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. �.. i., r�N !v!.:'x .:i.t., <br /> . �' 't:...� . .._�.. ,� r:' I 4F�IS 1i5"��I , ;�.3- ���'i,., . <br /> �' . .l'. �I 'f 1� f . .. '`," ,. .�. <br /> ` . .� � "�.;,.,. �Y:'.-�-. <br /> ��i:. <br /> . .�,-•�r�a-�� V �----_ _ _--_°°_-- <br /> -• r r �-'Rw . � . . .. . � '«.L'. . ..,�._��� <br /> ' . . . _ .. _�.�.. ' '� c .%7,�:.X-=_-- — <br /> - � � . - . . � . . • , - . �b.�.rv- . i.• _ .• -r.:y''y_ -._ � •�"°.=-�"-` ���n..._. <br /> �`'— -- —- . . 4 �+ �,o���i�7{t� <br /> . , <br /> ,{„ .� _..���� <br /> _. _. _.» <br /> ._. : .��:....-.�,. 1�. , � � -_ <br /> 9. EVBN'CS OF'I�F.FAI�I T. My of the fidl��winR�vrntiv xhnll hc deemed nn�vent nP default hereunder. <br /> (a)'15ru�tor sh�l1 have fa{led to make payment of any inaa liment af intere�t,p�incipal,or principal und interert or eny ""' " �-°° -- <br /> � � otMr�um�ecuced hereby when due:or ""`;.- <br /> � (bl There heH xcurrcrl a Mreach��f��r defnult under any terrn,covenanc,uRrcemenG conditiun,parvi��entodun __" �'°_ <br /> " " ot waranty cont�Jned in eny of the lnen In�trumenv. f -- `;��M:.�-: <br /> � � 10. ACC�I.ERATION UE'ONI)EFAULT,AI)[)17'IONAL RRMEUIF.S.ehouldaneventofdePnultoccurBenofic�fary f � ' ' �• <br /> mey declero all Indebtnees eecured hemby to he due end paysfnle end the eame ehaD thereupon b�rume due end peyable ' = -� :__...,,,.:._'_��A <br /> z:�r-°'—_ <br /> ^ • � without any presentment,demund,pr�d,eat or notice nf eny kind. ThPreafter Beneficiarv mny: �` „ ,�•c;���:•• <br /> (i)Either in perspn ar by aRent,with or wiehout brin�cinp ony action ur proceedinR,ar by n mceiver appointed by n rnurt I ' <br /> and without reRaed to the adequacy nf ite eecuriry,enter upon nnd take poeeeeeion af theTruet Fotate,or any part theeeof,in �. ;.,�-==- =— <br /> its own neme or in the neme of Truetee,and do any acfi+which it deeme necenaery ardeoirnble to pre�ervethe value,markeb �Ta•-�-----r— <br /> ebillty ur re�ta6ilily nP LII@ TfUl1l F:BLB�P,M pfll'<<I1PrPOf IlT IIICFTPXL�F1P�PI11,increaxe the income there&am or protect the r : 'i'?=�����:-' <br /> .,_;,__._..— <br /> � �ecudty heeeof and,with or without taking pos�eesion of the 7�ut Entate,eue for or otherwiae mllect the renta,ireue�and `� --� -- � �-- <br /> protlb thereot,including tho�e paet due and unpeid,and epply the oame,leee coets and expenaeeof operatlon and caUection '�"r`�'-�'�-� <br /> � n'� <br />' ~ i n c lu d ina st t omeyi fee�,upon eny iedebtedness eecured hereby, eli in euch urder ae Beneficia ry ma y determine. The � :;i�,,,;�;„:��;°�, <br /> � entetinQ upon and taking{weseeeiun of the Truot Eatate,the collectiun of euch renfa,iseuea and proBte and the applicadon ►• • • .z�„x�-.—_� <br /> thereof aa efote�aid,ehall not cure or waive any default or natke oidefeult hereunder orinvaliduteany addone in reaponee f <br /> �.J ta surh d.txslt ar purnuani!o auch notice of cicfault an�,noiti�ltl�s�tatiding the continuunce in gosaeeelon of the'!'r�•t Fp�AtP t; - .r_�.u-.y--'��;-� <br /> � or t h�co l l e c Uon,r e c e i p t w t d a p p l i c a t i o n o f►e n r 8,i s e u e e o�p ro f i t a,7�u e t e e o r B e n o fi c i e ry e h a l l be e n t i d e d t o e x e r d�e e v e r y <br /> deht peovided for in any of the Loao inatrumenta ar by law upon occurrenee of sny event of default,includina the ri�ht ta , ���,�: <br /> a�carcLe the powerof eale; F _::.,�.�:,_ <br /> " (ii)Commenae an action to forecboe ehio I)eed of 7lvot ar a mortgaQe,appoi�t a receiver,or epecitically enforce any of � _ <br /> the eovenenb hereof; I �.'.„„�- <br /> (iii) Deliver to'lturtee a written declnretion of default end demand ior eale,and a written notice of default and efecdon - -• <br /> to cauie 7�uaWr'e Intere�t in the 7�uat F.etate to be eold,which notice'llrustee ehal)catue to 6e duly filed for reaord in the i �i�"��.. <br /> �ppmpeiste OHfciel Recorcle of the Cmmty in which the Tnut E�tate ia lacated. <br /> R.; , - _ <br /> 11. FOREC[A9URE BY POWER OF 3A(.E. Should Benesci '� �j��°" <br /> . ary elect to foreclaee by eaerci�e of the Power of 3ale '•�';'`t.�`-�'..'-�:° <br /> • � ' herein contained. Hene6ciary ehall notify Truetee and ehell depoeit with Trustee thia Deed oiTruot and the Note and ouch .�;;4�t� -�` <br /> � receipb end evidence of expenditures made and secured hereby ao 7Yuetee may require. ,'::.r`;:<�±'�- j";-° <br /> �`���� (a1 Upon receipt of�uch noeicr from Beneficiary,TrueteeeF�all cauee M bc recorded,publiahed and delivered RoTnietor `�'�"' - <br /> such Notice of DefaulL and Notice of Sale ae then required by lew end by thie lleed ut7�uet. 75ruetee ehe11,without demand �'"'— <br /> on Truator,efter such time ae may�hen be required by Inw Rndafcer recordatian��Pauch Nodce of Defaultand aRer Nodceof ; . ' - <br /> ' Sele having been given ae requimd by law,eell the'I�uet F.etnte atthe time and plACeof enle fixed by ftio auch Noticeof3ale, j <br /> either s�a whole,or in eeparete Mte or parcele or items ea'Itivxtee ahull deem expedient,and in euch order ae it mey deter- __, <br /> mine,atpubiicauctlontothehiahretbidderfiircnehinlawfulmoneyoftheUnitedgtMeepayeblentthedmeofeale.7Yuatee � � .._;w±�� <br /> ehaU deliver to euch purchaeer or purchaeers thereaf ila ga�d end eufHcient deed of deedeconveying the property soeoid,but - <br /> without eny covenent or watranty,expreae or implied. The reci tule in euch deed of any mattera or fecfe ehail be canclueive ' • -- <br /> proof of the truthfulne��the�eof. Any periu►n,includinR,without Iimitadon,Truator,75ruetee end BeneBciary,may purchaw ' . _ ' � <br /> at�uch eqk and'Itudor hereby mvenanta to wArrant and deFend the dtie af eucb purcha�er or purchaeeeA. t'�E�`��`'— <br /> lb)A�mey bt�petmltud b,v law,aRer deducdng 7Ywtee Fee�in the amount of ,1lrwtee�huU opply the ;�.;:r,_�''�..p'� <br /> � �naiw+d�o�the aal�in the foUowing order: (al to aU rcawnable oo�t�and expenoer of the oale,including,but not Wnitedto, ?-.�='='-*�� <br /> , � fsuatee fee�of not more than 1/2 of 1%of the gmea sale�pda,rearoneble attomey'e fees and coets of dde evidence;(b)W ell 4, ;�:::'^::.z.�'� <br /> I sunu aecue�ed by this Deed of Truet;(c)to the payment of junior Tr�wt Deeda,mortaeQ�or other lien holder�and(d)ehe y,._:�:,:J�.;;�.,, --- <br /> balanae.if eny,co the peraon or peiwone legally endtted therew. — <br /> I (c1 Trustee may in the manner provided by lew,pnetpone�ale of all or any portion of the 7�uat E�tete. ; :.?�'':": <br />