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. , <br />20110069G <br />Exhibit ��A" <br />A tract of land comprising a part of the Sovtheast Duarter (5E1/4y of Section 7wenty-sevEn (27), <br />Tawnship E�even (19 } North, Ra�ge 7er� (10) West of the 6th P.M., in Hall Caunty, Nebraska, <br />rn�re pa�cularly dascribed as follows: Begjnning at a pain{ on the nartherly right-of-way line af the <br />U:P.R.R., �aid point t�aing �ix Hundred Eigh!y-one and Sevcn T�nths (689.7) feet rorlheas:erty <br />�SOm t�e interse�t4ot� of said R.O.�ltl. [irsa wi#h the vaest line a� sald Sout�easl �uartes tS�1f4y; <br />thence cQniinuing northeaster{y alang said R.a.W, line a dlstan�e of �rie Hundred Farfy (140) <br />fee� thence deflecting left 90° 00' and running r�orthwest�rly a distance of Qne Hundred 5ixty-four <br />(164) feet; thence defleating left 90°40' and running southweste�ly parallel to said R.O.W. line, a <br />distance of Qne Hund�ed Forty (14D) feet; thenae deflecting left 90 °0�' and �unning southeasterly <br />a distance o[ One Hundred 5ixty-fQU� (154) feeE ta tk�e place bf begRnntng. <br />