_ . �. �. .t.it:�"�<�/� �� ' . �, . � � �:��;•
<br /> S ' � ��y 1.r. .,. . • �j� y� .. . .
<br /> .
<br /> .. .,. , i. �,,���y�,��
<br /> ' , i' . .
<br /> - I , w...•�y�� �__J�/..�.qC.•l:'3Ta�1���LL' a.�..+�5 I �l«l n..H1�s�lRC�i1 i'1_ _ _. ._ —�.."_ _
<br /> 11 n � .y�' � .L:G1�Mn . •�b\JJn-V;�T��f�...�-� '._ .__" . -.��_-.
<br /> _ �f.� , . . . •�k...���Y.IRflf4`,�iF'�Mr.. .w. ' .. ! -t� ...
<br /> . ;��,wi��z �-_ •- .•. _,. . .
<br /> - ��.��iw�!�.� :-.W.-- .� �
<br /> ��nt��
<br /> ---_ 9t�-- �10��'!��. ----
<br /> ,�i.z=.t;;--"-«2_�;`u�
<br /> '�"'"�`�`�'-�•������ th�Prop�rly I��o takan or dema�ad,Lender shMl have the optlon, In Ib�ol�and abaolute di�cratlan,to apply HI auch P�oce�d�,
<br /> - -- � alt��d�dund�q th�rdrom all co�u end�xp�na�Inaurnd by It In connoopon with wch Procaed�,upon eny IndWtednas a�ound
<br /> .���,-_ti�X,� �,,.� hu�by�nd I�auch ord�r et Lendar m�y dotarmine,or to apply o0�uch Proceed�,aRer suah deduaqons,to th�reetandon of Ma --
<br /> -- =�_�-• �� Propory upan euch conditlans a�Londe�may det�rmine.Any appllcadpn of Proceeda to Indabtedn��ehall nat�xtond or po�tpone
<br /> ;-.�-�:-_�--�-T.�.-�--
<br /> �'�"^"�'- ' the due d�ts of any p�ymenu undor the Note,or curo any dolautt thareundor ar her6undor.Any unappfied tur�da�hall be paid to -r=
<br /> '`` TrusWr.
<br /> __.�«�;,�
<br /> '!�,;�. .#., . � .. �• � 6. PMlonrume�by L�nd�r.Upon the occurnnce ol an Event of 0elpult hereunder,or If any aot I�takan a lepal proc�dlnp �
<br /> '""` ;"�""'�-.•. �` � commenced which maarially aNects Lender's Intarest In the Property,Lender may In ita own discrBUan,bat without oblipetion to d0 E - -
<br /> t'��` `�` o ro,and without noUce lo or dem�nd upon Tru�tor and without ruleasiny Tru�tor Irom any o6tiypUon,do any act whiah Trueror has
<br /> �.a'��}?:`��b.'" '
<br /> '���;�+�°�}+� - apreed but(alla to do ond mey abo do any other act It deema neceasary to protect the securiry hereot Truetor shetl,Immediately
<br /> - �,�"''y"�;����,�;_.' upon demand therefor by Lend�r,pay to Lender all aoets and expen ses Incurred and aums expended by L.ender In cannecUon wilh
<br /> �*�"i�S�.,c�..; :?,•}:::-•• the ezerclee by Lender of ihe forepolnp rights,topether with intereat thereon at the delault rate provided in the Note,whloh ehall bn
<br /> �=Si�-�' '� ' added to the Indebtednes�secured horoby. Lendor ohall not Incur any IIablHty becauoe of onythin� It mey do or omit to do
<br /> .V49�f..'.,r ._
<br /> -___ .";,.'J;; • hereunder.
<br />---- —•4�� • � . 9. H�:�rdou�Ma11r1�1�.Truator ahell keep the Property In compllence wlth all eppliceble lewa,ordlnances and reAulations ____
<br /> �-'• ` ' '•`� •�''•� reladng to Ind�strlal hypiene or envlronmantal protection(collecqvely referred to hereln as"Environmantel laws'�.Truator ahall
<br /> - •';,.."" .-;� �,`,:,j,.:;,. , keap Ihe A�operty Iree(rorn all substanCes deemed to bs hazardous or toxlc under any Envlrpn�npntal Lawa(collectively refened to __
<br /> = • + ': . f' hereln as"Hazardoua Mat9rlals").Truator hereby warrpnts and represente to Lender that lhere are no Hazardous Matwiala an or __
<br /> �.�..:',;:,,,�_„�:r,,�,;,` under the Property.T�ustor hereby agreea to Indemnify end hold hermlese Lender,IIS dir�cto+9,oHicera,employees and agente,and �=~
<br /> ''�"—"''�°`���"'��� any eucceesae to Lender'a intereat,from and agalnst any and all clafma,damaaee,lOSSes and Habilitiea arising In wnnectlon wtth =d-•
<br /> -- ,E�:",
<br /> ;..:�.;,;,.;,•'y;,°:�"ti;tir: ihe preeenC6,uae,dlaposal or tranaport of any Hazardoue Malarfals on, undar,trom or about the Property.THE FORE(iOINCi -
<br /> ..c:y��,�. . .;. �,. `�
<br /> f• t�s'"Sy����f�•i�� SURVIVE RFCONVEYANCE OF THIS DFED OF 7RUST. _____
<br /> 10. Aul�nmmt ol R�nu.Trustor hereby eselgn�to lender the ren�,iseues and t�r�tiu of ihe Properly;provided that Trustor
<br /> V:�w��s�•` .,�l��,['^ : �{.• T ahaU,undl lheoccurrence olen Event of Delault hereunder,hava the ri9ht�o coU�ct and retain such renis.Isauesand pru0ta as they
<br /> `� • ' �� b ecome due an d p ay e b l e.U p o n t h e o c c u r r e n c e o(an E v ent pl 0 et au�ti L en d er m a y,elther In person or b y a flent,with or without
<br /> -1``� � bringlny any ection or proceedinp,or by a receiver appointed by a covrt znd wtthout regard to tiie adequecy ot Its security.�3nter
<br /> �'r1«� . . ..
<br />----- upon and take poseession of the Property,or any part thereol,In da owcl nuna or In the name of the Tructee,and do any acts whlch it
<br /> deema necosaen�or de9lrable to preserve the value,marketebllily or rentabii�ry ot the Property,or any part Iheraolor Intereat thareln,
<br /> ,��� • . . lncrease Ihe income therolrom or protect the security horeot and.wUh or�rthout takfnq passeaslon o11he Property.sue for or
<br /> -_.�e
<br /> :r�._� " ^ olherwlse collect the renta,Issues and Frofits Ihereal,mcluding ihose past due and�inpa�d, and apply the same,lesa coets an
<br /> ` expensea ol operetfon end collecifon fnclud�ng atlorneys'feea,upon any indebtedness secured hereby,all In such order oe Lender
<br /> Si��,,• . � mpydetermine.The enlenng upon and'aking posabeslon ol ttie Properry. Ihe collactlon ol such rent8,iseues and pr^'��a�nn�hp __-
<br /> '. ^ appllCadon thereol as aloresald,shall not cure or walvo any delault or notiCe ol delault hereunder or Invalldela any act done In
<br /> reaponae to auch defeul!or pu�auant lo s��ch notice oi deloult and,notw�lhstanding the continuance In possesslon of Ihe Property or
<br /> �����y ,�;:,}�,,_,.._ . Ihe colleclion,receipt and applicatlon ol rents.Iesuea o►prolita.and Truatoe and Lender ahall be entitlAd lo eKerclae every right
<br /> W�...:,;,{ . proviCetl tor m any ot me Loan metruments or by iaw uppn occurre�ud ui any Evnni ui unieuit,inaiudiny v��ili���ul iimdniiu��(it6 riyi'd
<br /> a� "- lo ex�rcfee tlie power ol sale.Further.Lender's nghts nnd remedies under thla paragraph shal l be cumulallve with,and In no wfly a
<br /> ' limitatio�on.Lender's rlghts and remedies under any assignment of leases and rents recorded agelnst the Properly.Lende�.Truatee �
<br /> and Ihe recelver shall be Ilable to account only lar those rents actually recewed.
<br /> - � , , � 11. Hv�nts ol DQ1rolt.The following ahal;constitute an Event ol Delault under this Deed ot Trusr Q:��
<br /> , . ° (e) Fallure to pay any�nstallment of prinapal or Inlerest ot any other sum secured hereby when duo;
<br /> � „ . (o) A breach of or default under any provlslan contalned m the Note,this Deed ot frust,any of the Loan Instruments,or any �J�
<br /> ' , other Ilen or encumbranco upon the Properry; � -
<br /> � . (c) A wrltof execullon or attachmenf or any gimller proceas shall be entered aga�nat Trustor which ahell become a Ilen on
<br /> " the�ropertV or any poAion thereot or interest tharein;
<br />. -- , (d) There sha11 be tlled by or against Trustor or Borrower an act�on under any present or luture federAl,state or other ---
<br /> ' . ' statute,law or regulation relAting to bankruptcy,maolvency or other reGet for debtors;or there shall be appolnted any Irustee, �
<br /> receh�e►or liqufdator ot Trustor or Borrower or of all or any part ol the Praperty,o-the re�ts,�ssue9 or protitsthereol,or Trustor �,
<br /> L, �' or Borrower ahall make any general asslgnment for the benefit ot creditors; �,,•��
<br /> � -• (e) The sale,lransfer,lease,asaignment,conveyance or f urtlier enCUmbrance of ei! or a hy part o1 or any interest in the ` ��
<br />- • �� , „. Property,either volunlerfly or Involuntarily,without the express wr�tten consent of Lender; prowdeB that Trusta ahall be
<br /> . " permltted to exec�te e lease of the Property that does not contain an optbn to purchase and the term ol which doea not exceed
<br /> • ' . one year, . .
<br /> � (q Abandonment ol the Properry;or
<br /> � - . . (p) If Truator Is notan intllvidua�,the Isauence.sale,trensler,assipnment,conveyance or encumbrance ol rnorethan a totel �`..
<br /> . af _percent of(if a corporaUon)ita�ssued and outstanding stock or(rt a partnersh�p)a total of . percent of ---
<br /> " � � " • partnershlp Intereata during the perlod this Oeed of Trust remains e lien on the Property. ;; :_:_.
<br /> ' . 12. Rtm�dlN;AccN�ratlon Upon Dofault.ln Ihe event of any Event ol Delault Lender may,without notice except as required by
<br /> ° �; ' lew,declare all indebtedness seCUred hereby to be due and payablo and tho same shall thereupon becorne due and payable �--�-�•>
<br /> � " wfthout any presentment, damand,protest or nouce ol any klnd.Thereaftsr Lender may: E�''.""
<br /> ' . (&) Demand that Trustee exercise the POWER OF 5ALE granted herem, and Trustee shall thoreafler cause Trustor's f
<br /> Intere9t In the Properry tc be sold and the proceeds to be dlstr�buted,a11 m the manner prov�ded m the��ebraska Trust Deeds •
<br /> Act: � ,
<br /> .;�� (b) Exerclse any and a:i nghts provlded lor in any ot the Loan Instruments or by law upon occurrence of any Event ol � ' '
<br /> + Defau�t; and !
<br /> � , (c) Commence an actfon to loreclose th�s Deed of Trust as a mo�tgage,appoint a recewer,or spacd�cally enforce any ot the ,
<br /> �� covenanls horcof. ,
<br /> . `� No remedy herein conlerred upon or reserved to Trustee or Lender�s�ntended to be exclusrve Of any Other remedy herem.fn the ��
<br /> . Loan Inatruments or by law prov�ded or permdted.bul each shnll be cumulat�ve.sha11 be m�dd�tia�tc every pther remedy given
<br /> • ' hereunder,ln Ihe Loan Inslruments or now or hereafter eM�st�ng et law or m aqu:ty or by statute,and may be exerc�sed concurrently, ,
<br /> ' �^ Independently or successrvely.
<br /> �' 13. T�ustN. The 7rustee may resign at any I�me without cause, and LPnder m�y at uny I�r��e and w�thoat cou�e nppoint a �
<br />' auccessor or subalitute Trustoe.Trustee shall not be I�able to any pa rty.mcludmy w�lhout Ifm�tAtion Lender.Oorrowar.�rust�r rr any •
<br /> • • pu�Chaser ol the Property,lor any loss or damage unless dua to reCkless or w�lltul m�sCOnduCt,and shall nol be reqwred to tAke eny �
<br /> _ �
<br /> eCtion in Conn4ctlon with Ihe enlorcement ol th�s Doed o�7�ust unlesa indemndied.in wr�tmg, for all Costs,compensatio�or
<br />-•_-- —- - � �_ �— -°------.••"-'- ---.�_ ..............d.�...........w �.....a.a......, T....,..,e.......ti.,........,.........ti..e.,..-.•........�i.,,.��ti..o.....e.�.,��..a...�oi... .
<br /> . .. .. . .' owNV�woo w�u�.��u�a�ua ooa....�..w................................., ...............�..............r.......«.............i ....... ............p,...��..,...........
<br /> �, under the power ol sele granted herein►;postpono the sale of all or any portion ol the Property. as provided by law:or sell the
<br /> Property es a wliole,a�n separate parcels or lots at Tr�slee's d�screUOn.
<br /> 14. FNSend Exp�nsn.In the event Trustee sells Ihe Properly by exerc�se ol power of sale,Trustee shall be entitled to apply
<br /> � - qily 6d10 yiOG8Bd6(i�51 tJ F�jR:OC1t O�all c��;�arG:...F:.r�n�cf axorcla�r�Nc�,or,:'�3;c.:~clud;r,��':T:u�tc�'�tcc�.a^� Lcr,dc��
<br /> ' . � end Trustee's attorney's fees,aclually Incurred to extent permitled by applicabie law In thb event Borrower or Trustor exerc;ises any
<br /> ' � • rlght provlded by law to cure an Event ot Default.Lender shall be entitlad to recover Irom i rustor all costs and expenses actually
<br /> Incurred as a result ol Trustor's detault, includmg without Ilmftptlon all Trustee's and attorney's feea, to the extent permltted by
<br /> " epplicable law.
<br /> • 15. Fufura Advances.U{�on request of Borrower, Lender may, at its optfon,make addrtional and future advancea and re-
<br /> � advences to Barrower.Such advances and readvances,wdh Interest thereon.shall be secured by Ih�s Deetl ol Trust.At no time shall
<br /> the princlpal amount of the indebtedness secured by this Deed o11'rust,not mclud�ng sums advanced to protectthe security of ihis
<br /> ,;�
<br /> • � Deed o1 Truaf.exceed the orlylnal princlpel amount stated herein, or $�_ _.__,whlchever�s greater.
<br /> �� • I
<br />