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<br /> 'A fsr•ac� o f 1�nd campri s!ng w part of thq North��s� Oua�r�vr af thw Northws�t
<br /> ' , • �"�" Qu�rb�►• lN�1/4 NW1/41 ot 9wction Twwnty Fout� i�41, Township El�van fll)
<br /> � r ����.� .-�: Nc�►•!h� R�r��• T�n �1(►) W�st af thw 6th P.M. , H+�l 1 Counby� N�braska, mor�
<br /> .� �s �- parti���l�rly d��crib�d �o follaws�
<br /> . Hwnlrnlnp at w paint on th• narth 1 inv af s�id S�Ct 1G11 TWf�)1'�ty Fc�ur �24),
<br /> • �� "�" ` " s�id painb b��np For�y Thr�� lA3.11) f��t w�st of' th� north�+��tt cCrmr of
<br /> ° ' swld Nor�hw�sb Quwrt�r tNW 1/A� � thence wQSterly �lung t he north 1 in� of
<br /> �Tt `����� swid fl�etia» tw�nty Fauo^ �241� � di�t�nc� of Nlnw Hundr�d 8ixty �960.0)
<br /> foat � thwnce deflectinQ ltft 69 d�prQ�es 42� 5d" and running southerly, a
<br /> ° . " di�tane� of ff ipht Hundrsd Ten wnd Forty Fiv Hur�drRdths l910.A3) f��t ta
<br /> ' �h• northweet corn�r of Lot S�vQnt��n !17)� W�stpat• Subdivision� thvnce
<br /> • •astwrly •lanp thp north lin� of said Lot 9�vwnt��n (17) and it�s aastQrly �
<br /> " � prolon��t ion� � diRtwnc� af Thr�� Hundrsd Fifty Nln� �nd Eighty Twc� H«n- _
<br /> ., dredths l353. 8�) f��t to th• aASterly lin� of Oald Raad� thence southarly
<br /> � - . wlong thw awst�rly line of said [3ald Raa�d, +� d�atarieo af Fifty Nina and
<br /> � Nin�ty Fc•ur Hundrwdths t59.9p) fp�t to bhw narthw�a� cornar o� Lat Eightnan
<br /> . ti8) � W�stpat� 8ubdivfwion� thsnc� ��stwrly aiong ths narth lin� of asid _
<br /> ' L�t Ei�ht��en t19), � dist�nc� af' Two Hundrwd Ninety Nin� •nd Eighty Eiqht
<br /> �. . �,� Hundr�dth+� �.�.99.A8) fa��t ta tho wouthw4st �arner of W�wtgatQ Third Subd iv�- _
<br /> - _-- --- _-- s#ani than�a north�r�ly �lc+n� ther we�•ter�y ��n? nf ��ld �!�•tg�t• Th#rd _
<br /> ' � -. Subd iv i�i on, � distanc4 of Two Hundr�d Nin�ty Nin• and Sixty Four Hun- •-
<br /> � '" - dr�edtha �.'.'��.64) fe�t ta tM• narthwost carnor af swid Wastpa��e Third 8��bdi- -
<br /> �'� � .� vislan� thanc• ea�tvrly Alonp �hQ north�rly linv af oaid WQStgate Third _
<br /> •• ., ,i=� • � 8ubd iv isi ori{ n distar�ca af Two Hur�dred Ni riaty Nina and Ei pht Tenthx 129�.El> `
<br /> °� � faet t o t h� wast4rl y 1 inw c+f Claude Waad; thanca north�ri y alon� the weat- _
<br /> erly 1 inc�s c+P st�id Cla4�ds RGAd� a distar�c� af �'ivQ Hundt^ed SvvQnty a►nd Si„ty
<br /> Tht•aQ Hundredths ��7p.63) fQQ� to th4 p1�cQ of b�ginninp. -
<br /> The SauthaASt Quarter (SE1/A) cf 9ect ion F�ft Qen t 15) in Tawn-
<br /> , • ship EIQYRY� tll) North� Rar�gQ T�n tld) Wast af the 6th F�.�1. , Hall Cour�ty, �
<br /> � . : ' � Nebraska� axc�pting that parti�n theroof conveyed to tha Qra�nd Island RiFla
<br /> , � ' Club, by Warr�►nty Deed rQCardQd in �ook 9A, Rage 2;5 uf tha DQOd itacorda of
<br /> - __=__� -_ , == H31I Cr,ur-.ty� Piabt•�ak�. .
<br /> .. The Sau�heast Gl��art er �8E 1/�i) oP 9QCt i an 7hr-eQ (3), Tc�wr�sh i p -
<br /> � �;'' : Saven (7) Narth, Ran�a Twenty <.�.0) W�st of the SiKth p.M., �helpa Cc+�tnty,
<br /> ` �,�;'�'�:r�f�7�: •:,;'� Nabra4ka ar�d ThQ Northaast Q���►►•ter �NE1/�►) �f Sectdor� Tan (10), T�wnahip
<br /> � •'� ~'�''�""��' Sc�vrrn !7) Nurth (ian e Twent l8t�> W�st af thQ 6th 1-'.M. F'hol a Count
<br /> t.. :.;,�,.. . � .!i Y � P Y�
<br /> � . N�abranka.
<br /> � „ ' , .
<br /> " �
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