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<br /> ° (p) NT�u�tarls not�n Indlvldud,th�Iqu�nc�,wl�,haMf�r,sulpnm�nR conveyance or enaumbranc�ot mon M�n�lot�l � -
<br /> ot p�rC�nl ol(II�co►pordlon)It�I��u�d�nd ouh�anainp�took or pf e p�rtnenhlp)a total ol p�ra�nt oi F -
<br /> I p�Nn�rrhlp InbrnU durinp th�p�rlod thl�Os�d ol Trust nm�lna�Ilen on th�Prop�rly. -
<br /> 12. RMn�tllM;Ao�N�►�Ibn Upon DM�ull.ln th��v�nl of sn�Erent ol ON�ult Lender may,wllhout notics e�eepl o�requfnd by
<br /> � I�w,d�ol�r�ill Ind�bt�dnb�s�aur�d h�nby to b�du�ond p�y�bl��nd����1m��h�ll th�rwpon b�com�dw�nd pay�bN -
<br /> wiM»out my prownUnvnf.d�m�nd,protest or notice ol eny kl�d.TMr�dtsr lsnd�r mey:
<br /> (�) D�m�nd th�l Trulte��x�rcla Ih�POWER OF SALB pnAt�d h�nln, �nd Tru�t�e�h�ll thare�fler c�u�e Trwlor'�
<br /> ,•� Inten�t In th�Prop�rty to b�wld�nd th�prxMd�to b�dls�ributW,�II In th�m�nn�r provld�d In th�N�br��lu Tru�t DNd� t
<br /> Ack
<br /> (b) Exarcia���y�nd NI rlphq provld�d lor In�ny ol lh�Loan In�Uum�nt�or by I�w upon ocaurnno�al ony Ev�r►t ol
<br /> DN�ult;�nd
<br /> - � (c) Comm�na��n aodon W lonclo�Ihl�DNd ot Tn,i�t���moAp�p�,�ppolnt�ncNwr,or apeclUc�lly snforce my of th�
<br /> covm�nl�hereol.
<br /> No remedy Aereln eonferred upon or reterved to Truetee or Lend�r Is Intsnded!o be exaludve ol a�y other remedy hereln,In ths
<br /> Losn Irnuumanu orby I�w providsd or p�rmitted,but eenh shdl be oumul�tive,�ball be In eddllion to every other remedy plven
<br /> . , hareunder,In th�Lo�n In�hum�nU o�now or h�naflar�xl�dnp tl hw or In�qulty or by elntule,�nd m�y b��xorciwd conournntly,
<br /> Ind�pendsntly ar ducae+eUveiy.
<br /> � 13.Trtnl��,TfN Tru�tee msy redpn at any tlme wllhout caub.ond lendsr m�y et any time and without cause eppolnt a
<br /> I �uccs�aor or�ubstltuts Tro�tee.Trosta��hall not be Oeble to any perly,Includlnp wilhout tlmitatlon Lender,Borrowe►,Truator or any
<br /> � purchsaer dth�Properry,lor any loss or demape unlees due to recNles�or wIINu1 misconduct,and shall not be raquked to lake any
<br /> scNon In conn�ctlon wIM th�enlorcement of lhls Deed of Trust unM�a fndemnitied,in wrltinp,lor all coste,compeneatlon or
<br /> � �xp�nsa which ma)be aaaclat�d thprewlth.In addltlon,Tru�Us maiy become�Durchaser et any eale ol the Property Qudiclal ar
<br /> � under th�powa,ol wle p►antsd h�reln);postpono ths�uula ot a 11 a any ponion of th�Prope►ty,��provided by low;or soll tha
<br /> PropeAy as� whole,or In s�parats parcal�or lots at Truelee's dl eereUon.
<br /> ___ . • 14.F�aad E�mmt�.In the event Trustee sells the Praperiy by exerclae o1 power ol pale,Truetee ehell be entitled to apply .�
<br /> - : �ny eale proceed�Ilnt to paymeM of all coits and expenee�of exarcbinp power o1 sale,ineludinp all Tru�tee'a leer,end Lender'a `"•'���
<br /> end TruotaeY atwrney's 1eea,actually Incurred to oxtent parmitted by applicable Iaw.ln the e+rent Borrower or Trustor exe►cleee eny ' • � •
<br /> ripht p►ovld�d by law to cure an Event of Dafault,Lender ahell be entitled to recover Irom Truator nll cosb and expenaea actually �" �
<br /> Incurred as� r��ult of Trustor's do1au11,Includinp without Ilmlleilon�II Tru�We'�and atlorney'�feei,to the�KteM permitted by '
<br /> appNcable law.
<br /> _ 15.Futw�Advu�cN. Upon request ol Borrower, Lender may,at its option,meke additlonel and luture edvances and re-
<br /> - advance�toBorrower.Such advencea end readvancea,wlth intereet Ihereon,shall be sacured by this Deed of Trust.At no time ehell
<br /> - the principalarnounlof the i�debtedness secured by this Oeed of Trust,not including aums advenced to protect the�eauriy d tMe •
<br /> � . Deed otTrue4 exceed the orlpinal principel emount�tated herNn,or S �a�-� whiclwvw is preatar. ���
<br /> — . � 16.Mball�n�ou� Provl�lom. ��
<br /> (a►Bonowx Noi RN���M.Extemion of the time lor payment or modiHcetlon ol amortixatfon of Ihe sums secured by thle �
<br /> , �� Deed olT�unt grented by Lender to eny eucceeaor In Interes1o18orrower ehall not operate to release,in eny manne�,the liablliry
<br /> � of Me odginel Borrewer and Borrower'e auceeaaora in Interest.Lender shell not be required to commence proceedings ageinel
<br /> � euch auccessoror refuee to oxtend tfine for payment or otherwlee modily emohlzatlon ol lhe aums secured by thh Dead of Tru�t �
<br /> _ by reaaon of any dema�tls mede by the origlnel Borrower and Borrower's succeasors In intereat . , � ��!;
<br /> (b) L�nd�rY Pow�n.Without allecdnp the Ilablliry ol any other pereon Ileble for the payment of any obligetion herein • '�
<br /> _, l menlloned,end without aHecting the Iien or cherge ol this Dead of Truat upon any poAion ol the Properry not Ihen or theretofore '1
<br /> ; released oa eecurlty for the lull amount ot all unpefd obllgatbne,Lender may.lrom time to time and without notice(I)release any
<br /> - • peroon eo Ileble,pi)extend the meturity or elter any ot the term a ol any such obHgations.(ill)grant other Indulgences.(Iv)releaee
<br /> ' or reccmvey,or cause to be released or reconveyed at any tlme at Lender's opUon eny percel,portlon or all ol the Property,
<br /> � (v)teke o� releare any olher or edditlonal aecurity for eny obNpeUon herein mentbned,or(vi)make compoaNlon�or other
<br /> arran��nents wlth debtoro fn relellon thereto. .
<br /> ; (c►Forb�anno�by L�nd�r Not�W�Iv��.Any torbeara nce by Lender In exe�cising any right or remedy hereunder,or
<br /> otherwha aflo�ded by appllceble lew,shell not be e waiver ol or preclude the exerclae ol any such rfght or�emedy.The
<br /> � procurement ol lnsurence or the peyment ol taxes or other Ne�a or chargea by Lender ahall not be a welver of Lender's riyht to
<br /> � aCCelen�te Ihe maturity ol the Indebtednese secured by thls Oeed of Truat.
<br /> i (d)8ucc�san�nd Anlpns Bound;Joint and Sw�nl LlNfility;Captiom. The covenents end agreements hereln con-
<br /> � feined aheN bi�d,and the riphts hereunder ahall Inure to,lhe respective aucceseors and aeafgne o1 Lender and Trusta.All
<br /> coVeneMS and epreemenW ol Truetor ahall be�olnl end sevaral.The ceptlona end headings of the perapraphs of thl�Dead ol �
<br /> Trutt are tar convenlence only and are not to be uaed to Interpret or detlne the provislona hereol. '
<br /> (e)N�qu�fllor Nodcn.The pa►tlea hereby requeat thel a copy of any notice ol defeult hereunder and a copy of eny notice
<br /> � of aule hereunder be malled to eech perty to thle Deed of T�uet et the eddreas aet forth above In the manner prescribed by
<br /> appllcable law.Except ta►eny other nolice requlred under eppl�able law to be given in another manner,any notice provided
<br /> br In thb Deed ol Truat shall be ylven by melling euch notfce by certllled mell eddressed to the other partlea,at the addreae set
<br /> lorth above,A�y notice provlded lor In thla Deed o1 Tiust ehaN be eHective upon mailfng in the manner designated hereln.II
<br /> _� Trwtor le more then one peroon,notica aent to the addrea� aet forth above ahell be notice to all euch pereona.
<br /> � (� Insp�etlon. Lender may meke or cauae to be mede reaaonable entrlea upon end inspectlons ol the Property,provided
<br /> Ihat Lender eheN glve Tru�tnr not�e prlor to any ouch fn�peclion apecllylnp rea�oneWe cause therafor relatod to Lender's
<br /> Intereat ln Ihe Property.
<br /> (g)R�oonvryanc�.Upon payment ot all eums secured by Mis Deed ol T►ust,Lender ahall requeat Truatee to reconvey the
<br /> Prope►ty and slull aurrender thla Oeed of Trust end ell notee evldencinp Indebtedneaa necured by this Deed o1 Trust to Truetee.
<br /> Truitee�hell reaonvey the Properly wlthout war,�pp�Syya�d�wlthout charpe to tha penon or penona leqelly entitled thereto.
<br /> Trultor ehall pay all coata o�recada�lon,Il�en�l' '
<br /> , (h)P�norul Propetty;S�curity Apn�m�nt As•ndilitlonel secu�ity lor the peyment of the Note,Trustor hereby grnnta
<br /> Lender under the Nebraska Uniform Commerclal Code e secu riry f ntereat In all Ilxturea,equfpment,a�d other peraonel properly
<br /> uaed In connecdon with the real eatate or Improvemente located thereon,end not otherwlae declared or deemed to be a part of
<br /> Ihe realeateta eecured hereby.Thls Inetrument ahell be construed ea a Securly Apreement under seld Code,end the Lender .
<br /> � ehell have ell the rlyhts end remedlea of a secured parry u nder eaid Code In addltion to the rlyhts end remadiea created under
<br /> end ecwrded the Lender purouant to this Deed ol Truat provf ded thet Lender'e rlghla and remedles under thla paragraph ahall
<br /> be cumulative wilh,and In no way a Ilmitetlon on,Lender's riphb and remedlea under any other security apreement oipned by
<br /> Borrower or Truetor.
<br /> p) Ll�n�and Encumbranc��.Truelor hereby warrents and repreeenta that there fa no deleult under Ihe provislons ol any
<br /> - mo�lpape,dead of trust,lease or purchese contrect deecrlbinp ell or any part of the Prope►ty,or other contrec�Inatrument a
<br /> o�reernent conititutinp a Ile�or encumbrance agalnet ell or eny part ol the Property(colleclively,"Llens"►,exi�fing as of ihe
<br /> + date of Ihla Q�ed ol Truaf,and that any and all exiatinp Llen s remain unmodllled except a�disctoaed to Lender in Truator'a
<br /> � wrlllen disclosure ot Ilene end encumbrancea provided la hereln. Truetor ehell tlmely peHorm all ol Trustor's obligetlon�,
<br /> _ covenents.repreaentatlone end werr�ntles under eny end dl exletino end(uture Lfene.ahell oromolly lorward to Lender coniea
<br /> of all noticea of default aent in connecllon with any and al I ex fsllny or luture Llena.end ahall not wNhout Lender's prlor written
<br /> contenl I�eny manner modity the provlslone ol or ellow any luture edvances under any exlating or tuture Liens.
<br /> Q) Applleaton ol P�ym�nb.Unleea otherwlee requiredby lew,sums pald to Lender hereunder,Including wlthout Ilmitetlon
<br /> � paymenls ol principel and fntereat,inaurance proceeds, condemnetion proceeda end rents and prolNS,ahall be applled by
<br /> Lender b tho amounts due end owing Irom Trustor and Borrower in auch order as Lender In it�sale diacretlon deems des�rable.
<br /> (k)8�v�r�blllty.II any provislon of thls Deed ol Truat conllicln wllh appllcable lew or�s declared Invelfd or otherwlae
<br /> � unenforceable.euch conlllct or invalldlty ahall not afloct the olher provlsone of thla Deed of Trust or the Note whlch can be
<br /> , qiven eNact wHhout the coniNcting provlafon,and to thla end the proviafons ol thls Deed ol Truat and the Note are declared lo be
<br /> severable.
<br /> �� i
<br />