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<br /> '` �� " 'BIG B. INC.� a Nebreeke Corporetian NMt►opo�itn+�����m�+►��^r
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<br /> �. OOMPANY, a Nebraeka Corporetion ����.N����� � �"---
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<br /> ia wididam� aca�s�lons.wbsdtutlon�thorew.artd�II produca and P►aa�ads thanof: �' . u' � -
<br /> All irrigetion pumps, motore. engines, pipea. aprinklera� control panels end accesaories. � "'""�'�������
<br /> all other irrigation equipment� ell liveatock watering aystema and liveatock tanks� �_=;--.
<br /> `' � . connected therewith now or hereafter placed or inetelled, together with all Water er�d -�-+.-..:=n�
<br /> � watering righta of every kind and deacription� all furniahinga� fixturea. mech3�erq, �,. v �� ;..;
<br /> -- --�'�"�""". "�' ryuLpuiaui.� appliance�,r� dyai.Cwa� Lui2uf��g u�-ot�.-ia2s attd pCr�oz�2 p:apertp of cvzry k3nd �-
<br /> _ . _ and neture whateoever, including, without limitation, all ges and electric fixturea, �� �'�� _
<br /> � i � � � fana. grain drying syetema and facilitiea. sllos, bins. acelea, fuel tenks� blowera. �''.�._--._��---_-�-- ---
<br /> � dryera� hoiats� radiatora, heatera, enginea erd mechinery. boilers� tranaformera and __�--
<br /> . . ' releted trenamieaion and sefety facilitiea, meters� elevatora� conveyore and motors, ��,r�l
<br /> ' 100' York Grein Leg� 120' York Grain Leg, 8 Downspeuta, 2-Circle Drying Fans, 1 Henke ���__���--���
<br /> . . "' Roller Mill, 1-80' Scele including Howe Rirhardson Scale Device Serial Number 68-12216, r�,,�;.�..._
<br /> 1-Apollo Grain Probe, 7,800' Fence Lined Concrete Feed Bunks, k2-Continuous Flow Weterera. �'°-='"--
<br /> ��._�-
<br /> 88-Steel Getea. 1-Circle and Snake with Hydraulic Squeeze Chute� 1-Loading Chute, 1- __
<br /> . , �, Propane Heater and Exheust Fan, 1-Co�vection Heating Sqatem� 1-Air-Compreasor. end - .__
<br /> ' �� 1-Gae Pump, vhich ere or ahall be ettached to any buildtnga� atructures or improvewente '�'•--. _.
<br /> '' � � located uprn� the real estete ae deacribed on attached Exhibit "A". �
<br /> = __-__:_--___ •.____ LITTLE B'S OORP.. e Nebraska.Corporation BAXTER CATTLE COMPANY. a Nebraske Corporation � __ • -� •°
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<br /> ` T 8 E CATTLE QOMPANY, a Nebraska Corporetion ',�;x..��_ '�
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<br /> �� rt�rk�d h� �far f�mirp op�ration�. -•--it mvkal hero ❑tar buainps apantions.
<br /> If ineiced he►e ❑th�Coll�taral ia beinp acquired with ths prxeeds ol the note a notes�which Socured Party moy di�-
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<br /> � Executod thi� ��h d�y of �� . 19�. Thls AprNnNnt IaclwMs All th�Prarb{ais on ttw Rwws�Sid�.
<br /> _ _ BIG B,. .� Nebraska Corporation
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<br /> ., s.�wa r«+r o�a omas S. xter, rea nt
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