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<br /> 9'�l"� R11 as�c�ass.�pP��� �
<br /> 7bGETt�FsR WITFI ali the icnsxovunents aow or bereana crtcuxi on tbct prctixrn'�aa1 _..
<br /> Cutwtes aow or 6et�catkr a patt af tAo pcopcttY•A�1 ce�1�sad sddttu�s s�ull u19u bts cuti�d by�1ut Socunty Ipsuu�►L
<br /> Al�of the fc,regolt�is rcfercnd ia ia this Sc:.u:'.:y Iausvuxnt u Ihu"Propeity' __
<br /> �RO��V�l+r]'(S (jl�BOftOWii�Y�Wfll�y!����aICLL�ZNA�w�'S},�11��i�fYh7WG'W8[ii11� ��
<br /> C811tiCyi 1�iC�!'OQCt�y �l$al�1C P[OQV�Y IS Y�GCUA'l�C('t(�.C:RCE�1t ���hiAII�f.9 Of Id�� �
<br /> defa�!Baxr�3lY tb�w1e to�tho PropertY�Yai�t all cL►imt and d�nmds.s++bloct so AN _
<br /> 'CfilS SECt1[tITY IIVS'IRUIu¢NT catnbines unifmn oovwwcus far aatia�ul r�s��ta�.�.:nif�'m oava�aat�with Wnited _
<br /> v�riotions by jurtsdlctioa ta coasawte a e►aifam ctcusstY in�cuu�•nt cova�ic�re�l3m�atY• -
<br /> UNIPpRM�OVENMi75.Bortawer aad lxnder wve�at and aScae a�folbws: _.
<br /> 1.P��sesx at Prycipal aad Lttrest:PnW7�a°ia LstR Char�ea. Batrawer shiJ� �p�P�Y WY wka duc tbo _
<br /> priaci{�1 of aacf intaesf oa th debt evidawrod by die Nde�ad AaY P�Y��t�oa ctsucIIrs duo uadar ihe Not�.
<br /> L Flmtls for Ta:a�d Iiwra�ca SubjeU to applic�s law or to a wi�+waivu'b�` �.eadcr, Barmwe�shall prY �
<br /> l,pider oa tbe day�ont69Y P�Y�are duc uad�x tho Noto,u�til tt�e No�e is p�id ia futl.a sum,l'F�ads"?fa:(a)Yur1Y taxes
<br /> �od ass�ts whicb may Wain PriocitY over tbis SecuritY 1u�'�a�a liaa aa tAe Piqx�ty:.(�)Y��Y IeaseboW P�Y�
<br /> hi �p�u�:(dT!'�iy Mc�ins�raox p�ums.if
<br /> or gtour�d rants aa tl�e ProQutY,if�nY:(�)Y�Y��°�'P�Of?�Y.
<br /> �Y'��)Y�iY�;8�6o iasutance pcemiumt•if�►y:aod (�t�ny sums P�Yrb1a bY Bnt�rokec tt�I.t�rder.ia�000c�l�w�We
<br /> �Y���p� 8. ia liw of tbo paYmeat oF a�a�Y�t�e ins�uaooe�xrsniwns. 71�c9e it�►s are calbd "Escrow Items.'
<br /> I.a�d4x cosy,pt�ay cime,coi�cc aad bold Flinds ia aa anount ca w euceed tha m�c��ua xsxxini.a krder far a foderallY�rela�ed
<br /> mott��e loau co�y rcp',�e for Batowu's escrow 9000unt wr7er tLe fedaal Resl fistalia Sd�3c�e�t �I��cts a lasa
<br /> �eadod fcom mne to time.l2 U.S.C.Sactio�2601 et xq. ('I�'�a.SPA').unkas aootbae Ww t�appiies
<br /> ,o,o�ot,If,D,Imda Qaay,at any tima oalocx�a�d boia Fuuaa ia an amouat aat a ewood tbe ��cow+�Itoa��or
<br /> e�na�le tpe amoimt of Fuads dua m tbo bais of autrut d�tt aad t+e�����
<br /> q�,�iu acoocd�ax w��ppiic�bie 4w. �y�u�od bY a fedec�l�gcacy'.iasr�nneotati�Y.a e�►(inci�d+n8
<br /> 7tre E�ls�dl be be�d ia aa iastiturioo Mbo�e de�ossv
<br /> l�der,if I.e,odet is sucb ao iostiouion)or ia aay T�edetal Harxia l.oan Badc.l�eades s�a1l uprip t�e Fuods to pY�Fixrow
<br /> Itaas.l.ea�3er maY ooc c�8�Barowa fa Lo�din8�ad aPG$'�6�Fuads.anau�lly aa�iyz6n�sf�ee exzow a000�ot.oe vaifYin�
<br /> tbe Fs�croM I1ems.uole�s L,e�3er p5's Ba�rowa intexst ou ihe E4u�ds aod�pQl'�cabie!aw parmits l,eader ta malae such a chuSa
<br /> Fb�►avrt.Learkr m�Y re4uire Boc�o�iO Ph'�aao-time c6�r�e for�n iacSepeBda�i ra1�Ea�c reQoctio6 aavioe usal by
<br /> L�d�ia oomxtioo�th mis Zo�n. �nle�sp�+�b�1�P�'��°tber�nse.Unkas�a aSn'r�is maae or�ppiirabk�*►
<br /> requires io�arest to�e p�id,Iaidet sbaU not be roquirod n p�y Basn�er�uy inta�est Qr earnicsy�s an tbe fi�ods.Baao�a aad
<br /> Iaader msY a�oe�u wMi�•law��vc.th�t intelat shwll ba pRid oa tbe Fuods.I.enda styJJ��6ich��'���
<br /> �onwl aocouotm8 of t�e Fuads.sbo�avm8 cxedin�nd debin m�3�o Funds aod ttje pwPame
<br /> a�de.'Ibe Fund�aee pbdSed at addittonal so�itY Ear�Il sua�seasexE bY t�is SoavttY�
<br /> 1f tbe F�ds held�y I.�mda exa�ed tbe aa�ounn Pamitbd�be Rield by�p�icabie L�r.I,a�ck18�1 aooa�nt 10 Baro�+er fa
<br /> the esoese Fvods im�ooa+d�o�x.vi�d�e ro4�irtmeov of a�pptic�bie Iaa.1f tbe�rnouot of t1�e Ft�da�dd by Iu�det�t aoy time is
<br /> ' LOi�!0�t IbE�.�C�Ow►UOmf ND!'a OaD.i�C00�T IDllr�wt"J aTw�•"Tr••'�' •:•:�"�••�•"' •i��rk c�C BOfl�dWilr��Dt5► .--------
<br /> ifJ�t11C�QI�M�Y b 11l�A tlp t�0 ��Y• �S��Q1itiiC�j1 1�6 O�:�CY 111 6D IIiQB i�i4 i�YC
<br /> �Y pY�•�j��s sob di�cretiun. x„�,,,,�� I�ada ah�1 Pcae�th�z�sfuod b Be�t�over auY Food�
<br /> UP�P�Y�io full of a11 s�nas�ocurad bY t6ia SocuricY w the ao4ui�itio°ae s�ie of the
<br /> bdd by Irs�da If,imda p�aB,�p4 21.I.eadet s6aa1�o4u�e�c adl tLe Pr�ty.I�eacki.p�ia�
<br /> p�ty,s6a11�ppty my Fuads bdd by I.eadrr at d�e time of acquiwion a rab as a aad�t�a�ai�nu die wms�ecared by t�s
<br /> �A�iira�Pro�d p,�,�a,t,, Uoieu applicabio lawr pro�vjaes ocbawise.a11 para�s�ed,+�ed by I�oder mder v�ap�
<br /> 1 �od 2 dtiri be a�ptied: 6rst.w anY P�Y�t��doo,uoder d�e Nde;aeca�d.b awaiots ptYabie umcki P�Z+
<br /> t�rd.w iata�est dt�fa�cs�.b PriociPV du�aad lsts4 w aoy lab charges due� ��to tbe PmQaty
<br /> �.Ci�;I.iear. Baero.�ar sh�ll p�ry all n�es.��+�'6a•
<br /> . .vhich mh,a�m�n pciority o+rei this SecmitY Ia�.aod leasehokt P�ya�a�a�no�nd ra�if aay.Bae:�ow�er d�ail paY dxsa
<br /> m d�e m�oe�ac pi+ovidod in P�ap�Z.ar if not p�id in tWt nunner.BamMtr aha!!pay tbem oo tiase di�adly 10�he
<br /> pa�paymeat Borm�a shall pcoaiplfY fa�nis8 w I.eadrr all ootioa of aooa�att tca�ba pid under tA�p�a�aph.If
<br /> Borro+Yer t�oalces tbae payments d�Ct1Y.Bar�+owa�htU jxompt�Y fiunish to Ireodet tnoe+Qes cviekaam�d�e P�Y�-
<br /> $aa�awrs�1 p�anpdY di�e�oY��+6ieb i�s p�iority over tlus SayritY Ia�et�m1es�Bac�+o�ra:(a)�ew�°
<br /> _ wri�ng e tbe p4Y�of tbe obbg,�ioa rxured by d�e lioa ia a maoner accept�bie
<br /> to Ix�dcr:EQ)��6�6ith d�e lim
<br /> by. a d�!'adt a8�inst eafa�t of tbe liea ie, l�l Peneoed�°&S which ia tLe i�det'�oQieioa o�arare b P'���
<br /> eafm+eemeat of tbe liea:cc(c)sec�u+a ftum ib�tfoidrs of tbe iiea an s�reement s�t�#'acm�tS' Cu ltadar s�bo�q8 d�e�o to
<br /> , . tL�Se�it�►I�rumeat.If Ieada c',�amines IL�t�my part of die Prapaty i�subject�o a 1ics�whicL may�iu piae�►over this
<br /> � Searity L�meat.Lracier maY Wve Baroaa a mtioo ideariEYiu�tbo lica.BaQOwa attall�Y�lied ar t�e eoa ar moce
<br /> of tbe actions set fath above within 10 days o�'the giviaB of aotice. Fo.w aou �no
<br /> � Pa�•z a• M'"�r:
<br />-- �-�ei�lE'it��z�.m
<br /> - .
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