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<br /> - `-`�-- --- --�ivr �''`_: .�. _.-. .: �;.::�:��_--_--�—�7�+��•��---- --- - --- --- . .- .
<br />- �'�`�' Tf�iY�MIM��M1�ltlkiws J (YdY _--_—' ' — __
<br /> �1e
<br /> _ 9� .� �.e���
<br /> T(KiFI'NEK WiiF�dl tho iu�li�vzu:�r.ts cx�w ar 6creaiter�r�.t�i cjia c:.�'��Y.a�r+d a!e�xxius�.r�urtei'suces,�uxl ,__-
<br /> fixtures nc�w or f��� � p+rt of eine y��Kuaty. All re�l�canente �x1 ircfditic�nc sh911 �{so ��e �:u�•u+ed by this S�.tiuc�ty —
<br /> L�ccay►ne�u. All af tdc foregoinQ is ref�rral tc�in this Socwlry Instnus�t �tI�'Fkap:rty.' ht w rxnt rtwl
<br /> i3QRROWEit COVBNAN7'S thac Burrowcr is lawihlty seisal of`chocestateu�b�r�o uvrc�ni. �orro�w�rr�wty snd will
<br /> r.�onv e y the Prc�+erty suxi thae ttst: FroPertY is unencuaiDecal, exceW
<br /> �letend C�erally etx�ido eo�he l�re�eny pgai�u alt cialms auci dcmands. �ubl�t to sny er�.'uu�bsances of rec.�ocr!•
<br /> 1NIS S�CURPFY i�15'[itt�MBrtT m�nbitx-a u�€ur�u covu�ants for natia�use anJ aon•utufa�rm uova��wit3� l'uviwcl
<br /> v�ti�tions bY,jurisdi�tia�w conctitute:►uiuform serurity i YC��eM� a ir fallow s�' �Y w,� du�, 4':.,
<br /> UlViE01Zlrfr�.��Ei�iA?3'T�.Sa�saw::and L.ts�er� xad 4�te C�arLw- Barrower sts�►11 prumptlY P�+Y
<br /> 1. Ps�ymeot of Ptiaclpol aod I�; ��Y �anl We cturges due uadrr thc Note.
<br /> Pd�cipal of and intaest on�he debt evidencoJ by tbe�licabic law�ar�to a wtiuen waiver by I.ender. Hortower shall pay to
<br /> 2. 1�'undc[or Zuc��x!Iacw'spee• Sub.loet to�pp� �full,a sum('Futuls')for(a)�'early taxes
<br /> �op the d�,y mons�lY Wy�aro due�uider ttx Note,until thc Note is p�id b eart IeaseOold PaY�a ,
<br /> �ud�v`hich may stt�in PriaritY over this Secunty+inswmenc as a lia�oa tl�e ProperiY:t )Y y remiwns.
<br /> earl ha�ud or ProP�Y insuruxe Preavuals:(d)Year'ly(loal insur�ncr P
<br /> or�round reatq on t�o PropertY. if any:(c)Y Y y�by Borrower to L�cader, in acootdaace witb
<br /> +f aay: (e)Yeuiy matSa�e insurance P�v+ums, if any;and(��aY��P�►Y
<br /> 6.in lieu of the�►Yma�t of mwtSa�e iawraxe Prm�iu�.�ituns a�e csllod "Escrow Iums."
<br /> tbe pcovisions Qf per�grapi� a k�ler foe a fedecally
<br /> tercler msy.at aay tiu�e.ooilect 9nd ho�l Funds in�a aaoousu not ta exc�eod the m�ximum aenount �Act of -
<br /> aisted wa�tQaBe lwa�m�Y raWi�fo�Borrower's cscrow aocount undcr t�e federsl Re�J�state 4��w the Fuads
<br /> 1974 as amend�od fran time to time. 12 U.S.C. Sectia� 2601 ct seq. ('RFSPA"),unLess uwct�'
<br /> �ets a lesser�n�cwat.If so. I.end�a cney. at any time.colloct�od bold Funds in aa amouut�R�f�`��,�
<br /> Lpyder may esti:aate the a�nouoc of Funds due on the bnsis af currcot data aod reasooable
<br /> Escrow Iteau oc othawise in�coo+da�with ap�ticable law. i���y� or eatity
<br /> Tt�e Fundc slnll be bdd in an iasaa�tion v+�osz d�s�u ue inwrod by a foderai aS�Y� tbe Fuods to p►Y the
<br /> (iacloding La�der.if L�ender is such aa i�titution)or in aay Fakral Home� a��yu.���w accou�.or
<br /> Escrow Ita�.l.e�lcr�y not clurge Bormw•cr far holdiug aod apQlYia6 �j„���nwice su�
<br /> verifyin8 cise Escraw Itesus.unless L�e�er p�Ys Barrow�r u�tettist on tt�e Funds aad aPPlu�ble law pami
<br /> uire Borrowu to pay a ooe-tune ct�uSe for�►indepatidau real estate tu reQottin�ser�ia
<br /> a c1�rSe.Howeva�1�nder ma9 n9 � law provida ocberwise. Un.•ess � agree�at is made or
<br /> used by I��der in 000uectiou with this loaa. unless �ppl.
<br /> �pp�icabie 1aw re�quires intsrest w be paid,L.enckr sball oot be requirod to�y Bomowtr any interest or tarniaBs on tbe Fuads.
<br /> oa tbe Fuads. Leade[slull giva to BorrowGr.
<br /> Borrower aud Le�1er m�Y a8roe in writiug.hawever.th�c intaest s�hal!be p�id for vrhich arc�
<br /> witbtwt c6�rSe• m u�nu9 accnuntin8 af the Funds. sbowiog aodits aind debits w tt�e Fiuds aod tbe paq�o�e
<br /> de�it Wa dx Funds w�r ia�de.'C6e Fw�ds ate pled8ed�additLOntl sxuary for all su�s secuned by tltis SeeuricY I�ucna�.
<br /> - ��tbe Funds beid bY Leod�t ea�oeed th�amoiu�ts pamitoed
<br /> to be Leld by applicabk[riw.La�der shall ao�ow�t to Borrowrr
<br /> for t�e e.aass Fund�in�caordanoe with tbe ra.lwra'na�s of appliczble law.If We amouvt of the Fuacis hd3 by La�dK at soY
<br /> ti�ae is not s�Ficieat to WY the Es�es'°w Itaaas wiyen due,Lu�der auy so r�atif?Burrower in writiag.and,in such ase Bocro�wer
<br /> s�l1 pay w I.e.s�r the�ouonnt oeces+uY to m�lce uP the defic�cY•��r�mvice W�dx�Y u�ao more t1�
<br /> ..�L. .��� �f�r/�t�l tl1��6�1�.""
<br /> - ----=-i�Clvc moputtT�i"yu�'�""• -- �I►SMItt1Ctl�, Il�dQf�WI P�7"i•u`wRi•_ n .....: --- .- .
<br /> fi1�O�i� Si1GL�i StlClii2�t1}I ihti$�t1ly O[ii�C
<br /> U��x� Z]. j.Ct1�Ct S�1�U1fC O7 SCll tbt Pf'D�y+�r•Q��G1 t�1C�
<br /> F{IOdS�1C��i �r•�•YlldCf�f'�� OI S�C�C�C['0(!t��IRSi fZIC ti1Y�S SCQI[�0��
<br /> of the Pmpaty,s!W!a�p1Y�Y Funds bdd bl►l.eode�at the dme of a�uisition
<br /> � ApplieatL�of PaJ�wts.Untess applicable law pc�s�ides othetwise.all psryments tvcdved by I.ender under Pa�a�4'�
<br /> 3. able under p�nS�c�ph�•
<br /> t �ad 2 slnll be appliod:5rst.w anY P'��Y���es:ue uader the Note; secoorl,te�nouats WY
<br /> tLi:d.to intae�st due:fourth,to PriaciP�1 d��i last,to aaY tate chsuBes duc uode�the Note. ����tY
<br /> 4.Clw'���•Borro�v�er sha1S phv all.taxes, assessmeats, c6uS�s, fixs�od im�CUitions
<br /> whicl�maY�ttai�P�Y ova this Seauitp.Is�arua�t,and leasd�old�� °t'S��'�9°S'. Boct+nwr�th�ll pY
<br /> 2.�if oot ia tiwt nnnnet.Bortnwer shall psy tbem on tlme diraxtY
<br /> thae obiig�tioe�ia tbe m�mnes p�uvided in pangc�ph P�� ua�da tbis p��pb.
<br /> b the pe�soa owod P�}'mait.Hn�c�ower sh�ll pramptlY fiunisl�to I,eader all notioes oE�wats w be paid ��y�`.
<br /> �u a;�y,ao���u�Y �c����+�
<br /> ��roBocrower Praa�1Y d�8t�Y lieo vrhich hos priot�t5'over t&is Saurity I�trwa�t ad�ss Barowa:(a)a�t�es sa '
<br /> to Imdet:(b)contes�s in Soo�faitb the iiem
<br /> of the sonu+ed by the!im ia a manar�tab� �
<br /> �������t'oro�t�of the 1'�ea in. legal P�'000�di°&� �b in tl�e l�eada's oQinioo°4��tQ the liw to
<br /> �of tln lieu:or(cl��from the holder of the lim u�agrenmmt satisE'sciorY to Lesder wbosd'+na�uri�
<br /> tbis Securicy Insuum�t. If i.e*�der determines thac any part of tLe ProQerty is wi��ecx to a lien w6ic�ccay auaia prioritY w'er
<br /> tyis Seauicy Iawnmeot.�nder maY SxYe Ba�rower a notiae ideuifyia�tiie lien. Bc�rrowa siiall s�tisfy ttre liea or tak�e oae oc
<br /> •���actioos ses fortth above wiWia 1Q days of the giving of notice- • �� �
<br /> r.PSas
<br /> r , � .
<br /> +f • s.- ''
<br /> • �t ._ , .�. .
<br />