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I��i'j`T � t �� 1� �� <br /> ' .1�.�,i. {�Jif ' . � _":�; �(... <br /> ' 1 '�' _ .. .. . . .. A, ' ,•.���. <br /> • . .. .� . - .... ...�' _ "'t.�.,''_ <br /> i .u. . . .. ... _ . ` .,� �.. . , __ '_' <br /> - _i 4:f�°-�SA:,— <br /> .�'.J�. '" - .. �M'r�•.�s...:11{Ilh'11J.n[1� �'y'd�'i- .'.7�.-:y____- <br /> ' 'A'IIP�. -1A�4., ..._ .V4"1 9�"- ' '• f. '.�1...� _' <br /> � . ��HMi.;N -.�.;� •,�'•�� -r..t�tirlw.. __ -� . <br /> . � , ��u�` <br /> - , .. ' .. . .lt�� —. <br /> . . . . 92— �o���� �,�=:��;�::=�!:._ _ <br /> �, : - -- --- - <br /> . n TO(3ETFi8R WITH all tha improvcmenis nnw on c�rcoticr crectcd on �hc rl unJ uU cuxemcntx,upnuncnunccs, A� — <br /> "n. Pn'F� Y• , � <br /> . and lixtures now or hereufter u pan of Ihe properly. All replacemcntx und Addiliang shall also be covered by this Security �-����.-��__ <br /> ' . InWrument. All af tht foregoing is refeRed to in thie Securily InstNment as the"Property." �;i`t�'''�s"-�------ <br /> . BORRQWER COVENANTS thst Barower is luwiully aeised oi 1he eslate hereby conveyed und hus Ihe righl to grunt ����;'T:'3','�.^;+;� <br /> ; . ,, andconvey 1he Property aid that the Property is unencumbercd.except for encumbrunces of record. sarower wartan�s and •�'�.,.�;�-:,„��-,-^,-_ <br /> .. °� r will defend gener�lly Ihe�Nle to the PropeAy aguimt nll cleim�and demande,subjecl to any encumbcances�f record. ...••{�°•�`� — <br /> , .,-�(;• <br /> THIS SECUKI7'Y fNS1�ItUMEN'i'cumbines unfiorm coveni+nts fur n�liuuxl use .uid non-uniform covenanta with t •• • : •-Y.-. <br /> � Nmhed va�ietions by ju�isdictfon ro canstitute s unifarm xecudty instrument covering roal proporty. ' , �, i ..� <br /> UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and L.cnder covenant and agree as follows: �� "�`����''`�`r�J �^ <br /> l. Payment oP Principal,and Intere91i Prepwyment and LAte Charges. Bortawcr shalt promptly pay when due the <br /> �� principal af and intcr�st on the debt evidcnced by Ihe Note And any prepayment and lak chargea due under the Note, <br /> - 2. �nde fo�'il�zea and InsurAnca Subjecl to applicoble law or to e w�itten wuiver by Lender,BaROwer chull puy ta <br /> � • �' Lender on the day mamhly paymenls arc due under the Note,until the Note ia paid in full,n sum l"Funda")for:(u)ysurly �. � <br /> tAxes and assessmentg which may altain priodty aver this Security Inslrument asg a lien on the Hnpehy:(b)yearly leuschold � <br /> poyments or ground rents on the Propeny. ii any; (c) yearly huzard or propeny lacurance premiums; (dl yearly Oaod � <br /> , ,I insurance premiums, if Any; (e)yearly mongage insurance premiuma, ff any: and (0 any sums payable by Harmwer to � ' <br /> � ' Lender,in accordance wllh the provisionc of pnragrnph lieu of Ihepuymeot of morlgage 4n�urance premium4. Thexe � <br /> � items are called"E.gcrow Items." Lender mpy,at any time.cdlecl und hold Pund9ln an amount not lo ezceed the mnaimum C�'��•� '�';;,. '.� ^' <br /> � amaunt a lender for a federally related mangage loum m�y rcyuire for Borrawerk exctow uccount under�he lederul Rcul + � <br /> Fatate Settkment Procedure�Act of 1974 us amended from�ime Io time.12 U.S.C.�2fi01 er aeq.l"RESPA").unlcvx am►ther <br /> , ,� �� �;1 law tnal applfes ta Ihe Funds seta n lesscr�mount. Ii eo,Lender may,ut uny time.colkcl nnd hold funda in un u�naunt ni��lo � ..._ <br /> � �; i eacecd the lesser amount. Lcndcr mny es�imalc ihc amouM of Funda due on ihc husi� af cuRenl duta unJ reaxanub� <br /> . eadma�e.g oi expendhurea of futw+e Evcrow Itema or othervvi�e in accordonce wilh upplicable luw. , .':;�,��:: <br /> � ' ,'�,r, 71�e FLnds qhall i�c hcld In an inaiMutlon wM�.rc depacHx nrc inxurcd by n Icdcrnl i�Rcncy, inslrumcululily,nr cnti�y � <br /> �•�'�'� (including Lender,ii Lender iR such an ia��iwtionl or in any Fcdcral Home la�an Bnnk. l.emlcr shall upply Ihc Huml�N►pnY <br /> • - the Escrow Items. L.ender mny na churge Bormwer iur hnkling and upplying ihe funds,unnually �mulyzing ihe escrow , ; <br /> . .�.....� <br /> • account, or verifying the Escrow I�emg,unlesg Lender �ays Bonnwer interext nn Ihe Fumis und i�pplicuble Inw permil� •�s`•��,-A,,, <br /> Lender lo make such u churgc. Hawevcr, LenJcr muy rcquirc Borcuwer io puy u aik-timc chi�rgc li�r un inik�xnJent rc�d ��'%y� <br /> e�inte tex rcpnning sarvicc uacd by Lcndcr in conneclion wilh this lonn,unlcrx up�licnblc luw pruvidcs olhcrvvi�c. llulcss un �''� -�x"� <br /> u reement is madc or n licnblc luw rc uires intcrcst lo bc riJ,l.cndcr xhull n�►I be rc�uircd lo i� liurn►wcr uit inlcrc+l�K '��� <br /> 8 PP 4 p' 1 p Y Y � .�� <br /> eamings on Ihc Funds. Hormwur imd Lendcr mc�y ugrce in writing,huwevcr,thm intcrcx�shull hc puid�m thc funelx. I.enikr . �- <br /> • � sholl give to Bonowcr,withaut chargc, an s�nnuul accaunting of Ihc FunJs, xhowin�crcJils and dcbil�la Ihc�undr und�hc ; <br /> purpose for which euch debit�o�he Fundt was tnode. The Funds are pledgcd us wldi�ionul security f�rr ull xumx r,ccurcJ hy . <br /> .'�' <br /> thfs Security Inslrument. . �:_" <br /> If the Funds held by Lender exceed Ihe nmounls permiued u� he held by upplicuble luw. I.ender shul l uccaunt to � . .;,,�,ry�u� <br /> � Aorrower for the exeess Funds in nccordnnce wi�h lhe requiremenl4 of applicuhle I:�w. If�he i�maunl uC the Funds held by • �;���;: <br /> __�. - -___ Lendcr nt nny�imc is nM sufficicm In�ay �hc Eccniw Itema when duc,l.cixlrr mt�y si�nolify Norrowcr in wriling,und,in � : _. , �_ !� <br /> . . such case Borrower shall pay ro Lender the umourit neceswry�o make up �he deficiency. H�rtawcr ghall muke up Ihe ��. • � ��= <br /> '�'fY.� <br /> , ' deflciency in no more thun lwelve mnnthly payment�,ut Lendc�'s solc diYCrc�ion. ,��.� <br /> ' Upan puyment in iull of oll sums sccured by ihis Sewrity�kr+hull promplly rcfund lo lianowcr imy ,, <br /> � ` Funds held by l.ender. If,under paragroph 21, Lcndcr sbull�icyuirc or xcll Ihc I'mperiy,l.endcr,prior lo il�c ucyuisidun u� '`:• ,, <br /> sole oi the Property,shall npply uny Funds held by l.ender ut ihe Iime ul'ucyuisition ar xide ux u credil uguinxi ihe xum� �° „� <br /> • gaured by this Security Instrument. ' <br /> � � 3. Appl(cntion ot Poyment�. Unlexs upplicuble luw proviJes alhcrwise, t�A puymcnt!� reccivccl hy�ler undcr <br /> puagrephs I und 2 shall be applied:first,to uny prepuymcnt churgc+due undcr Ihc Note;scanxl,lu:mxiunts puyable undcr � ; ,•:,�y� <br /> paregraph 2; interest due;founh,to princfpul due; un�l Insl,to any Intc churges duc undcr Ihc Nulc. • a�. <br /> 4. Cbar(�es; Liena. Bomnwer ghall pny ull tnxes,a�sexamcnts,charges,i"incs nnd imposi�ionc uuribinablc lo Ihc ' <br /> ' Property whicb muy iitlain prioriry uvcr Ihi�Securiiy Ins�nmicnt,und Icuu�hold paynkntx ur grnund rciN�.il'smy. Horn►wcr ; �n :: - <br />_ ' , � shall puy thesc obligations in�he manner provided in puragraph 2,or if no� pnid in thot mnnner,Barowcr 4hall pay�hem on �� <br /> •• ,. i time direcdy to the person nwed puyment. Borrower xhall prom�ly furnisb to L.enJcr ul I nu�icea of amc�untx�o tx paid under <br /> � tNs purng�nph. If Barrower makes these puymente directly,Borrower shall prcxnp�ly furnish to I.ender receipta evitkncing <br /> , the puyments. <br /> , I Borrower shnll promptly discharge any lien which hns priority over Ihia Security Instrument unlexc Nortower:(a)agrees � <br /> r in wdting to the payment of the obligatian secured by the lien in a manner acceptable to Lender,(b)contesls in good faith the <br /> , � lien by,or defends againsl enforcement af the lien proceedings which in ihe Lender's opinion operate to prevent the V' <br /> enforcement of the lien;or(c)secures fiom the holder oi the lien an ngreement sotiqfactory lo l.ender.rubordinating the lien <br /> to this Security Instnsment. If Lender determines that ony part of the Propeny is subject to a lien which may nuain prioriry %�•�'�� <br /> `�l�:'�....;j_. <br /> aver Ihis Security Ins�rument,Lender may give Borrower a notice idemifying the Gen. Borrower shall satisfy Ihe lien or take , -R•���*� <br /> aie or more oi the actions set farth above within 10 days of�he giving of notice. • � <br /> S. Ha�rd or Property InsurAnce. 8ormwer shnll keep the improvements now cxixting or hereafter crecled on Ihe <br /> Propeny iasured ugainst loss by lire,hazards included withfn the tenn"extended covernge"nnd any other hazards,including <br /> . 800ds or tlooding.for which Lender requires insurance. 'Ihis insurunce shall be maintained in the amounts ond for the ; <br /> y � <br /> ' Fbrm 3028 9l90 1►wRt 2 nJ6 poRetl .. . <br /> i <br /> I <br /> � <br /> I <br /> . 1 . <br /> I - <br /> - ---._ �. ,.. I <br /> � .. <br /> �� . <br /> � � <br />