminat,is b�:gurt th�t in Lander's gooci faith jud$meat eculd result in forfdtun af the
<br /> Property or otherwise matc�cially imp�ir the lien crcated by this Saurity Insaumeat or L,enck,r's security i�xcxest. Bornower may
<br /> cuc�e such a default aad rcinstate.as providod in puagnph 18,b9r causin�the�ction or proceeding to be dismissod with a�uting
<br /> thst. ia Y�nder's good faith determirwtion. Prxludes for:einu�of the Borrower's incerest in thc Property or othea�ial
<br /> i�p�airmeui csE t�e liee atated by tl�is Savrity Instrument or�ndes''s security inter�,tt. Bornowa'shall also be i�n�.+►'�1t if
<br /> .8orrowa,during tAe lnwi application poares.Save mateitially false or in�axuate infonnation os stakmencs to Lc�sdcr(u��ilai
<br /> to pravide Leader wittx rwy mues'ia1 infora�atiana i�r.cannuxion with the loan cvideaced by the Note.includv�g but not liautad
<br /> to•n;Q�seatations ooaoemi�8 Bor�nwu s oocupan�;g��f tbe Proporty as a princi�l resi�enoe.If ttus Securi¢}!t�auma�t is on:
<br /> - -- k,..�,4i...�,nnw�r�_�It rnonly ,�;ih.a!1 che Qmy;sims of t!m lease. If Borrowrs�uars fa_atic to We=P�+opa��..the--
<br /> kasdwid an3 dne Cx GtiC s3�t1�iot u�erge��Le+-�er agc3zs ta tt�.:�s�gos ia w�idc�. � - -
<br /> 7.Pratatioa d'I.eader's Ai�t�ts io tLe property.If Borrower faik to perform the covenusts and atgroauaits contained in
<br /> tLis Security Insuur�eat,or thue is a legal pcoc.acding tt�t may significaatly affect I.eader's rights in tbe PcopatY (cuc��s:
<br /> proceodiag ia badcn►ptcy, Probate.for oo�emnation or forfeitwe or to euforce laws or regul�tioas). the�:i.eixkr cr,�y do and . .
<br /> pay foc whatever is neoasary to proteet the value of the FropertY sncl Lu�der's righu in tbe Property. Leaxkx's aelioaLS aay
<br /> iaclnde WY�AB any sums socural by a Iien which t�s prioritY ot�er this Socurity lastrumeat, sFP�AB � �• P�Y�QB
<br /> rasoaable attomcys'fas aad eateric�on tba Pnoperty w make repairs.AltLough L.eader m�y ta(ce aetioa utder tbis p�ra�r�ph
<br /> 7.I�eader does mt hsve ta do so. '�.
<br /> My amou�s disbursad by Ler�der under t�is p�agapi� 7 shall bocon�e additioaa] debt ot Boa�w secumd by this .
<br /> Sewriry I�. Unkss Borrowex and Ler�dv agra w other�ams of paymeat. tlia�e aa�ounta sball barc incarst fmm the '
<br /> date of disbarsemeat at the Note rttc aod shall be payabie, with iatertst, upon mtice from I.a�dtr W �tuwa ta�uog
<br /> .paYment.
<br /> i.Mort�e taws�'e.If La�der tequired martgag�insuratxx as a oonditioa oi making the lapn serurtd by thiq Sixurity+
<br /> Instcumeot. BorcvK�rr ahaii pay th permiumc requiced ta m�intain the mor[ga�e iasurana ui tffoct. If. fa anY teasoa, tho .
<br /> matgage insunnee covaage eequind by Lender l�pses or sas�es.w be in effoct,Borrow�ahall pay the praniumt�ired to
<br /> obtain oovenge wbstuuialfy oquivslent to the nwrtgage insuisnce�reviously in effxt�aC i uost wbuanti�ly oqnivafiaic ce tbe '
<br /> � ooct w Borrower of the m�xtgage iasuric►ce prcviauly in effoa. from sn �Iten�ate rrartg�ge insurer appc�ved by l.e�det. If
<br /> ; substa�iilty a}uivalct►t mottgage i�uurana ooverage is not avsilable.Borrowa stWl pry w l.eirkr ca�cb mooth s�m equal W .
<br /> ooe-twdM of tbe yearly mcxtgage iawranoe premium being paid by Borrower when the iiuuranee ooverage�apsed or�easod to
<br /> 6e ia�.L,eadet will x,oept,tue aod ret�in dxae paymeau as a ioss ctiservc in lieu of nx�rtgage insuranoe. Loss rrxrve
<br /> - � Faaw 3073t. 9h10
<br /> � . ,
<br /> � , ►w.aa� ..
<br /> + �, t.
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