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201100585 <br />EXHIBIT A <br />A tract of land comprising a part of the Northeast Quarter {NEl/4) o� Section Eight (8}, Tawnship <br />'1�►�elve (12) North, Raage Nine (9) West ot tl�e 6th P.M., in Hall County, Nebraska; more part#cularly <br />descr[bed as [ollovrs: Begiuning at a polnt an the wcstcrly right-of-rrar •line of U.S. Hlg6way No. 281, sald <br />point belag Sevea Hundred Foriy Seven and TWro TenWs (747.2) feet soutL �nd Thirly Nine and Seventy <br />Ffve Hundrtdths (39.7� feet w�st of the aortheast corner oi said Section Eight {8); thence vresterly <br />paralle! to the north �ine o[ said Sect�an Eight {8), a distance of One Thousand One Hundred Sixty Sl7t <br />and 1Wvo Hnndredths (1,166.02) feet; thence detl�cting ltf'tt 41°Z5' and runniag southerly, a diatanc� of <br />Five Hundred Sevenly 1�vo and Eight Tenths (572.8) teet; thence easterty parsllel to the nort6 line' of <br />said Sectlon Eig6t (8), a distance � o[ Une Thousand One Hundred Sirty Foar and 'ILiriy Nfne <br />Huadredths (l,1b434} [eet, ta We w�esterly rigbt•of way line of said U.S. Highway No. 281; thence <br />norWeriy along said highway rtght-oi way llne, a distaace ot Flve Hundnd Seventy'lr►o and EigLt Tenths <br />(S'72.8) fect to tLe place oi beginning, EXCEPTQIG a certain tract D�ed to the State ot Nebraska more <br />particularly descr�bed fn Warranty Deed recorded as Document No. 93-104890. <br />