.I�;::.. . ' . . �r= c::1 thi•�' 4Ay' .�. " ' -�',�
<br /> ,� _ . .. . , - � _ ��'s •;��' .�l�t',��• ;,_ .
<br /> ,� i ky, � . � -��4nr� 1� �L�,y. _' ��� .
<br /> r '�':�'.+"�""1` . " .L'wt'-
<br /> �.L . . :'.Ra�'�:�.,.�.f.. .
<br /> .. - '.sri.�r,��,�iusi.3i��ifllS�lr/f�s..b.ti�.__ .. .._ '3,th'ai4!}..�,:�v� ���' � --.v�..i;lit,y .� ._.eo�� . .. . ".. .
<br /> .�...eif'����i ���-L1� _
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<br /> .. . .. � � �-- lU�31 �' ��,.".`''�.��:��_=
<br /> ., ACKNOWLCOdEMENT OF DEED OF TRUBT t����.��'-s"�"�� �
<br /> ,� �y
<br /> T��=-
<br /> TRUBTOR AFJ1D THIS BEFORE SIONINQ n.�•, '�+;�.;..-''�'"
<br /> �:i ,. _ .
<br /> .
<br /> , Tru�tor und�►tq�ntl�th�t th�doaummt Ihd Trwtor I��bout to�x�out�1��OMd ol Tru�t�nd nol�mortp�pe�nd fhN th�pow�r �
<br /> of�I�provlMd tor In ths O�ed ol Tru�t provldsa�ub�unU�lly dlMonnl rlphb�nd obllp�don�to Tru�tor then�mo�ip�ps In Ih�w�nt �
<br /> of�Mfault or bnaon atobllpUion und�r ths D�ed of Tru�t,Inoludlnp,but not Ilmll�d to,the L�nde'�rlpht to hevs the Propshy wld
<br /> by Ih�Tru�tM wllhout�ny ludlol�l proa�sdlnp.Tru�ta npreNnh�n nnb th�t an wl�dp�mm9 w1u�xnouud by �
<br /> Truib►b�lOn th��x�0uG0�r of tIN DNd o1 Tlu�l. �
<br /> W •
<br /> - , „ . . (Sto . Ht10l11 Truttor i �. •
<br /> �� i ��i �
<br /> (Selly . Hueen) Trustar . ,
<br /> � ___ F
<br /> ' COMPLETE this portlon OMLY If the real{xoperty described . .`���:::e4:• .
<br /> �� � � aonsl�b of INDMDUALLY OWNEO AdRICULTURAL LAND. ` � . ""'� '°"
<br /> � .. . .
<br /> • If appllwbN,comptet�ONLY ONE alth�r A,B,or C:
<br /> �•:''1�;�`:•�. . � ., � O A.013CLAIMER OF RIOHT TO OE3I�NATE HOME3TEAQ: ' �
<br /> �''� 4�'�• � Trusta acknowledpes that Tru�tor 14 about to exeoute the followinp Oeed o1 Trust upon the Property.T►u�tor,and each o1 them y--
<br /> '� • `�• �� It more d�an one,hereby dtsolaime Trustor't ripht to deNpnste a homeitead on wid real eetate.No pe►t of Trustor's homs�teiM is 'f�
<br /> ,. `�� ' pre�endy or wlll In the future be dtuated upon said real estate,Truetor underttand�th�t If Trustor esfabllehe��homeeteYd on�ny
<br /> .'.i„r ; + G,1c_v:.�.-
<br /> • , • � pa�t ol esid reN etlate durfnp the dme the Dead ol Truot remaine unretldled and a Ilen upon aald real e�tete,there eheN b�no ripht to ��_;,;�
<br /> ' mak��dalpn�tlon ol hom�uaad In the evant ot o loreclof�ure o�tru�tee'�wle with reapect to oald Deod a1 TruN.
<br /> , • � B.WAIVER OF RIaHT TO DE31fiNATE HOME3TEAD: '�p':
<br /> � Trustor acknowledpes that Trwtor le about to execute the lollowln�Deed ol Truat upon ihe Property.Truator,and each ollhem ' ••-s--
<br /> II mon than one,hereby walves Trustor'a ripht to dealpnete a homeatead on�aid�eal eatete.Truator underefends Ihat Trustor has • f�=�
<br /> dpht to m�ke e deWpnedon of homestead and that by executing thla waiver,Trusror le walving riphts othervvise avelleble la tho ��:��
<br /> purposa ol aflwdlnp thom th�opportunlly lo retaln Trwtor'�homMtead In the event of e deTault upon ihe Ooad ol TruN. .�r�"
<br /> ,y1Y�
<br /> • Purouent to the Ferm Homeetead Protectlon Act(3ectlon 78-1901 et�e vlaed 3tet tea of the 81ete ol Nebreeke►,Truetor ',����
<br /> ' .___ hereby d�ti0nalee Ihe real e�fate described In d�s"Detignadon ol�i atoad"e ed roto and Incor}foraWd hwain by Ihls ' �.'��
<br /> -- --;' . rel�nnco. --
<br /> :�r
<br /> . � .. ' . ;r.';�.�
<br /> , � (Steven L. Hueen Trustor � • . • ,�..,
<br /> _ • • � ' '�:
<br /> • ; Selly K H t. Trustor „-
<br /> I .,. ..
<br /> i
<br /> �I THIS DEED OF TRU3T,la made ea ol the�Bt.tL day ol_1'fA,y ,ta92�by end amonq
<br /> I
<br /> th�Trustor, St[�ven L_ Huaan anr7 �1�Y R. H�en, h��±� a�? wife , .
<br /> whou mallinp eddreu is 2Q 0 G- s-�Lti*' �== n^Arv� Tpi .,.� F - - 1;he►eln"Trustor",wlwthor one a moro),
<br /> , � �h�Tn,stae. -�'�ve Points Bank, A Nebraeka Corooratfon , . .
<br /> Iwhow mallinp addres�Is P.O. Box 1507. Gra�r7 raig.+r7. NE 68802-7�✓�7 (hereln"Trud�e"j,and .
<br /> the B�IIe11Cl�ry, R`�va i�ni nta Rwnlr �
<br /> wha�malunp nddros�Is P•O•�x 1507, GYand Ielarx3. NE 68802-1507 (horein"l�ndar"►.
<br /> FOR VAWABLE CON8IDERATION,includinp Lender's exlanslon of crallt Identfflod�arain to G �v ^ -- y��p� A�
<br /> . • Selly K. Husen, hveband & wife (hereln��Borrower,"whether one or more)and the trust herein crealed, �
<br /> -- • Ihe recelpt ot whlch Is hereby acknowledped,Truator hereby irrevocebly qranta,translero,conveys and aeelpna to Trustee,IN
<br /> ! TRUST,WITH POWER OF SALE,fa the benellt and securily of lender,under end sub�ect to the terma end condltione he►elneiter set
<br /> lorth,the real p►operty,deacrlbed es lollowt:
<br /> � s� ntr.acnea N�nibit A� .
<br /> � Topether with all bulldlnqo,Improvementa,Ilxturea,atreete.alleye,paseapewaya,easements,rlphta,prlvNeqea end eppurle-
<br /> nancai loceted thereon or in anywlte pertalniny thereto,end the rente,laauee and prollla,reveralone end remelndere thereof,and
<br /> , euch personal property fhet le ettached to the Improvements eo aa to conalitute e flxture,Includinp,but not Ilmited to,heating and
<br /> coolinp equlpmen�e�d topether wlth the homeatead or merltel Intereets,II any,whlch Intereets are hereby releaaed and welved;all
<br /> � of whlch,includiny replacemcnts end addillona thereto,is hereby declered to be a perl oi the reol esfate tecured by the Ilan ol thls
<br /> �6Bd O}TfU�lBftd Y��O�ihY 10►iO01�o bolno rwforr�d 1n h�r�ln��fl��"Prn.r.w.'�
<br /> . - _ ' -- - - -- °..._ .._�_.�
<br /> � Thl�Daed of Truet�hall�acure(a)the payment of the principal aum and Intereet evldenced by a proml�sory note or credlt
<br /> � apreomant darod �M�y 18� 1992 ,►wvinp e meturity dota ol__Jnr+a t, �rv� ,
<br /> In the oripinal princlpel emount ol 5�8�4�4•00 ,end eny and ell modllicatlons,extenelone and renewala
<br /> thereol or the�eto and any end all future advencea and readvencea to Borrower(or eny of them II more than one) hereunde►
<br /> � punu�nt to on�or moro promiswry note�or oradlt apnemenb(hereln celled"Note"►;(b)the peyment ot other�ume�dvancal by
<br /> Nrt 71i71ApkuMwN D�NI w�r 10/p
<br /> O 1/M NMNiW/�K M t�wa TruM�nd{�w��ANeeuwn.UnaMt NNnW
<br /> f . .
<br /> f �
<br /> �� 1
<br /> � ' �
<br />