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<br /> ��--�=� te. MMa�M�ou�ProrMlono.
<br /> ,:���,.,���.�;;= � (���a�ow�No111N��d.Exwn�bn ol thr tlme tar payment ar modlilatlon of�mortlz�Uon o1 th�sum�s�cur�d by thb
<br /> `����:.3: -_ ' � Dwd of Tru�t pr�nud by L�nd�r to�ny waamaor in IMsrNt af�orrowYr�holl not oparata to r�aw,In�ny manne,th�IIabI11Kr -
<br /> x�s���1.:', of tl�oripinal�orrowu�nd Borrower'�waces�ore In Inlsr�et.Wndar whill not b�rsqulnd to commona proc�sdlnp�ap�inst
<br /> .��._.__�
<br /> ,�;- -- �.�r� euoh wacMSOr or rMuw w�uand time tor p�ym�N w otharwlpi nrodily�mortlz�don M th�wm�weur�d by thl�pMd o rust
<br /> ��''�'��•�x.�.� by rNOOn of any�nds m�d�by thN orlpinal E9orrowo�anA�qtrowYr's�uccason In int�resL
<br /> ' — �r '""'4 (p) LM1dK'�ppw�ra.Without sdeatinp the N�blllty o}arry othar pqrwn 8ebla fur tha poyrtwnt ol any abllpaUon heroln =
<br /> '' °. msntbned,��d without afl�opnp the Ilen pr aha►pe of thl�Wed af Trus1 upon�ny poAlon of tho Property not tlwn or fh�ntofor�
<br /> �'` • .t��� relened a seourity tor ths lull�maunt p1�II unpold oblfqatlane,l.andar may,(rom dme to Ilme�nd wlthout noUae(q releare�ny
<br /> — �_�:��;,��.".� . porwn so Ilabl�,(II)exfend ths matuNtyor elter eny al tha terme af anp suah obllaallona,pU)prant alhar indulpence�,((v1►elease
<br /> °°---- � or reconvey, or cause to be nlea�ad or�eaonveyod ot a�y Umn et I.ender'�opUon any paral,porUon or�II of th�PropeAy.
<br /> "m"�r'''" ����'• v take or releaaa an o�t�e►ot l�dAltlnnwi xnnurity lor any obtlgallan honin m�ntlon�d,or(v1)moks comp�dtlan�or oth�r _
<br /> ,�-,.-.-..�: -- -:-- i 1 Y
<br /> `�`:�" ��'' �!�, m�npom�nts with dobtw�In ral�tipn thereto.
<br /> _�•.,•�:r:.i.,�
<br /> - �>�•�����.• �� � {c) Fat�a�nc�br L�nd�r Mot N 1N�lwr.Any lorbearenae by�ender In exercfalnp any�Ipht or remedy hereund�r,or _
<br /> :�-����e�::.a,�.
<br /> -- � �. o�hw�wl��Harded by�pplfoable�lsw,�qhall nM be e waiver ot qr prealude the exerciea of any auch rfpht or remedy.The
<br /> --- ' �� p�xurement of Inaurance o►the payment of toxe9 a othgr liena ar oherpes by Lendor ehall not ba e weiver of Lendor's rlpht to -
<br /> '�s�;�,,.��''�' accolwqte the meturiry o1 the IndeQtedne8s sacured by thla Deed of True�
<br /> `�*'' �'"� ' �d) SuccMwn�nd llsdpn�Boundt dolnt�nd�B+r�nl U�bIIN�r;C�pUon�.The covenents and apreemenm heroin con-
<br /> "—.�,..::.:�,.';'.; �. ..
<br /> ,,,.. , talnsd ahN!bind,and th�ri�hb hereunder ehall Inure to�the raspeclive aucceseon and aeei�ne of Lender And Trustor. —
<br /> ;R� �, �... covenenb snd epreemenb ol T�ustor ehatl be jol�t and several.The aeption�end headlnps of the parapraghs o1 thls Daod ot
<br /> ��; �.
<br />- _�!, ��-���° Truot e�e tor convenienc�only and ere�not to ba uQed to interpret o�dati�e the provi�ions hereol.
<br /> - ���T=-: �- --
<br /> (e) i�quwt for NoUe�s.The pflrtieb harebyrequoat that a copy ot eny noUce of default hereunder and a copy of eny notlae _
<br /> 01�alo herounder be mailed to eaah party to�tiUa Oead of Trust at the addresa set forth above In the menner presaribed by
<br /> ' , ;,..; epplkeble law.Except for eny other notiae requlred under eppllaable lew to be given In enother manner,a�y noUce pravided
<br /> , ��' � lar In this Oeed ot Truat aholl be yiven by mafling auch notice by aertlFled meil addreased to the other parties,at the address ee1 _
<br /> � ,•� � ,::�'�.�';.;;,�q�•.,.�:�,• forth above. Any�oQce provided(or In this Deed of Truat shell be eHective upon malling in Ihe manner dealgnated herein.If _.
<br /> a`;�:>"r� �• Tru�tor le more than une pereon,notice sent to Ihe addrees aet forth above ehall be natice to all auch pereona.
<br /> '� '��'•`�'' (q Intp�aqon.Lender may make or cauae to be made reaeoneble entrles upon and Inapectiona of the Properry,provided _
<br /> � �fi��l.1�(�}�,(�4�:�Y�'1.���,��,1
<br /> " +�����'���,i�,.��{;�.�s;,, thet Lender shall pive Trustor notice prior to any euah Irnpeatlon apeclfyinp reasonebte cauae therefor relatod to Lendar's
<br /> , 1:;;; •
<br /> �:��,;::�ti+':� �.�,:; Intarest in the Property. _
<br /> ,�i:"; __zcY,•:t�:
<br /> ;-'�i��'�� '�'���'• (Q) R�eonwy�ne�.Upon peyment of all suma eecured by thia Deed of Truat,Lender ahall requeat Trustee to reconvey the
<br /> ",.�-,.�, ;..,.,.,, ��,
<br /> � ;�:�t. PropeAy�nd�nell�urrender thie Deed of Truet and all notea evfdenciny indebtedneas eeoured by thia Deed of Trust to Truatee.
<br /> " • . �' T►uatee ehall reconvey the Property without warranry and wlthou1 cherpe to the pereon or penona lepally enUtled thereto.
<br /> "' � �.` Tru�tor sh�ll pey all aosts of recordatlon,If any.
<br /> °`''r'"{'f°`"�"'. gocydty A�teattsenl As sddltlonal aeauruy for the peyment o1 the Note.Trustor hereby prante
<br /> -_- - rnti ��n�s a�c�y:
<br /> ' Lender under the Nebreske Uni(arm Commerciel Code a seaurily Inte�eat in all fixturea,equipment,and other personel property
<br /> ueed In aonneotion with the real eetete or improvemente located thereon,and not otherwise declared or deemed to be a peR of
<br /> � �� tha raal eetata�ecured hereby.Thie Inatrument shell be conalrued es e 3ecurity dpreement under sefd Code,and the Lender
<br />-- • . shall have all the riphte and remedles of e aeaured perty under aald Code fn addltion to the riphts and remedlea created under
<br /> ' � ,-��b•�� .� and eccorded the Lender punuent to Ihls Deed of Trust;provided that Lender's nphte and remedlea under this perayraph shall
<br /> t'''��"� `' be cumulative with,ond in no way e Ilmltation an, Lender'e riyhts and remedles under any other�ecurily aflr�feirwnt slpned by
<br /> � Borrower or Truaror.
<br /> � Q) LNns�nd EneumbrancN.Trubtor hereby werrants and represents Ihat there le no delau4 under the provlelone of eny
<br /> ° rnortysqe,dwd of trwt,IQaee or purchaee contract descrlbinp all or any pert of the Prope�ty,or other contract,IndrurrNnt or _
<br /> • ' .: Aatw�r apreomenl consdtutfnp e lien or encumbrence ayelnst all or eny part el the Prope►ly(collectively,"Llens"),exisllnQ a�of the
<br /> i• : dete oi thl� Deed of Truat,and lhat any and ell exletinp llent remafn unmodilfed eKCept ae dfscloaed to Lendor In Truator's
<br /> wrilten dUclo�ure of Ilens and encumbrancea provided lor hereln. Trustor shall tlmely perlorm all ol Truator'e obllyatfons,
<br /> covenanq,representetlone and warrantiea under any and all exfs;ting and/uture Liene,ehell promptly forward to L�nder aoples —
<br /> ` of all noticaa o1 delaull aent In conneatfon with eny and ell existinq or luture Llens,and ehell not without Lender'e pMor writton
<br /> coment In any menner modify the provisfons of or ellow any luture advenoes under any exlating or future Lfene.
<br /> Q) ApplleaUon o1 P�ym�nta.Unleas otherw�ae requlred by iaw.suma pald to Lender hereunder,inaluding without Iimltatlon __
<br /> � - ° paymente ot principal and interest,inaurance prxeeds,condemnatlon praceeds end rents and prolita,ah�ll be applled by
<br /> . •� h Lender to the emounta due and owing lrom Truator and Borrower in euch order as lendar In its sole discredon deema deairable.
<br /> ' • � (k) 9w�►�blllry.If any provi9ion of this Deed of Trust conflicts wlth applicable law ot is declared Invelid or otherwise
<br /> � unenforceable,such ConlliCt or invalidity shall not aHect the other provisons of this Deed of Trust or the Note which can be -
<br /> •�..n,�g.... ylven eNect without the conllictiny proviaion,and to Ihls end the provislons ol this Deed of T�u�t and the Note are declared to be '
<br /> '�i':'.. Severeble.
<br /> ' p) T«tnt.The terms"Truator"and"Borrowar"ahall fnclude both eingular and plural,end when the Truator and Borrower �
<br /> ere ihe aame peraon(s),thoae terms as used fn this Deed ol Trust ahall be InterChanyeable.
<br /> � a� (m) Qov�minp Law.This Deed of Trust ahall be governed by the I s t the State ot Nebraaka.
<br /> Truetor ho�executad thio Deed of Truet ae of the dete wriden ebove. i
<br /> .� lf.�' l! 1?. _ °
<br /> . u,:'� (N&nc S)Trust r —
<br /> ,,
<br /> (Vincent L. Truator powding)
<br /> i
<br /> _ ; ..
<br /> .;�
<br /> ' '..,,
<br /> • . .
<br />