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. . '�.'r <br />20i100558 <br />"Exhibit A" <br />The North Half (N 1/Z) af5�oction 7tiventy-three (23), Township Nine (9} North, Range �leven (] l), Wesc <br />ot the 6!h P.M., H�all Counry� Nebraska, EXCEPTTNCr a certain �ract oF land comprising a pari of [he Nonheast <br />.�uatter MG?1/4) pf Section T'wenty-three (23�, Tov�mShip N ine (9) Nolrch, Rangc Elcvcn (11), VJest of the 6�" P.M., <br />Fiall County, Nebraska, and more particularly described as fQllows; � <br />, Beginning at the southeas[ eorner' of said NortheasC Quarrer (NLi/4); nc�ncc running riortherly elong and <br />upon rhe east line of said Northeast Quarter (N'�1/4), a distsncc ofOnc 1'housand One Hundred Ninety Seven and <br />Thirty Saven Hvndredths (1,197.37) fieet; thence deflecting 1efr 89°1 Q'S8" and runttit�g �esterly a distar+ee of Onc <br />'C'housand 1'hree Nundred Seventy �our and Eighty �'ive �-Tundredths (1,374.$5) feet thence deflec�ing 90 ° 56'13" <br />and running southcrly, a distancc of Fivc Hundred Thirry Six and Fiwe Tenths (536,�0) feet; rhence deflectyng ltft <br />74°ZZ`Z8" and svnnir►g southeasterly, a distanne ofTwo Hundred Seventy and Thirty Two Hundredths (270.32) t'ca[; <br />thence deflecting riah! 31 and running southeasterly a distance of �ro Hundrad Thirry and Eig4�ty One <br />1-[undredths (230,81) fcc�; thcnce deflectinb 1efr21°03'S4" and rwnning southeaster7y, a disttancc of One }{undred <br />F'ifteen and 5ixty T}uee k�undredths (l 15.63) feat; thence deflecting left t4°55'38" and running southeasterly, a <br />distance of7'wo H�undredNineteen and T'ii�y �,ight�lundredth8 (219,Sf�,) feet; ihetn�o dcflceting right25°07'28" and <br />running sour,�easterly, a distance of One tiundred and Forty rour Hundredths (100.44) feet; thcnce deflecting right <br />53°22'31" and runn'rng sonthcrly, a distancc oE"i'wo T-lundred �ighty One (28I.0) fcct to a point on the south lins <br />of said Northeast Quarter (NEJ /4); thence deflecting left S9°04'19" and running easterly, along and upon the soulh <br />Iine of said Norcheast Quatter (NE 1!4), a distance oPFive I•lundred �ifty Pour (554,0) fc�tw cho point afbegi��ning, <br />EXC�PTCNG A tract of land located in the Norrh Half (N!/2) of Section T'wenry-rhree (23), Township <br />Nine (9), Narth, Renge �leven (] 1) Vl�est oFthe 6�' P.NI„ T�a)1 Gounty, Nebraska, more par[icularly described as <br />foltaws; <br />Commencing atth� Northwest cornor ofthc N 1/2 ofSection 23 above described and running Easterly along <br />and rapon the North line of said Section 23, a distance of2,613.b faet to a pa9nt on said NoRh line; thence running <br />SouRherly at tig}tt �ngles � distax►ce of205.b fcct; thcncc rabning Wcstorly at right ar�les a distance of 396.0 feet; <br />thence running Southerly at righc atigles a distanc�a af 138.6 Fect; tbenee re�nninb Westerly atri,ght angles and parallel <br />�o the 1�I'orcr� 1;iiL ot'said Sectian•�3 a distance of' l,603.8 fee�, thtnee rvterrit�g S�etthert}3+�ait-rig}�t engf�es; pat�llel tc <br />the West line of said Section 23 a dist$nce oP 1,333.2 fcei; thence running Southwesterly a dista.r,oe of 224.4 fcet <br />t� z point which is 462.0 �ast vf thc '4�Ve�t fine of Said Section �3; thence running Westerly from said above ►ast- <br />described point a distance of462 teet to a poiht on the Wes� line of 5ection 23; then�e running at cighc angles diong <br />and upon the West line oPSection 23 a dis�anca of 1,882.0 feet �o che poinc ofbe�inning and containin� 39 acres, <br />morc or less, - <br />
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