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<br /> 17.'lYs�x�[cr ui tha Pru{�ty a'a 9eadi�tal Iaictect 1�Borwwer. If all or u►y�rt of thc Ptoperty or any interest in it _
<br /> is sotd ur trw+sferral(or if a bu�etiel�l in.::rcct i�Borrox�:r is sald or tronuferral�uu1 l�orrowcr ic no�a natur•►1 j�enon)witbout
<br /> Irixler's prior writtcn consent. l,cnd ir ����eaec�titod by�[.eudts if�extr�ise ispprol�ibita!by fedtral l�w���thye �due _
<br /> Socwity Iiutrumeat. However,this opt _
<br /> of ti�i4 Socudty instnutxat. _
<br /> if 1�3cr exes�cises ttds op:{�iti,l.en:er s2�e!1 glve Bo�rawar aoeice of�cceleratbn.Tf�nottce stu11 provtde a period of noi `
<br /> l� tAaa gp ds,y9 fmm thc d�te cht notice is dellvcred or msilod within which Borrower mutt pay All swns so��w�od by this
<br /> Socurity lnsuument. Ii Bairower falis to pay tt►zsc curas prior co th�expiration of this period,l.encfcr cnAy invoice u►Y nmed�� _
<br /> permitted by this Securiry[nsuumau withaut fhrther notioe or demu�d on Clorrower.
<br /> 18. Barrowa's Ri�ht to Relnststte. If Borcawer moet� certaia condidoas. BornoWer shall hAVe lhe ri�t►t ta have
<br /> enfntcem�at of this Socunty lnswmeat discoatu►ued at aay time prior to t}u earlier of: (a)5 days(or such othu periad a,s
<br /> . apPllcablo law may specity for reiastueaxnt) befare s�te oi che Propcz�y �w+�t ta :�Y F�w�s'of sala contaiaal in thla
<br /> Secudry Instcucnent:or(b)entrp of a judgmant eaforcing this Sa�rity Insuumrnt.Those condltions uc that Bomow�er: (a)PxYa
<br /> ' Lender aU sums which ihea would be duo undcr this Sccurlry insuum�►t ux1 tht Nou as if no acceteration harl uocwnd:(b)
<br /> cures aay defnult of any other ooveaants or a�ramuats�(c)P$Ys all eapenses incurnd in enforciwg chis Securitui�e to��•
<br /> iacluding,but nat limitod to,reasonablo attomeys' fees;aud(d)taYes such actioa zv l�eader u�ay ce�sonpblY ro9
<br /> ' thu the liea of this Securtty instrumcat, Lender's rightA ia the Pcoperty ond Bomower'c obligation ro p�y tde sum�saused by
<br /> tLis 5ecuriry Instrumeat shall canlinut uctichanged. Upua rein;�tsttment by Botrowu. this Security rn�*•,�*�+�nt �ad tiie
<br /> obliguioas secured her�Dy shall nms►ia fully effaxive a►is"no�oa bad occurnd.However,this ri�ht to refn,stue shaF1
<br /> not apply in tho c�e of aoo�laation under pua8nph L7.
<br /> 19. So1s of Note; Chaa�e ot Loaa Servka'. 'PAe Note or a putial interat ia the Note (tog�h�r with this Socwlty
<br /> Insuuaxat)may be sold one or mon dmcs without priw aotice ro Borrower. A sale m�y result in a chs�age in the eatity(tc�wn
<br /> u the"Loan Seivicer')tluc collxts unontIIlY WY�S�uuder the Nou aad this Savritl+insuumeat.There also may be oae
<br /> or more chan�es of the Loa�x Servicer uarelaud to a sa:e of tLe Note. If th�ce is a daaage of the Loaa Servicer. Borrowa wW be
<br /> gtvea wrlttea notice og th��nge in accordaace witII p�ragraph 14 above aad�piirable law.7be notice will s�•ru tLe a�me�ad
<br /> oddnss of tbe new Loao Sezvicer and the address ur��paYmeau sho�ld bt naa�e. 7Le notice will aLso tmatala any other
<br /> iaf'ormatbn roquired by applicable law.
<br /> . 20. Har�rda�s Substarces. Borrower shaU not cause or pea�mit the presr.oce,use, disposal,storage, or nkase af any
<br /> Hazudous Subataaces on or in tbe Propary. Borrowa sball not do. nor �llow �yone else to do, aaything �ff�g tho
<br /> property tha�is in viol�tion of aay Environment�l Law. 'I7x pc�cedin8 two ceatwces shail not apply to th�treseace,
<br /> �tonge oa the Propacy of small qwntities of H�z�rdou� �bstances th�t are grnerally rocogaixod to be appropri�u to�rmal
<br /> cuideatlal uses�ad to munteaauce of the Prope,ity.
<br /> Borroares shall PmmptlY 8ive I.m3er writtea notice of aay nnvati8�tioa� claim�dem�d, tawwit ot otber xtion by any
<br /> govana�t'�t va r*gulatory agencY or PIIivatG party involving the Pa�ertY aad my Huarda�s 3`+�:6►stana or Eaviroameatal Law
<br /> of wbich Bc�r�w�er has xtual Ynowlalgo.Yf Borrowa leams.a as�tii"�ed by any goveiamea�t�aP or regul�tary autlwriEY+tbat
<br /> my temovai or atha rem�3cuion of ony H�zu�da�s Substaaoe�iuB ttu ProPes�1s�'* Bormwer sh�ll pco�optiy talce
<br /> all noceseary remodi�l aMions in acxordanoe with Environmeatal law.
<br /> Ar wed ia thls psragrapb 2a. 'Ha�srdoua Stibstances' are ttsae subst�nces defined�s wxic or hmrdous abetu�oes by
<br /> Fsvirnameatsl Law aisd the following substaaoes: gaoline. keroxe�e, otba fl�amable a t�ouic petroleum products. touic
<br /> L_.s•�.._ ��;;��:.��..�...l�i.r�,n�ainina�ot fotmaldthYde. aod radio�ctive matetiab. �►s�ua1 in
<br /> pRii�iti�a iuu ucau:..n�,..: qdx,t�G tlfe ptoQelLy 1L iac�[iA ibs
<br />� ; tlus� 20, 'Enviroameatal Lsw' aleaas fed�sl lasss aac3 IIaws of the jutisdictioa
<br /> rel�te to th.safery or wvimnmmt�l prouccion.
<br /> , NON-UIVIFORM COVENANTS. Bormwer aad leader fuither oovwsnt wd:groe as foUo=: ��,,�W,�acti
<br /> 21.A,cceiastioni Remedia.I.ender shall eive oodce W Bo�rower Prla'to �xdastioo tiod�P�*�lnPb 17 uolm�
<br /> ot wy coseaant or agrsement in thb Seau�kY Imtromaot (�°°t P��' W ame tl�e ddsn�
<br /> • appi;caWe 4aw pro�ides othelwtse).T6e noNce sSwU rpecify: (�D the deladt;(b)tbe�ctioo i'e4��1
<br /> • (c)�d�t�,vvt lee�tbaa 30�ys trom tbe date tLe aotico is�i��ain tLe Wootice au�y rrso0t��aocelaatloa�s�
<br /> . (�l?tlrat R,�teue to cuc�e icLe detaWt on or be�oce tbe date spedtlal
<br /> ' se�c,ed b�tb1�S�curid��tttimeet aad nie ol�e�ropa'ty. �e ootke eWl1[Nrt�er htorm Bw�ro�er ot t�e rt�t to
<br /> reiosqb�aiQE�er aocdaa¢frar��1 tbe ri�ht w bceo�a�t aatbo to adert t6e we-esl�teace o�a ddfa�mk oc yy otier
<br /> delesn oQ'�nnwer to�ca3aadoe a�d sa1e.V Ne ddadt is ad cured o0 or beiore t�e dNe specified tu ttie notke,
<br /> I.eades'. aQ�!s optioo+�y requ�^��P�'��ia Ao➢1 a��!1 aa� sx+Q'ed 6y d�s Seca�it7 I�r�mt v�ittio�t
<br /> turt5er�os�x1 aod may is�oke tf�e�owa of ta0e a�d asy et➢oer t+�ediRS pa�t�16Y sPaicaNe law.I.ead�r�be
<br /> eatWed W ooifect ail es�s'lncun+ed in p��tme remedies p'u�ided ia t3b psrsQapi�21,Lodrdisi.bit oot l�ited
<br /> w.rwo�bie�twrre�'Cees aod oocv ot tltk r�3�mc�•
<br /> If th�power ot w�e ic iavoked, Trwta sbsil ceuw'd a 4otloe ot de[a�t ta e��qo�t�wLk6 aq'pet ot tLe
<br /> : Ptnpnta��3oated aad sLtt� msii empia ot wcb no�Ce to tbe m�ooer pe+csecmed bY law W B�ir aad to
<br /> t1�e ot���ereoa�P��bY�Lw.Alter tLe t�ae¢�qutt+ctl6y appiicnble larr.'!'sv�tee sLdl��e podie mrd5a
<br /> ot sale tm t�e pe+aoo�aa�l tn tLe�omer pnscriixd by�PPii�e I��v.7lemtee,witLoas�mo�d oa Bare�a',d�se�
<br /> = t�e ptopaty at p�Wic suct�on to tlie W�ese bi�at t��me aaa place,ma imder we w�ae�ig,�ts�h tde ootloe or
<br /> �We ia one or more p�ncels�ad In�ay order'Tr�atce ddeimiae+.Trustee�9 PoctQoo�s�le o�all or asy p�ra]ot tLe
<br />_ . p��hy p��at we tiou a.a p7s�oe ot�y ps�.wia�g sc�edased s�le. 1,waer or w a�neo msr
<br /> - p�r�e tke pt+opaty st asy sak.
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