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<br /> � S. H�x�u� or pro�erty �ucur�ncr. Borrower rtWl icep tae improvomasu now eaistia� or lsere�er arouod oa thr
<br /> Property insurcd �atnst lor�by fir�,huards includrd withiu ttu term "extcnclal wvcrarc" aad �ny other h�rds. tacludlnr
<br /> fload.�or lloodic�, for whkh l.axfer roquirai iacw�u�c.Thi�iawriuce�htll bc uulntaltkd in the utwunw and far the periods
<br /> that I,eader rcquiros.'!'he insuraxe cirrler providi�the ijuur�ucc yhill be chosra by E3orrower wbjoct to l.eader'a yaprov�l
<br /> whi�ch chal! not be unr�ason3bly withhetd. if Borrowrr i�il�to waIntaln cavar�o ds�ribed aLavo, t.cader mgy. at i.auler'�
<br /> option.obtain covers�e to pratoct L.taOtr'o ri�ts ia ttu Propttty ia�ocur�+noe w�itb par�taph 7.
<br /> All insurwce palicie9 nud rr.a�wats shail be acc.cptabk to f.eador wci ri�U iaciu�e� stt�a�� c�a;�Qr�;a c;�. Lc:,3t:
<br /> �a11 tt�ve the dg�i0 to hold the po!'►eia+md reaewilt. If l.ender cequlrea,Borrawzr st,all prompqy�Ive to Lender ali razelpes of
<br /> psid premlaa►t s:�!n�wal natkes. ln the event af lo�s,Bosrower shall�ive�roropt notice to tho in�ur�aoe carr9er aad l�eader.
<br /> Leader may m�ke praaf of loss if aot awde pmmptly by Bortower.
<br /> Un{t�l.eadcr�ad fiwrowea oWerwise a�ra ia writia,�.iaturance pmceeds�hall be�ppliod w ressorutoa or repair of the
<br /> Ikopercy dauna�od, it tue nxtoj�tloa o;r�ir I�eca-.:.�ic�ily f:�:ib:e:r.9 Lsr.3.:r's s.,..�^uriry is uot iz:;K:+�.lf t�e r�w:�tioa or .
<br /> repait is not aotwznicaltV f�asibk n�i�er's security would be lesstaed.the inuuaace pmooeds�hall be applied to the sums
<br /> ucurod by tLls Socuriry Iasuumeat.whether or not tLea due. wits sey excess paW to Borrawer. If Borcower sbanclons tAee
<br /> Propaty. or daea not aaswcr within 30 days a notice fivm LeaBer thu thc insiuuxx c;rrier!uu offerod to c�tle a claim, tbm
<br /> Leader asiy ooltxe the inwraace Proaeds. l.eader may use the proceods w npair or reuare tht pc+ope�ty or to psy suma
<br /> kcutod by thls Secutiry Inswment.whether or twt thea due.7Ue 30-day period wiIl begin whm tlu aotice i�given.
<br /> Unkss Les�der�nd Borrower otherwise agroe in writing. any applicstloo of pmoeals w principal sball not ea�tmd or
<br /> postpoue tl�e due Gau of tbe monthly P�Ymwu refai+ed w in par��nph+1 wd 2 or chac�ge t�e amouat of tho paymmt�. If�ncles
<br /> pars�raph 21 the Property is xqui�od by Lencks, B�aowu's ri�ht to aay iasuraace policles and proaads raultia4 from
<br /> darn�e co the Propelcy Pslor to tl�ee aoquisiqon sL�ll p�to l.a�der w tbe exuse of cLe sums aociu+ed by tlils Security luswmeat
<br /> ia�aedi�telY Pdor w the acquisidoa.
<br /> 6. O�oCU�iocy,Preu�vwtloo. M�1�teosooe ud plratectjoa ot tlfe Pro�aty;Aortowec'a Io�Ap�pUcstloa;I.ea�ioi�8.
<br /> Ba:rower ahall c�aupy,establish,aad use t1�BroQercjF as 8orrowes's principal resideace within wcty days�fter the�ocution of
<br /> t�s Suurity lasuuma�t aM ch�ll coatimitt¢te oor:�'tE�e prope�ty as Bottower's principal t+esidtace for u least aae ye�r aRer
<br /> t�date of oaupancy,unl�,s LRad�r or,Srx��se agre�in writing,which consest cball not be uturasoaably witLbeld.or unkss
<br /> exteauuiqg circuncut�aces r.xixt whi� at+e beyoad Bomower's control. Borrower a�ll not destroy, d�ma8e or impiir tbe
<br /> Property, a11o� tbe propertv to deterioras,or oommit waste oa the Pmperty. Borrowa shall be in defwlt if my f�ufawrc
<br /> ictioc�or Proa�odit�8,v��civil or cr�m�u�l�is be�ua thu in Leader'�good f�ith j�meat oould result ia forfdture of tbe
<br /> praperty or otEetwise e�;cri�UY imp�ir the liea created 6y tLi4 Savrity Instn�meut ar I.eader's socurity itue�+ai.Barowa�y
<br /> cun wch i default and reinstata.as provlded in par�rs�6 18.by causia�the actiom ce prooeodio,g to be dismisud with�ruling
<br /> �hat� in l.cader'a�ood falth daaminuioa, Prxludr.�farfeiuu�e of tLe Borrowar"s iaterest ia tbe Prope�ty or otLer m�talal
<br /> 1m�irtaait of t1�e llm cnuod by tl�Sawrity Ins�vmeat or l.eader':security interest. Besmwa:ha11�lso ba ia defiu�t if
<br /> &arrowrr. durint tbe lwn appticAtioa pr4cas,gave no�teria119 false or ia�ecur�te iatorm�tion or st�temwt�to l�eader(or fa3loa�
<br /> w prqvide Lead�er with any mstetial iniatezst�+oa2 ia 0000xtlon with tlte lo�a evideaoed by tLe Note,incIuding,but not ll�mitod
<br /> �__„ .r,.. r,��s:r°l:.`^-':` �s�_t..e;,Lw,n. if.fi;.cwr,�iev tn�teu.�,�t i.m z
<br /> [O�C�7�MJ�i7�itlutS s+3�iCw�s�vwwiy��r • p•••7 �y. . _... --
<br /> k�o�d, Borrower sbaU eomply witlt aiE t�ee }xrr��.sia6s of tho leate. If Borrower �cquite� fa titje w thc Pmpetty. tLe
<br /> ka�oid aad the fa ade shall not ma�e c:a�ess 3.essder aqras to thc merga in writ�aig.
<br /> 7.Pr+otecdoe ot I.mder':Ri��tm ffie pruperty.If Borrower fs7s w perform the ooveaaats md a�roemeats aooniaod in
<br /> this Secvrity Trst�+*�!t. or tt,ere is a 1e�P��B��Y ���Y�L,eod�r's rlgiw ia tlfee Froperty(such u a
<br /> pcnoeeding in baalc:uptcy,pmbue, for condemn�tion or fodeiuu+e or to mforoe Lrr.�s or regul�tio�),thea I�oder m�►d��ad
<br /> AaY far wh�uver is nocessuy W protxt the value of tae Property aad Leader's rigbts in tbe Property. i.eader's actiaos mry .
<br /> lacluda payiA; any cwms savred by � tim wbicb � priority over tLis Savrity Inurumwi, �ppeatin� ia court. W�u�
<br /> �o�bie atWrneyrs'fas�od mcer'inY aa cne Pcopaty to�m�ice re�ain.Altl�ou�h Leoder m�ay ta�ce ac�ioa uadet this pu�gr,�+�•
<br /> 7.Leader doa not Live w do so.
<br /> Any an»uots disburoed by L,ada under thit.psragriph 7 at�all b000me a�lditioaal debt of Boimwer �ecuned by this
<br /> Sa.urity las�.Un1as Bomnwa�ed I�ler�w other tamo of paymeac„tbae amouat�shall bar iaterett fro�the
<br /> dsue of disbursemeot at ibe Nou rue a�s�ll be �yable. with inunst, upoa notice from L�a�der w B�ar�iver�
<br /> ��Viort�e Imwraaoe.if i.eader ca,-uin+d mort�oge insuraace at a oonditioa of m�kia,g tl�e loan sxuczd by tltis Ses�t�:
<br /> Iastmmeac. Boirower sLall pry the pnmiums reguisod co maintatn the mortg�e i�umoe ia effect. If.fce aqy �asea,t8e
<br /> matgage; aI•�,L•,.cov�ge requirod by Leo�les iagee�or oeases to ix ia efFoct,Scrrowa sh�ll pry the pce�ivms iequite0 to
<br /> obqin cover�ge�,�ts^�;�ny�quivaleat ca tE�ee aso�t�e iasunacx pnviously ia effea,�c a cmt wbstanti�llY equivalmc oo tbe
<br /> ooat ta Bosmwer ot the mong�ge iawr�moe previausly ia offect. frnm an altem�te aaottg�tge ins�urr appcoved by Liacl+es.If
<br /> iu .�a,tty�quivaleat mortg�ge iawrs�ce oov�e is not available,Borrower sball pay w l�eada eacb�pooth a aum eqo,sb b�
<br /> one-tvrelRL of tLe yarly mortg�ge insuraaa premic�s DeinB P�id bY Borrower whea tLe inau�nce oovayge l�od or ceased to
<br /> De ia effect.Lrader will acoepc�use aad�ain these p�.ymoate as a losi rae:va ia 1iw of muttg�e inaupmr.e. Loss rwave
<br /> Faas�02t !�'�o
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