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<br /> r..e� wA r - ""v' C�i�.:s'!'TmaS....Y�T r.i y-t _ � " -_-_ --� -
<br /> ,.��.�iv�:cra3����-sa�r z��'=�:'�,.�i�e9t+qs�'ti: .T_ "__'__'�____r'�`.•�___"_"
<br /> '['oGa� wt�t nu�no�n ►eotc now aQ�xratt�r aactea on�ne �a� ���94U
<br /> pr�n proputr.a�a au easemencs.�ppurc�aan�es,aad
<br /> fuwtca now or hereafiar�part of tAc ptope�ty.All[eplaameats�c�d addltjons ct�U al�o be Covaod by thi4 Socutity Instruu�ast.
<br /> AI!of Ihc farc�oie�ia retenod ta ia @sia Scciuity Instrument�tbe"Hropd�ty."
<br /> BOit�tOW6R CUVBNANTS that Barrowa i�4wfully cei�od of 1ho ost�to hercby canvcyacl ond t�s the right w Qnuu�nd
<br /> convey t3s�Ptopaty �tlui dte Ptvpcsty i�u�od.exc�t fa a�c+unbraaocs of rxord. Bortowa w�crtwis�tl will
<br /> dcicad QrixxaUy 1be tiJio W tha Pmpe�rtY�ainst W cL'uns�ad dem�uls.subjoct w ony oacumb�rancw of racord
<br /> TiIIS SFL'iJRIT'Y IItiS'i'RU1t'(FIQT ca-:shia:,s �:aitor.a cav�s !x aat�s!u�sad noa•ualfona cavea�as�:s wisb Usuised
<br /> v��ey jur;Aaicoon�oco�a►�e a�airma socur�cy;acau�,uooYe��aosx�cy.
<br /> UIVIF�DRM Cnv�lvArr['S.sorcower�ad t.arder ooven�ae�d�ree a�fc�IJovrs:
<br /> 1.P�sedt nf Pnc�ipat aad Inta ntp PreAsY�eot aad Late Chu�a. Horrower sh�i! P�'�P�Y W►Y wbea due tbo
<br /> gi�i�l af aod iatenst oo tl�ee debt evickaced by the Nooe and aaY P�Y�aad lue r,6�es�!�uoder the Nate.
<br /> 2.Ftieds�or Tua as�Iawraaaa Subja:i to �ppvcahb Lw ar W a writua waiver by l.ax3er,Botrower sl�all pay w
<br /> Lt�dei oa�ke da�asoathty p�y�aeats ue duo uude:the Note.ua�l tbe Nae is paid ia fu11.a swn('bl�ads")for:(a)yearly taxes
<br /> .�a�sessm�s w!�may amin R;odey over cAi+s«au;c,r In�umau�.tie�oo d�e P�o�xty:ro)yarly{�v�oid p��m�ts
<br /> a�onnd raus oa d�e Propacty.if�oy:(c)Y�Y��a P�'aP�Y�P�:(d)Y�Y��P�u�if
<br /> �uY:(o)Y�Y�B�S°�P��+•��Y:+�(��Y�P�Y�by Bocrowa o�I�1a�in�cco�dance wial�tHo
<br /> provisiwis of p�ngrapb 8. ia 11w of Iba pzytaeot of mcwtg�ge iasur�nce pnemiuttu. 7'aese items sme cslktl "Bscmw Items."
<br /> La�der auy.at�ny time.colixt�ad dold Fuods in ac,aa�auit not w oxcood tbe a�uimum anwuot a{axler for a federally rel�tecl
<br /> mort��e lo�a may raqv.iae for Barower's escxo�v o�vwmi w�la the fodelal Ral fisiate SeWement Procedures Act of 1974 as
<br /> atneadea from dme im tim0.12 U.S.C.Sxtion 260F ec se9• ("RFSPA").unkss aoother law th�t applit��o the Fuads seis a ksser
<br /> .monnc If eo,t,wda may. at�oy time.oo�ece��ow Fuo�in aQ �mouat noc m ex�oea d,e tes� amount t.atider may
<br /> e,�l�a�e the amoao�t a&r1�ds dua an tho b�of cwYa.mat dw aod rea9oaabb a�tius�a ot acpaxlip�ra of fupre Bxrow Uems ar
<br /> olhenv�e in a000ni�m�vh applicaUle law.
<br /> 'l�e I�uads s�ll be Cx1d ia�o�uion ahosei�ane iosured by a fioc�a.�]a,�eacy,iasaument�lity,or auity(iacLziinB
<br /> L,aKla,if L,eader u such�n inspiwtioa)a in any Fod�ial Hois�e Loao B�a1c.l.ender shfll ipply tbe Fuod�to psy We Fsscrnw
<br /> Ixms.Lt�adri n�ay not cl�rge Borrowa far bWdi�►g and appiying tbe F�nds.�Y�tyan8 tbe e�,row aa:ount.or verifY�B
<br /> tbe�a+eM Ile�.uolest I.e�nder pys Ba�rower iata+est oa tbe Fuads md�ppiic�b3e law pamits Leader t�make such a cL�r�a
<br /> Ho�va,Iao�la my►raqua�e Bama�a to p�y s aio-time cA�e far an iodeQeodeot ra�l esbwe su reQordag aavioe wed by
<br /> I.eada;n c0000cpaa�b 1!�lo�a.w�kas applicsEax mM pcor;aes od�aiwi�e.unie�m s�roaae�t is made ar.pplic�ble laM
<br /> = roquiu+a i�rat q be yp�d.Leader sh�ll not be requirod ou pa�C Bac:�oMa�ny iaerrest u e�mB�a ao the Fna�ls.Baro�►a aod
<br /> , Lendes omr�;�ee in��oing.horve�ea�,cb�t ioierest sh�ll bt p:id r�e3�e Fuads.l.etider shatD gz���o Basmwa,witbout clnrgo.an
<br /> F amual ao�xt6tit�af�e i�nd�.sDo�►�ng cmdits�od tkbi�to t��aod du purpo4e fac wl�ich acb debit b tbe F�ods�vat
<br /> ► mde.Zbe Fuads�e p6adGb'ed�s ad�itioa�l9ecuricy for ill wmx�onued by th�Sa.�r� .
<br /> � If d�e Fl�ods M]d by I.ender ozcood t6e amounts pa�aitted�o be lield by sppdiabie laa�.Lmder sba11�000uat w B�crewa�far
<br /> the euess Fiu�im aa�ocdma witb tbe tequi�meats of�p�icabie t�nv.If tbe�nw�ot of tLc&i�ds 6dd by 1.aKiet�t my taae it
<br /> an�ffic�ie�n;wr tbe Rrn�r itnn�vl�es Aue,I�ader may,�n mrify Bono�wr in wr�itisg��ed:in�c�e BoeraMer�ull�y - -_-_
<br /> .# b I.a�1ar the �mcwmt nea�ary w mrice up Ihe ckl�cie�cy. Barowa eh�ll m�e up tte 3r1'�cifaticy iu ao mar+a t�rn twrlve
<br /> • moothty p�yme�.at I.eotkr's soie di�cntioa.
<br /> � vpm paymmc is c�+1t of au soms secu�ea byr this socurity s�^�t�oda s�au pram4tly rd'una to Boriowes aey F�.::: •
<br /> � Le�d by I.eader.If.imda p�►�r�pb 21,I.eader shall acquae a edl the Property.I.eader.Prior ta�tbe�oqu�itioa a s�k of tbe
<br /> � A+opest�.ekall apply any Fuad�de]d by L�er at the oma of aoqui�ivaa ar�ie sts s ctedit�We sumQ 9ocurod by ltiis
<br /> � Sa�rit�r,��.e.r.,��
<br /> �'� . 3.A*p�eatio�ot Y�;�wli. Uniess�pplicaWe 1aw pnvides otha�wite.tll paytaeott t�eoeived by Leacier ua�CS pr�Capht
<br /> ' 3 ind 2 sdUII be�ppEioc�Eaat.io�nY P'�Y���under dje Ne1�x000�l,b�moimn MY��P�+�Pb Z:
<br /> -s, t�,b iroocre�t due:laut3.�u priocipl dne:�nd 1�.oa aop I�t c�acsa due uoder 16e No1e.
<br /> _ " �1.C'�c�es;l.iea�. Ba�rawa sh�i1 pqr ali t+aes�amrumem�,c1�r�s.5oes aod impoolioui�unbie to tbn Pmpaty
<br /> r whicl��ay aaaia prioriry over dtis Sa�ricy Ia�tcom�P,and leateioid paymer�or around ndua.if�oy.Baa��hall pay d�ese
<br /> # obl�atioat�tbe mmaer provided ia p�ap6�.azr if not p�id ia th�t ajamoa.Bo�o�al�p�y thcm oa time dicocx}y to d�e �
<br /> 1; Bot�o�rar�oaicas P�Y��Y+BCr[O�re[:hill promptty fitrnith Leadet neoe�t� bEVidenCio� p�ytnmt:. �
<br /> � Ba�a�a ah�lt promptly dircher�e my L'm which has prio�it�ovrr tfiis Sacurity IasCnmmmt uaies�Barto�rr.(�aBFees io
<br /> s writi�r�etie pnymeat of the ob�i�aoa�securod by tbe liea io a m�ooer aooepnbie to I.e�er,(b)cao�ats in geod fai�tB�e lier�
<br /> � by. a defeads a�aaiast eafasseaxat of the liea i�„ k�al Pe+oceodioSs �vhiclo im tLe I.eadet's opioion oQeste oo pcevent tLe
<br /> �� cafa�+oatxat of the 1iea;or(c)�res from t�e haTdes of the lia��n�a�factoryr m L�der mbocdi�tbe!im to
<br /> . tWt Seoprity Iawua�mt.if t,ender deoamioa d�c��c of tbe Propaty it a�objax to a ffe�w�6ich mry amin priority over tWs
<br /> � ;; Seairnt��nmeot.Lnder miy Qivc Bam�er a s�aioe ida���he tiea.Baao+�ar s�Y s�f'y the liea a taice ooe a moe�e
<br /> � . qf eT�e ora6ct�s ut Loctb al�ovt wr�hio 10 daqn of the�e�neasm.
<br /> :� , • � ' ' fet�i0L�JlO , .
<br /> .���Nqc�x+�.ot r.�.t a e rw.r:
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