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<br /> I�tt�a�z.c►unts 3Ltw1 bY T�.c,�der for Be�crow!�excood tbo smoualt petmWcd Eo bn he3d by R�Sii'A�l.ende��u►ll
<br /> �ccount w Bo:raWU fat tana oxce�iwad�as roqulrod by RBSP/r►. 3f tho�►ouat,�of fuaJs beW by Lestdw'at�ty tlma i�
<br /> aat c�ficswt�a p����a�sti�:�+�wt�as dt�a�Lfrr,cLr:..�y c�y cwc Et:�rrowu�ad[ersite Bama�st tn tuAko u�tlte --
<br /> cbcxt�e ss pamitt�c3�j�k�SPA.
<br /> 'iba Fircmw Ftmdt�a�re pledQod a��dditiorutl�+ocuritY fa all aua�sxurod�y thls Sectuity IASp1u�t If Botr�vwor -
<br /> tcatk+rs ta l.eattar tht�full p�rymcat of a1l sucA wais.&+rcowar'a ar.a+yunt chaU be csedited with tGo balaoce ra�aaining For
<br /> W IastallmGat itar►� (�. (b). and(c)and any aaoc�a�e iawY'aece p�niucu tasnllmatt th�t L.eoder h�not b000a�a
<br /> nali�aic�tr�pwii�via Se�etarY.ad 1�etKSer s�a11�.w�a1y ttfund�ny e:ces�funds w Botrowcr. ImmodLWy prior tn -
<br /> a fazocbsuro sr�3d of th�FropertY or its�cqui�itioa by L�der,Bartov�a's accouat shall be croditod�wi�h aay 6�t4nca
<br /> ccmwiniag far Nl iarwti�uc for itcaas(�).(b).�nd(c).
<br /> 3.Ap�atian oi Pa�sesq.All psymenu undci p�ra�1 aod 2 shtll be�pglied by I.ea�a a�fWWMS:
<br /> �,w tha mtrny�ygo insauux:o prrmium w ba p�id by I.axier w tha S�ccet�ry ar w tba raoatWy ch�rQa by tha
<br /> Socscts�y uut�d cf i1b moott�ly ma�t�8e iasunucc pr�nivaa:
<br /> �.tc��sl`.n�,���lo�seboid p�ymwc9 a groued reats.ind fm,tbod wd otbar harard
<br /> ins;uywoopn�inm�a�required;
<br /> �j�,k►intcaast due uader the Note; -
<br /> �,ta arnt�oa of the princip�l of iLe No1a aad
<br /> �,ta L�cistr�e,s du��mdes the IVot�e.
<br /> 1.Fine�i+'ivad a�d Oties fvsard Iiss�ir�oe.Bact+owu t�ll ingus+e all impcovmiwts ao the YroQerty,wb�dher
<br /> oaw in aiiurtm¢�o ot subaeque�dy erxted.a��ie�t aoy haxard�.c�uaides.�od coatiaYwcies.iocludin�fi�+e+for whkb
<br /> Leacier raquitc:�iosur�ooe.Tt�ir iasiu�ace stsail be m�a�inod ia tbe amount��ad for t6e paiod�ti�t L�aaier reqturo.
<br /> Bacmw�ra th2,�l��iAaue elt impmve�a�s m the FtoQerry�a►betbes noa io esis�eace ar s�tbtoquau.'y aected.�
<br /> bss by 4lo�t�b tLe ateat►o4�COd by tlse Sacrctary.All ianuanoe chW be ca�rlod with oowp�nie��pproved 1ry I�eadar.
<br /> 'IUo iasureooe policie��v�d�oY naewalf shall be h�1d bY L�ender aad si�ll iacL�de loss p�,yable cLuxa in favor of.�nd
<br /> iw a W�m aoce�t�bie t0.L.eadr�.
<br /> ia tbe artat of loes.Borrower sbaU give Leader immaliate swtioe by m�il.Lawlar may m�ire pemf of las if aot
<br /> a�de poionptl��tiy Baroarr.Ts�cO insuranoe oomp�nY 000cane�d ia har.�aut6orized�ad drracted to m�ice pymwt far
<br /> sucb Zoa cll�ac�i�G�Imaa.inw�d of w Beno�rr am b taider joi�.A!1 or any prc of tt�e iopaaox prxe«is may►
<br /> be�pQtied by I.ondet�at i� a�ption.dthar (�e�the roductlon af the�t nodei tDe Nooe�ad d�Sec�ritY
<br /> Iiu�t,ti�t q aey de]iaq�reot amotwts app�iod io tbe ardor iu��.�t�a to peep�y�ut of pci�cipal.ar
<br /> (b)a aio�a�atloo a�r of aw d�n�ed Pr�tr•�r���P�b the pnci��i�sn�oc e�eoa
<br /> .tr .,e.i.� ...�.,.�..nti .rr�n.i..n�et sn�w.,...oe�nA'�.rr cJrw�t�lme�uet Af�1C�
<br /> . ._ �:��r..yrwi..�ir w.-�"'r.»�...��...� .. i"�`�►-_.....���r--�-r--•-- —�- —��- -- -- -.
<br /> p��,A�r aca�idpranoe p000ed�over�o amamt roqa�ea a y�au aubno�iiq�mdob�aL�a u�oaar i�xo�a
<br /> �ct ttis se�rity rns�wnmt sbalE be p�id a mo eatiey tegauy eatitled mereb.
<br /> Ia tbe eveat of facecloau�e of tl�ls Saaaity Imaumaot a dher t�ansfer of tide w 1he P►�aty dyt estiq�uifh�a tbe
<br /> Lac�ledoen.ail ri�t,ddo�ad�of Sa�r�Mer in�od tu inw�ot.poiiciei in foe+ee thdl p�s a tbe� ,
<br /> S.Ome�esCJs Pre�er�►atio�r Maiste�oe stl Pro�eetio■oE tie Propeety;Borrc�er'�3.oM A�iintlo/; ;
<br /> I.e�e�iof� B�cr.Ma s�ull oacupy,e�h,ud u�e tbe Pnapaty�Bo�oMer's p�iacip�l iea'sdeaoe�vPtLm usty drys .
<br /> •�9a�d�e ezo�5i�oe of�his SocruiRy Iawumeqt(ar�+;e�in sixty days of a Wa talo a trmsfa af dia Fio�ty)��hall
<br /> ac�liaue to o� ise�cy p Beerawer's piu�ip�t resii3eaoe for at�t ooe yat a91�1bC d11e of oa�p�ocy.
<br /> .ua►'aa.I.ae�ks daamin�dr�t requiomxat�rlu c�use urr�e�Lip far Ba�+owrr.a imlas a�tmw�ia��
<br /> emt�rbicm�aao beyoi�d Bocrn�ra's 000unl.Bamau�B noofY I�ead�t�r of�ny es�nttitieg dramq�aooes.Bon�er
<br /> �f1 ao[���a a destroy.d�m�e or wbM�naallY cL�e tbe Piropaty or albw►�e Pra�►W delariorale..
<br /> zraiombie�r�emr i�d 1ar ac�ptm.LRada meY inspect ti�e ProQe�tY if the Prope�iy ie v�t ar�dooed or 8�e 1om i�►
<br /> iu dtladt I� m�b► tsicc rea�oo�l�ie tqtion Ie. ptalecx �ad ye�esesvt a�ch v�caot o�r �dooe+@ Ptrrpecty.
<br /> L .
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