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BENEFICIARY � <br /> AVCU FINANCIAL SERVICES <br /> _.__ ._ __ „�.,,,,,,,, INTBRNATIONAL.INC. <br /> ' dRANTORI3): <br /> � <br /> � rww �w uo,w�►� rwaT wnm �A,W�c..i r <br /> HULIT LYNDALL R HULIT MARY [( 1425 NORTB WEHB ROAD <br /> � waw�oowp tm n�n trcaae <br /> • EL VENTH GRAND ISLAND NE. 6880 GRAND I3LAND . ��� <br /> THISQEEDOFTRIIST.Madeihis t t Tp d�yaf Mnv ,19.9.2._,belweenLYNDAL & <br /> heiefnaReralkdTRU5TOR.who�eaddm�siti1117 W ��mR RAND I3LAND. M. ROGERS : j ���`,',�. <br /> .heminafur cdled TRUSTEE,whose addresc i� +� T�; _:� om cnrm� �nn nMewn. ro�. : ' •• <br /> and AVCO FINANCIAL SERVICFS INTERNATIONAI., INC., a Ncbruak� corporotlon. he�einafler cdled BENEFICIARY,wh��l�ss fR I • ' <br /> . 1425 N�RTH 'WEBB ROAD (iRAND ISLAND. NE. 6�A01 , <br /> WITNESS�I'H:ThatTruxtor(fRANTS,CONVEYS.S6l.LS AND WARRANTSTpTRt►STEE.IN TRUST.WITH POW�ROFSALE,Ihefollowing - <br /> descri6od propeny,silusted in HAL L Cbunly,NcMnxka: - <br /> — . .��. <br /> LOTS FOUR (41 AND �'IVE (5) • BLOCK ELEVEN 111) IN GIGBERT'S ADDITION 'PO ,. .'',�� <br /> THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND� HALL COUNTY. NEBRA3KA. . • "� <br /> � '��;, <br /> - . . � 'i�'� <br /> _�,-. <br /> _ _ ._-_ - � � � � `.,� <br /> _ ; �:::� <br /> togelherwithallbuildingaandimprovemeelsnowarhereuperemciedlhc��onandallscreens.awnings,shadea.x�orm�avha�xlblinJs,undhcaling,ligh�ing, .�„�,. •� � <br /> plumbing,gu,elecuic,ventila�ins,retrfgenUng and oir•canditioning equipmen� in ronnec�ion�hercwi�h,all of which,f�tt the purposc uf ihis Decd � <br /> of Trust,nholl be dcemed flxtumi�nd subJect to Ihe lien hercof,and thc hcrcdilnmc�a nnd appunenances penaining�o the Properly ubuve dexcribed,and <br /> dlRmeeu,lanes.alleyx.paxsogee,waya.walen.walercourses,righta.Iibenievundprivileges,wh��soevcnhercuntobelnnRmeorinanywiseappenaining ., - <br /> and�he roveniam uM rcm�inden.All of whicb Is rekrttd lo hercina6er ax Ihe'premise�'. . - . <br /> TO HAVB AND TO HOLD�he�Mc�ve•deuritxd premices,wilh Ihe n�urtenoncec and fialurc.r,umo ihe suid Beneficiory ilc cuccecenn and a.sigm, ' <br /> � forcver,tor Ihc purposet und uses hcrcin ge�furth,fmc from ull righ�.anJ Menefilti undcr und by vinue of nny Home�teod Hzcmaiuo(.+�w�ot the Slrle , . <br /> of Nebnska whfch may be enacud,which s�id righn and benefi�c dx�aid Troswr does hercby ezpre�4ly releose ond waives, . • <br />� TN1il0�YI80 Yi3IgI1Y Ip B�IIt�CIPIy AII MI11S(SR11Ct i111A profi�s of xoid premieev,grmling Ihe right ta collecl ond use�he vume,wUh or with�wlluking � � . ; <br /> posseseion of tlx pamisa4,durine canlinumce of defauli hereun�ler,ond during c�nlinuance oP such defaup aulhorizing Beneficlary lo enler upon xuid � • <br /> •• , prc mixes and/or to collect ond enforce�he same wi�hom regord w aJequacy uf ony securily for Ihe indebtednes�hemby secumd hy uny luwful meanc ,�, <br /> , including appointment oP a rcceirer in the name of uny pnrty herc�o,and�o apply Itx same le�cc c��slc and ezpenses otopera�ion and edketion.includinQ • <br /> � rc�sanable�nomey'�feea.upon�ny indebtedneu secuRd hereby,in such order aQ Beneficiory may deurmine. � " ' . <br /> FOR THE PURP45E QF SECURINd:(1)Performance of euch ogreement uf Truunr con�oineJ herein;(2)Payment of th¢principul xum wi�h imere��, <br /> os provfded In accotdance with ihe tenns wid provisions of a Pmmissory No�c/L..o�n Agrcement(hereinuf�e�rcfemed�o av"promixsory nac")da�ed <br /> M71Y l 1 - 1992 ,herewNh executed by Trus�or end payeble�p�he order of Beneficiary,in the Princlpal sum oP <br /> " � 9�?5-0? .and having the datc of i a final payment due an N�v � � _ �ooti .oracezlended. <br /> " deferted w rt�ehcduled by rcnewd a rcfinonco:131 Payment of any addilional advan�es,wi�h intercxl lhereona.r mvy herea8cr bc loaned by Beneflciary <br /> ' Io Truala in a maximum wm of S qA 75_07 wilhio IS ytars from the date of lhls Ueed of Trus1; <br /> however,this paragra�does notmns�ilute�convnilmem by Heneficiary lo tnoke fuwrc ndv�ncea:(4)The paymemof any money 1ha1 may be advanced <br /> , by Ihe Benefieiary 10 rustw(ur uy rca.wnor w Ihird parties,wi�h intcrc��Ihercon,wherc the ann�ums arc aJvanced�o protec�Ihe secudry in ucwrdunce <br /> wi�h�he covenants M Ihia Deed of Trwr,(S)An�renewal,rcfi�arcing or extemionot�nid promissory note,or pny other agrcemenl to pay which may <br /> .,• be subsUtuud lhercfor. • <br /> All�aymenls made by Tnislor on the obligalion secuRd by ihis Dced of Trusl shall Mc applied in Ihe fallowing order: <br /> ! FIRST:To�he paymem of�aAes anJ nsussment4�ha�may be levied and auessed against aaid prcmises,insurence premiums,rcp�ira,and all other <br /> ; chuges and expensea�drced to be paW by�he Trus�or. <br /> SECOND:To tAe payment af Intercst due on mid loan. <br /> 1 7'HIRD:To Ihe paymen of pinclpal. <br /> TO PROTECI'THE SECURITY HEREOF.TRUSTOR(SI COVENANTS AND AOkEES:l I 1 To keep snid premfsec insured�guinst loss by ffrc�nd <br /> a�her h�zurd�.cosually anJconlfngenclec up to the full volue nf nll impmvemenn far ihe pnNec�i�x�of Benefici�ry in auch manner,in�cuch amoun�c,�nd <br /> Mauchcompunka a�BenefKfurymuy fn►m Ilme lulime u�►ruve,anJ 1h�11�ixxpnxecJ+f Ie�xexpenreuf collecliunl xh�ll,a18enMicinry'wption,be npplieJ <br /> on said indeMediress,wheiher due ur not ar�o�he re�wrutiun ut said Impruvemen��,ln evem of tosg Tru�tor will gIve immeJin�e naice by mnil to the <br /> _ Bene(icfarv.who may make oroof of(aRS ff not made nnunnlv hv Trucuv,and each in�uronce romnanv cnncemal is hercby amhoriud and direcled to <br /> mrke payment tor such lou dircclly m lhe Beneficiury instcoc�orin the Tnislor.(21 Ta pay all Inxes nnd special ossessmeMs of any kind that ha�e heen <br /> or mny be levied or uu4sed upon safd prcmises,ond 10 deliver�o Beneficiary,upon request of the Beneflciary,the official rcceipt Rhowing poymenl of <br /> all guch loxes and usse�sment�.(311n Ihe event of defaull by Truslur under Puragraph�1 a 2 above,Bene(iciary,ut i�soption,may lal place ond keep auch <br /> — fnsur�nce above provided for in force Ihroughout the Ifie o!1hi�Deed af Trust�nd pay Ute rcaaonable premiums end churges therefor,(b►Euy all sniJ <br /> laxes end assessmcnts wilAoul determinmg Ihe vuliJily lhereo(;nnd Icl pay�urh lienr and ull such disburun�eMr ac�hull be decmed o part uf Ihe <br /> {ndebtednesssecurcdbylhn[7eednf TrustondshallheimmedialelydueandpayublebyTni�lor�o8eneliciary.141'I'��paywhendueonylienon�hepmp�ny <br /> � which is seniex lo the litn of Beneficiary und,naw�i�hxwnding any ri�tht ur op�ion grumed by ony srni�K licn or by any seniur IicnMdder w pem�it the <br /> ! principal bal�nce oi turh anicx lien ia incrcasr.Truuor will nol peermn 1he prfncip�l t+alunce i�f any�cniar lien ta iik rcace uM�ve ihe halun�Y a�Ihe lime <br /> uhhe n�nkingatlhisTrucl Dced untillhi�Trua 1)eeJ�h•rII huve tx�en paiJ{n full.(S►Tokcepllk Muilding+and iither impnwrmrnlwmw rr.ivtinFor herc�f�cr <br /> erecleJ in gaxl mnJilion wJ rep�ir,n�H w commi�or wtfer any wu+�e ur nny us�ul caiJ prenuu�amuury w rr.lririnm�c ul re�i�rJ ur c�m�rory w law, <br /> and to permi�Beneficiary M entcr at all reaicnnabk umes f�x the pur{w.e uf impe�ung�he premisec:no��o remove ur dcmul�eh any Muildin�t�he►rnn:�o <br /> ' 28�OA74�REV�•91�NE •(iENERAlU3URYLAW �w <br />----- � ' <br /> I <br /> � { - <br />