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<br /> Ii.Borrow¢e'��9py. Barrowa shaU bo g�ve�one oo�nfom�ad copy of'thc I�otc 4nd�f thl�5ocurity Iastrume.al, _
<br /> ly.fYans�ter ai'tLe 1'ro'crt or a BeaeiicLl�i�teraot is 6c�r�v+�'. i:Aif a:�iy pz�t a tt�a Pr�ty cx ra} intc:cst�n'st i� _
<br /> snld ar va�fe�rod tar iF s����1 iaeatst ia Sorn�wer is w3d or aansfarcd And Butroww i�aot�w�u�lp�o�t)wiitwut =
<br /> L,etsdzt's pri0t wYitiea Coisiutt�l.cnder as�y.at it4 .roQuirc�mod+�oe WYatenl in fuU oi'�il w,�w sa�,ttres Dy IAtt Sotur'ity =
<br /> [asaumau.Howevv.thi�or;.ion ahall nat be ex�d tiy i.ender ii ex�rci+e is p�nh�btit�od by fodaal taw as ot Wo d�ot 1tu� _
<br /> �if y�lhis o�ebn.I.eadet stWl gi,e Bortnwa notict of rccekradon.7tie a�¢ice sA�U providc a paiod af not ie� �
<br /> tis�a 30 days from Ibe d�to WC noiiae is deliverad or mailod witbla wEsi�eb Bcxtowtis must p�y all,sum�secure0 by this SocuiitY
<br /> Inswta�L Ii Bannwa f�ila w pay thcse sumt priot W tho enpitatian of this peti�d�1.eadar a�,Y wvolco�ay�noodias Pamitt+od
<br /> by�is Socmity Iastcu�neat ithout fuflh�r notice oe demand on Horcowet.
<br /> 1�.BoROwe�'�Ri�kt �'If eesls3A ccadit�oa:, BO�sower sh�ll have tho r�ht to tt�YO _
<br /> s
<br /> eafa�t of thi� ' ��' ' timo prior w tho ariier oF. (A) S day�(or wch otber paiod as
<br /> apQiicabie Iaw may apocify Propaty to�ay pa�r of saio cot►uisiod in this
<br /> Insuurnen�ar(b)entrY ef a � ' � ' �tiondido��s�ro 1lut Bortowtr:(�)PaYs l.ender�
<br /> suais rvhich tt�u w�aukl be due uader this Saxuiry Iusa�umaot aod 1t�1Vo�a as if aa Aoale�tlon bd aocuned:(b)cures aay
<br /> defi�lt af aay other wve�saats ar�enc4:(a)WYs all expeaset iacu,rrod in enfat�ciag this SecuritY Ias�uzna�t.incIudiaB,ixu
<br /> no1 Wnibd�0.��YS�faes:and(d)takes suca�ciioa as l�der a�Y reasot�b�y roquire b as.gw'e d�at t6e llea of this
<br /> Sa�riry Iasuua�eat. l.eada's rige� in the PmQaty aad Ba�mw�er's obiig�on m p�y che rums aecurod by dus Security
<br /> Inguumau shall oonwu�e uncb�ed. Upon r�tate�t by Botrawrr.tliit Socun�Tnstrtu�t and the oblig�tio�s eec�u'ad
<br /> baeby shal!reaWa fully effoctive as if ao aooe3aatioo had oocurred.Howeva.Ihis ' to niostaro slWl uot�pply in tl�e a�e oi
<br /> acaiar�tiw�iutider p�s�'aph 1�.
<br /> 14.Sak or Natei CYa�La d l.osw Servioer. 71�e Noie or � p�rti�L iate�r,st ia We Noie (Wge�ba aitb d�is Sxu�ity
<br /> Inutuma�t)nsay bo soid aae or mooe timrs witbout prior aotice to Bamwer.A sve eaay result ia a cluage ia ti�e eatity(tmown
<br /> �tba'La�a Seivicer`)that ooUects moatlily y�due uoder the IW�e aad thii Seauity Inwumeat.'tl�ae�ao may be ane a
<br /> aa
<br /> a�oce c;�saga of the Looa Saviccx b a saTe of tbe No�o.If @�ae u���ot tbe Low Secvker,Barow�a�ill be
<br /> giraz urriuea aotice of tbe cl�swge ia a000alanoe vrith p�a�14 above aod lsw.'ll�aotke M+ill�ta�e the tame aad
<br /> saa�ss o[�he n�e�►l.o.n s«vker aaa the addc�ss w wbica papmcx�tc s�oda m�de.�ree nonoo�+lu�iao oo�o any otl�
<br /> iafoaa�don tequired by a�pQi�abie law.
<br /> 20.Ilarardws Sr66ta�oa. Bamower sE� not cause ar permit t�e pc�esa�ce, ase. dispos�l. slc�Be.or rek�e of any
<br /> Harardoas S��oa ar ia the Propaty.Bor�+naa shall noi do.nor ai&�►myooe eise to do.a�yihin,8�f'octin�tbe PropeicY
<br /> thu is ia v;dadoo a��}�Eavfrocm�eat�l I.aw.The pc+eooding tw�o�ameooes s'�i!not�pply w d�e praeme,nse�ar auc�ga oa the
<br /> Prnpeity of sia�ll quatw�es of L�adoas Substaooes that�et�lty reoo�niud IQ be app[opri�ie i�normtl �1 uaes
<br /> aod 0�wainteaanoe af die FtaQect.�,
<br /> I3cxto�va s�aiL T,xcmpQy gi�e�.�ader wnttea notice ot aay inve�tCr�a� cL6n. dew�od,1a�rsuit a olber a�on by any
<br /> gm,es�mcat�l ar se��y tx priva0e p�ty involviog the Pronat�and aay Haz�cdo�u Subitaoo�ar Eav�roomeat�l Law
<br /> af�vbic6 Bam�+a 6as�1ed8a If Baaorire�lear�.oe n aotified by any goveinmeatal ar regc�aloq►�Y.det aay
<br /> r�aavat or otLa remediasbo oE aay Hrrardoas Snbat�na�1h�Fiqaafy�neoesstcy.BaroNes dnll proa�pdy t�te all
<br /> ae��ty re�etli�L tctioe.s ia arcani�noe with fiav�oaaeatsi�tuw.
<br /> lys u�ed ia i1� puaigr�pi�7A.'Aa�acdous Subataoca'�tho�a suhstsoor,s ddwed as toxic a haracdous�oa bY
<br /> Fsvia+oomeatd La�v �od tbe folluwia� � �asolioe. iceoaeoe. atba tlamaoabie or �wcic pe�oieum peotZuct�, M�ic
<br /> paTiciees�aee MibiciQes,votit��n�vm�t.m�wi�aoaairt�g�a iocuvioaryo� •- -----'•
<br /> md rauio�cav���r..+a u�s w
<br /> t�t p�l�1.7sAVII�pI�t�LiN"Q1l�S fOaC[�li1VS iL��df�1G�[1fd�L04 Mjf[iC d10 Pl'OQC[ty Lt bC�fblt 1�C�C
<br /> ID�R.i�6ty Of COYf�00tDaldl p1'OtL'Ct10fL
<br /> lti�-��VQVA1�1�.BOfI�iYlI iOd I.COdli f1ll't}�COVCOiit ilid 9�[CC L4�OudWi
<br /> 21.Aaaierstlor.lte�redks.l.eader siaY�ve�otice to Bo�rawa prior to�ooderatioo tofoiwis�Ba�o�ww''s Wesc�o�
<br /> aq eora�ut ar a�roareat b t1�ia Sec�rit�► L�te9sat (b�t sot �a3or ta aooderatim oade� psr�rapi 17 �
<br /> �p�icabie dw provida ot�awire).71e�e s�tpecif�:(a)tl�e de1�9h(e)t�e aetio�nqdired�o e�t tle defadt;(e)
<br /> a d+�r8e,�ot las t�u 30 d�s tfr�tlie da�e#�e�olke i��v�a�o Barrower.b�wYjeL t�e ddaak��t k na+�i;ad(�)
<br /> tYfc fGr�re b e�tLe delarlt�ar 6efa+re iie d�te s�ci�ied I�tre�ofjoe�a�re�i�aooeter�io�of tl�e ails�ecae+ed
<br /> 6y t�searit�r.��at..a iaie or u�e hapere�.�r�e.otia.iu�tiQtl�er t�fon�8oma�wu ar t�ri�ie io r�r..Fate
<br /> aAar aooderatiae a�d t�e rkit to�a�oorrt sctioi to arert ttie��rsi�tmoe af a dela�it or u�ottier dekre o1
<br /> Borwwer to soa�:s�tioi asi sak.It tie defaslt i��ot ared o�or i�oee He daZe tpectfkd i t�e wfloe,l.e�der,�t ib
<br /> aP��7 n9��W7�io A�H o��a�es sea�red ej tbl�Secmit�Ia�Ora�eat wit�o�!tl�ttier deaa�d
<br /> atl w iird�e fl�e pewer a'p�ie aad�u�otler re�edits per�itted b�appiicatile hw.Lader�It�e e�tfted to aoiect
<br /> al espe�a i�r�ai i�pt�r�i�tie r+e�ia provid�A iw tYis par�rapii 21,i�cbdiLS.bat�ot lirYed to�rn�o�a6ie
<br /> atbotie�a'fees s�cC�ao�Rs of fide eri�lnca '
<br /> U�e po�wer cr�s�ie is i�vekal.71r�tce stiaY reoord a wtice e�detaok i� acti oo�ot� te w�i� �part o�tie -
<br /> PropaR�it loeat�d a�d ska0 tu�copiea a�wel�sotice im tbe raaw pn�scr�ed by appiiesrie f�w to Barr�eer a�d lo t�e
<br /> �p��Pr���7�PP��faw.Atrtr tl�e t6�nqd'�ed by s�piicable iaw,Trurtee sMA pre p�Diic�otjce of
<br /> aak to t�e pel�atl i�t�e�aer praai�bed b�a�t�le iaw.Trrste�wtt�out de�aad a�Baeedw�e:•t�Y�dl He
<br /> hopertJ at�l�e s�ctio��o tie 6�lect @Fd�tr at t�e t�e�pl�ee�nd a■�1v tie/ee�d�as�i�t1��atioe e�a�k
<br /> �or.soa tno
<br /> ��tR(N4c�ts�t,a1 vaa.sa� u�u..
<br /> j Z;�: �t3 �
<br /> — .� _ .
<br /> .. ,, . --
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<br /> f4 �} �..j1'� • •�'f.�� �:l�s� �
<br /> rswancmaF�' � ���.��•i� �,� �:,.,p'a..'.�j � - -- -- .
<br /> .�...2'��.�7'1�'' u� �'.:�? j����� •-- �.v .. � � _ _
<br /> ar�.' y�_L.�Se.�_ f..�v -��4.A. F.s'�t1'�� _—�_ —_
<br /> _""_������ !��./ /. �+� ,x., _�"e p�y�.p. _—_ _ __
<br /> L- ���)t-�:'• '•3. ��� tR-°--°�.
<br /> 'rA�7��5Yw'"'�Y.� ' . ." . ' .. �.• , . . .�xJffL1��4'i��.p�T���a�-��.�� --- __ �� —
<br /> - _-_—'AI7�AR7fRZ���:�1'II�K�i4T�ZrrC�2����"�-���� . __—
<br /> ��-;'.�f�� Y ?° -z m � .r�r L . .:r` �°-- __ � —
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