t' I+ '. �;.,� +LL..fi`1�:•- y',.`i:f'�i.t,.. �. ( nr�i1. .-
<br /> ,1 .t 1- f � •�2�J�)+ �{4t �� �'1,. � .
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<br /> .i . . . .r.< �i'��,� �='-
<br /> ,f,a'. � . :�.+. - -
<br /> , �.R.: .__.
<br /> � . .4V. ��r . . . . . .«4:4.yiui. .:. -: - �yy�IR•.-�__
<br /> . . _ . _ g ���nt�v � •�, .. .. n,a M(i�•-
<br /> 1 . L .��WY'�L.r J.�.
<br /> . .in . " �.H��l4�S�Mi.�; ';.�' _ ,. .�. :. .M.�.J..J: a .
<br /> ' .y..y...::�
<br /> . ' � .r, "�?r.. .r� �a �...,.c. �;,,:. �y,,.h... , ,.__ ---
<br /> � � � ,.- ,'� .... ... _._...
<br /> �•�. .A_� � . ...�e_.v.J._�
<br /> � °Y � ,� � ADdUSTABLE RATE 1tIDER � � -�'�����`�
<br /> � 10�3�`7 �--��:�:,,��.=
<br /> f. ' .. , (1 YeuTrasury Index•RateGp�y 92�,• =�----
<br /> �...��-.-
<br /> THIS AUJUSTABLE RATE RIDBR k m�de Ihi��5TH d�y af I�AY .19._�.__, °`��_-__
<br /> �� , � � �nd I�Jncarpau�d Into�nd�h�A be Memcd ro amend end w�plemrnt�h�Mon�e.Dscd of Trwi,or Secud�y Oeed 11he"SecuBty Ins�rumrn�"1 ot u'•'•'•����°`N•=� .�=
<br /> �1 �
<br /> , �he ume d�u�Iven by Ihr undenf�ned(•rie"9o►rowei")la iecure Borrowet'�AdJuu�bk Rae Nole(lhe"Note")to HOA�E FF.08RAtJQ�� �.� �� :�-_---. ,
<br /> y�,syQ��nr��t,.a�eer.,l of IM wa�dp��td awMn{the PtopntY dac�ibal In tM Sav►ity Itulrumcm�nd localed at: ��_
<br /> ,� . wp �:�'.E.:,r::n�o.n,.r...�._' -
<br /> -_.���.�,�y^�.
<br /> r ..
<br /> �s;,.. -�-
<br /> � 30? E. 18TH� GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA 69801 .��;�����r
<br /> . . (Property Addras► `�:".i}.q�s.�:.'!�,�c.��?�'
<br /> ,� TMb �ae awulw pro�Wur dluwl� /o� clw�a 1�a�y I�leral nt� �ad my moalhly � . .. . :
<br /> p�ywe�l►.TAb wWe�bo Il�alu IMe��an�l n�r Utend nit a�eb�t�t�t���o�e q��/
<br /> I �Iw IM�I�Oqw wi IM w�d�w nt�1 wW M�. �
<br /> ,J, ADDITI�NAL COVENANTS. In�ddition to the eovsn�nu�nd�{reemenu msde ie tM 3awrUy In�uumeat. Bwrorer�nd L.ender r. ,
<br /> `' fuNbn wvenmt wd yra u fdbwv: .
<br /> .. • :.�.,'. ........
<br /> � .�.,:.:rt•�:�.s�..•:v :.
<br /> A. INTE�F87'RA7E AND MONTHLY PAYMP.N'i'CHANQES k .. ,;`.��,;:�i',,ti,�y:,;.
<br /> Tha Note provida fa�n Inlllil intaat rue of 8•0 �IY,geetion 4 ot the Naa provlda for ch�nQa ip�he interat rate and the � �};�;;;;,,
<br /> . ��YWYmenp��afdbwr. � •:i�:a��_. .
<br /> „ � ... :��;�.��.
<br /> `, �. /M�'REST R.4TE AND MONTNLY P.I YMENT CNANOBS ' ,,�����y,',:'_;.
<br /> (A1 �'1��{tD�ta �� .,
<br /> � ..:,
<br /> Th�inl�wtnt�Iw111paym�ych�nseonlheRradayof JUNE -- ---,19_9z_,aadontluUdaycvery '� , ••.:t•�� ,�1;:�.v:.:.�_,;:
<br /> 12 . � .....,.:._:.
<br /> month�thernf�e�.Each d�te on ahich my intenat tsle eouW clun�a is alled a'•CN�nQe Date." �� �4i:-�,-'
<br /> �� rt r:,z�--
<br /> 1�1 7'Me I�de� I ''I::'- �
<br /> &{innlnQ wNh Ihe finl Ch�nge Date,my iMerat rate will be 6ased an an Index.The"Index"iR t he weekly ave►aRe yleld on Uni�ed S�a�a ' , _`��`:°.-
<br /> ' • - Tawury atcudtia�djusted to�conslant iawWdty of 1 year,as made avoWble by Ihe Fedenl Reserve Board.The mos�raent Index flpura `-'�`
<br /> I avdl�ble as of thedate45 d�ys before each ChanQe Date is c�lled Ihe"Curreni Index." ��, `' �. �'^ _
<br /> If the lade�Is no IonQe.r�vail�ble. �he Note HoWar will cboo�e p new indcs wbich It b�sed upon compprabk iniormation.The Note _
<br /> � HoWe►�vlll�Ive me notice of 1hb choioe. � • ° -
<br /> � tc► c.�.i.no.orcw..�, � �,.•�` .��`.;�:R�
<br /> Befo�epcbChu�e Da1e,lhe Note Hdder will calculote my new iatercs�rale by.addlna7HE�EE QN-_1�_ON_�-HALF percenlage ��=—
<br /> poinu( 3 � �1►)to Ihe Currenl Index and roundina to the nn�a1 1/Blh of 1�Y,subject�o ihe UmUs�Ialed in Sectlon 4(p)below. `r,.,• _.. _� �
<br /> :z> .:.. . _��
<br /> --__ � ThI�raunded�maum will be mv new Interest rate umH�he next Ch�npe Da�e. � ��•�.•',�,*r --�+�;
<br /> -- -- --- ��,�i:y�,;�.�,.�:���
<br /> The Nae Holder will then detmni�e ihe�mount of�he manthly paymem�hat would Ire xufficiem �o repay in full�he prfncipal I am
<br /> � .�::..•�.
<br /> expected to owe on that ChanQe Date In sulniantially equal paymen�s by Ihe m�wrily dale w my new Intaa�rale.The rcsuN oi Ihi:calculaUon �,;-, �•
<br /> .i...
<br /> will be the new amoun�of my monthly paymmt. ' �-�•
<br /> (U) I.Iw14ow Ulensl R�k Cla�� � •. •
<br /> The inlerdl rate I nm required to poy a1 Ihe firs� C'hnngc 1)n1c will noi hc Krcnicr �I�an 10.00 �/� nr Ir�cs �hnn � �,'�
<br /> s•� M�.Thereafler,my inlerat rate wfll neve►be increased�rc decrensed on nnq�inRle('hange 1)n�e My more�han TWO � "'••
<br /> � .:.:<'g
<br /> „ .�.ZaQ�.L from the�ale o(Inte�at I hare txen paying for�hc prcecding iwelvc momh�.Thc minlmam in�cres�ratc on IhM loun wlll ncvcr he � �;.�_
<br /> ku Ihm.�QQ__._��nd the mnximum fMe�at ra�e will never be 4ra�er ihan_.L3�Q__-�h. `r'
<br /> , lEl FJfecUre M�e M Cla��
<br /> My new Interest talo wfll betome efPalive on each Chenge Da�e.1 wfll pay the amounl of my ncw monthly paymmt beginning on Ihe(irst � �
<br /> monihly payment d�te�fter Ihe Chanae Dale unlll Ihe amount of my monlhly paymrnt chan�es a�ain. � ,.--
<br /> ,.��l1C;`s=
<br /> ' I lFl Nollceof Cb��ex � L``�s�`1�
<br /> The Note Holder will mail or deliver lo me a no�ice before each Chanpe pate.The notice wfll advise me of: i
<br /> - , . (f) Ihe new interat rate on my loan as of the Chonge Dqle; ��;
<br /> Oy the amount o(my monthlypayment following Ihe Chanpe Dale; , ' ���%--
<br /> . ��
<br /> � (III) my additlonal matten wt�kh the No1c Holder is required�o disclose;and '�.•:
<br /> . ..,y„
<br /> qv� �he addreu of�he auociation you rnuld ebatact re�rdlnQ�ny queations�bou�the�djuatment notice. . ....,. .
<br /> ' ,.fit+e�h�:r -
<br /> • •' � y.,., ,
<br /> , .,,� S. CNARGESt L/ENS .
<br /> Udform Covmant4 ot the Secudty Irotrumrnt Is unended to rad�s folbwi: � ! ' " •
<br /> �• ��t 11ew�.Bortower tMM p�y�II toxes,usessmmis,and other cbuQa.flnes,and imposl�ions�urlbut�ble to�he Properry whicb m�y
<br /> � wtldn�priodty over thla SecuNty Inatrumeal,and leasehold p�ymentf of eround rents,if any,in the m�nne:provided under pangnph 2 hercof
<br /> or,If na paid In iuch manner,by Bonowa m�kln�payment,when due,dircnly to the p�yee thereof.Horrower shall promptly furnish L.ender
<br /> `��� dl naloea of�mouncs due undcr this
<br /> puapaph,�nd fn the event Bonower shall make payment directly,Borrower shtll promptly iurnish to
<br /> � L�ender receipb evidencing wch pnymenU.Borrower shall promptly diah�r�e�ny Ifen which hu priority over thh Security In�trument; � .
<br /> ' I howevar, 8orrower slull not be requlred to discharQe any such lien so lon{as Borrower:(a)shall adrce in w�ilin4lo�he payment of Ihe .
<br /> obtigation secured by:uch Ifen in�he manner acceptabte to l.ender;(b)shall in goad taith contey�such lien by,a defend Against entorcemem of
<br /> � such Nen In,1e4a1 proceedinas which in Ihe opfnion of Lender operate to prevmt the enfacemem of the 8en or forfeiture oP the Propeny ar ony ,
<br /> parl lhaeof;or (cl sbdl securc from the holder of such lirn an aQreement In a form satisiactory to Lender subordfnatin�such Nen to lhfs
<br /> f Secu�ity Inatrument.
<br /> � If Lender dtlermfna ihal�II or ony p�rt of Ihe Properly is subjecl lo a lien which may auain a ptforfly over Ihis 5ecurf�y Instrument,
<br /> • i Lender ahtll�Ive Borrower a nolice fdentifyfng such Ifen. Borrower shall satlsfy such lien or t�ke one ar more of the ncUons set forth above
<br /> wUh{n an day�of�he�Ivin�oi the notfce.
<br /> i
<br /> ,
<br /> -.— . _. -. } :.. ��.—.��.
<br /> Uniform Covenam 14 of�he Securfty Insrcument Is amended to read as followti:
<br /> I 11. No1ke.Ezcepl for any notfce requfred nnder opplkable law to be gfven in another manner,�a1 any notice io Borrower provfded for in thic
<br /> '- ., Seeu►i�y Ins�tumenl shal!�e g4ars�;del[�•erlr.5 ft or by map►n6:;L��l���.ioa mrii�o iwrrow�er a�me Proper�y Address or at such olhet uddress
<br /> u dorrower may designv�e by notice iu Lender as provided herein,and Ib►any nolice�o Lender shall be given by(irs�class mafl to l.ender'c
<br /> address suted he�eln or to surh o�her addrecsaa t ender may decignate!+y notia to Horrower as provided hcrefn.nny noiicc provided for in this
<br /> Securily Instrumen�s1u11 be damed to have been efvcn to Borrower or Lender when given fn Ihe manner desfgnated herefn.
<br /> � i
<br /> . �
<br /> . �
<br /> `" ' i
<br /> , �
<br /> • �,•.�� _
<br />