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201100663 <br />ATTACHMENT <br />Tract 3: The West Nalf of the Nor�heast Quarter (W1/2N�114) af Section 26, Township 12 North, Range <br />12 West of the 6th P,M., Nal! County, Nebraska, �X�EPTING TH�REFROM a tract of land deeded to <br />Mount Pleasant Cemetery Asgociation as shawn in Warranty Deed recorded in Book 122, Page 55; AND <br />FURTHER FJ(CEPTING the:fpflowing tract deeded to Mounf Pfeasant Cemetery Assaciation and described <br />as follows: A tract af land beir�g part of the West Half af the Norfheast Quarter (W112NE1/4) of Section 2�, <br />Township 12 North, Range 12 West of the 6th P,M., H�II County, Nebraska, more Qarticularly described as <br />faliows: Referring to the Noitheast Comer of fhe 1Nest Half of t�e Northeast Quart�r of Section 26 and <br />assuming the North line of the West Malf of the Northeast Quarter of Section 26 aS bearing 5 88°30'00" W <br />and all bearings contained h�rein are relative thereto; thence S 88°3�'00" W and on fhe �forth line of the <br />West Half of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 26 a distance of 284.00 feet to the ACTUAL Pl..AC� OF <br />BEGINNIIVG said pofnt being the Northwest Corner of t�� "Third Addition" to the Mount Pleasan# Cemetery; <br />thence corttinu�ng S$S°30'00" W on the North line of the West Half of the Northeast Quarter of said <br />Section 26 a dista►�ce of 96,40 feefi; thence leaving said Norfh line S 00°19'10" W on a line parallel with the <br />INest line of the Mount Ple�sant Cemetery a distance of 514.00 feet; thence N 88°30'00" E on a line <br />parallel with the North line qf �he West Half of the Northeast Quarfer of said Section 26 a distance of <br />360.Q0 feet to a point on the INest line of the Mount Pleasant Cemetery �if extended Southerly); thence N <br />p0°1g`10" E and on the West line of the Maunt Pleas�nt Cemetery (if extended 5�utherlya a distance of <br />180.00 feet to the Saut�west Carner of said Mount Pleasant Cemetery said point also being the Southeast <br />Comer of the "Third Addition° ; to the Mount Pleasant Cemetery; t�ence leaving the West line of said Mount <br />Pleasant Cemetery S 8$°30'Op" W and on the South line of said "7hird Addition° �o the Mount P�easant <br />Cemetery a distance of 264.Qb feet; thence N 00°19'1 Q" E on a line parallel with.the West line of said <br />Mount Pleasant Cemetery and an the West line of said "Third Addition" to the Mqunt Pleasant Cemetery a <br />distance of 330.00 feet to the place of beginning. Containing 2.21 acres more o� less. <br />Tract 4: The East Half of the West fialf af t�e Southeast Quarter {�1/2W1I2S�114) and the West Half of <br />the Eas# Half of the Southeast Quarter (W1/2E1/2SE1/4) of Section 27, Township 12 North, Range 12 West <br />of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska <br />