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<br /> . . .. • periods thut Lenderreyuire,, The iaxurance carrier providing�he insurwue xhull be chusen by Borruwe�,ubjrci tu l.rndecr'ti �:�%"-.
<br /> upproval which shdl not be unre,uonubly wilhhrW. lf BoROwer t'ailx to muin�ain cuveruge dercrit+�J alxroe, Lender muy,ut ��1w-'.'.J,�
<br /> ^o Lender�opt ion,odain��verage to protcc�l.endcr's rights in the Propeny in uccorduncc with parugr�ph 7. __ —
<br /> � � � All in�urancepolicies and renewals shull be ucceptnble to Lender�nd xhall include u stundurd monguge�luuxe. Lendrr > > � _ _'�-_
<br /> • ,. ' shull have the right io hald the palicies und renewalti. If Lender reyuircs.Borrower vhall promptly give to Lenda all receipts � '` � _ __
<br />. _ , �� �f pnid prcmium.and rcnewal natices. In �he evem nf lo,s. Borrower vhull give prnmpt nrnice to the in+urrnce rarrier ar.d .
<br /> o " Ltnder. Lender rn�y rnrkc prouf ul loss d not made prompt ly by Bnrrower. � � --�_=�� �V -- -
<br /> Unle�. Lender urid Bortowar othenvisc agree in writinE,in.uroncr prcx:ee Js ,hu l l f x app lie d to rc.toration��r rep�ir u f' '"''"`=
<br /> - the Proprny d:imageci,if tht re�lorution or repuir is eronumirally fra.iblr and Lendcr'. .ecunty i. not le��ened. If the 'r�`==-�-• _
<br /> re�:torutian or rep•rir is nut economically fearible or LenJer'�tiecuriry would be IexseoeJ. �hr insuronce prouecl.r �hull be; ' � -;,, _
<br /> � , upplied to[he sums secured b� this Securi�y Instrument. whether o�nut then due, with :u�y rxeess puiJ to Borrower, If , — =
<br /> , ., ' Borrower abanduns[he Properry, or dces nal unswer within 30 days a notice from Lcnder that thc insurunce currier hus '•`�;�'.;�.,�
<br /> offered to senle a cluim, then Lender may collec:the insu�nr�ce proceeJs. Lender may use�he pra:eeds to rep�ir or resrore ___- _—
<br /> .,:,_W
<br /> ,, the Property or to p�y sums secured by Ihis Security lnstrument,w he[her or not�hen due. The 3Q•day period will hegin when �, "
<br /> , ---
<br /> , the notice is given. '�
<br /> ' Unless Lender und BoRO�ve�othenvise agrce in writing,uny app�KUtion of prcx:eeds to principAl shull not extend or {=-'°' i�—
<br /> ��_ ��T - ---
<br /> ` postpone the due dete of the monthly paymcnts referred ta in puragrnphs 1 anJ 2 ur chunge thc umount of the puyments. If �:`�•''�"�`�-
<br /> under pam�ruph :I[he Praperty is ucyuired by Lender, Borrower's right to any insurance policies and proceeds rcsulting �,;;,,,, „_.
<br /> frnm dnmuge to [he Property prior ro the ucquisition shall puss to Lender to the extent of the sums �ecurcd by this Security .�:._.,;�,��,.��
<br /> Instrument immediately prior to the arquisition. � ;�,�;,::_�
<br /> 6. Occupancy, Preser�•atian. Mniotenance and Protection ot the Properly; Borrower's Loan Appllcatlon; . - ?_�_' __
<br /> � Leaseholds. Barrower shnll occupy,establish,and use the Property as Borrower�principal re:�idence within sixty days aher •-,:r:- �T �
<br /> the execution of this Secu�ry lnstrument s+nd shnll continue to accupy the Property us HaRUwer's principul residence fa ut �_,��
<br /> ' least or.e year afkr the du[e of occupancy, unless Lender othenvise agrees in writing, whi�:h cunsent shAll not be ';��;y�;-
<br /> ,�•`• unreusonably wltMheld,or unless extenuating circumstanees exist which are beyond Borrower's control. Borrower shull not � ;
<br /> •:�.,,'.,•�' -
<br /> •:��•.;�ti�,:'. ;;;;,�!�• ' desuoy.damage ar impair�he Property,allow the Property to deterioratc,or commit wnste on the Property. Borcower shall . �
<br /> ;'::•,' �" ` be in default if any forfeiture action or proceeding, whether civil or criminul,is begun that in Lender's goai foith judgment � r,�'��
<br /> °'�� • could result in fodeiture of the Propeny or otherwise materially impair the lien creuted by this Secunty Ins[rument or z=—
<br /> Le�xier's security interest. Borrower muy cure such u defuult und reinstate,:u provided in pnragraph 18,by cuusing the action --
<br /> or proceeding�0 6edismisaed wi:h u ruling that,in Lender+good fai�h determinution,precludes forfeiture of the Borrower'.s •���
<br /> interest in the Property or aher material impairment of the lien creAted by this Security Instrument or Lender's security �._.._
<br /> interest. Barcower shall ulso be in defuult if Bortower, during the loun applicution process, gave materiolly false or "��`'s
<br /> in�ccurUte infoRnwion or slatements to Lender(or fuiled to provide Lender with any muterinl infortnutionl in connection with .. •�t�
<br /> the loan evidenced by the Note, including, but not limited to. representutions conceming Borrower'.s occupancy ai the ;
<br /> Propeny as a prinapal residence. If this Security Instrument is on a IeaseholJ,Borrower shAll comply with all the provisions • .+;
<br /> _____ _ _ of�he lease. lf Bortower acquires fee tide to the Property,th�leusehold and the fee tide xhall not merge unless Lcnder ugrees ��_ i�;
<br /> ro the merger in wdting. E" °
<br /> 7. Protection oP Lender's Rights in the ProRerty. If 8orrower fails to perform the covenants und ugreements , ''�
<br /> , contuined in[his Sea:urity lnstrumen4 or there is a legal proceeding �hut muy si�nificanQy uffect Lender's rights in the " ,
<br /> . Property(such us a proceeding in banlwptcy,probate,for condemnution or forteiture or to enforce luws ar regulations>,ihen �
<br /> Lender may do iuid puy for whatever is necessary to protect the value uf the Property und Lender's rights in the Propeny. ' , • •r'.• '�
<br /> '. I.ender's actions may include paying uny sums secured by a lien which has priority over this Security I�strument,sppearing . •�
<br /> in court,payin� rcasanable attomeys'fees and entering on the Property to muke repnirs.Although Lender muy take uction � ' • � � : ; �
<br /> under this paragraph 7,LenJer dces not huve to do.w. ' � � , • ;
<br /> Any umounls disbursed by Lender under thi, paragraph 7 ,hall become additional debt of Borrower secured by�his �
<br /> Securiry(nstrumed. Unless Borrower and Lender ugrce to other terms of puyment,these amounts shall bear intcrest from the ; , . _
<br /> dute of disbursernent at the Note rate and shall be puyable, with interest, upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting . '
<br /> pnyment. , , ��
<br /> � S. Mortgs�ge Insurance. If LenJer reyuired mortgage insuronce as u conJi�ion uf muking Ihe loan �ecured by this . Y-
<br /> , Security InslrumeM, Borrower shall pay the premiums reyuired to maintuin the mongage insuronce in affec� If, for any � :
<br /> reason, the mortgagc insurance coverage reyuircd by Lender lapses or cease. to be in effect, Borrower shnll pny the •
<br /> �,\ �f .� � premiums �eyuired to ob�ain coverage substuntially equivalen� to th� mongage insurance previousiy in effat, at a cost
<br /> // substuntially equivalent to Ihe cotit to Borrower of the mongage insurunce previuusly in effect,f'rom an alternate mortgage
<br /> �/ insurer approved by Lender, If sub.tAmiully equivulent mortgage insurance coveragr is not availuble,Borrower tihull pay to
<br /> �� •�. Lender�ach mornh n sum eyual ta one•twelith of the yearly mortguge insurunce premium being paid by Borrower when the ,
<br /> � �� insurunce coverage lupsed or ceuseJ tu be in el'frct. LenJer will a�cept.use and retuin thesc payments as a loss reserve in licu .
<br /> �` of mortgage inxurmce. Loss reserve payments muy no longer be required, at the option ot Lrnder.if mortgage in�urance
<br /> coverage(in the omount and for the period thut LenJer reyuiresl pravided by un insurer approved by Lender a�uin becomes
<br /> � available and is oMairx�J. Barrower shall puy the prcmiums rcyuired to maintom mortgage im.��rance in effect, a to provide a
<br /> • (i , loss reserve,until U�e reyuircment for mortgage insurance enJs in accordnncr with any written ugreement becween Borrower
<br /> � und Lender or applicable law.
<br /> ` ° 9. lnspertbn. Lender or its agent may make rcasonablc entries upon an�i in��xctiuns of the Propeny. Lender shall
<br /> , �I� give Borrnwer ndi.e u�the time of or prior�o an inspection,pecit'ying reasonnblc cau.r for the inspec�ion.
<br /> ; ��, 10. Condetqnatlon. The pra:eeJ,��f ui»•aw:►rJ��r�laim fe�r Jamagr,.Jirect or�omeyuenti�l,in canneciiun with any
<br /> S�ngle FrmdY--Funnk�1naF'reddle�fuc CUFOR�I I�ti'fNl'�IEV'f••Unfform Cuven.uu. y190 r�wer?njn pugesl
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