<br /> � _..._• ---�------ -- ._ _ .... _.,�..�-=-�—�_,e..�',_-__ _
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<br /> - aa�,n' . .�t,�, '. , rL1:1LT'S7lS�Y 'Y.•STC! • .-• _ " . . .. ' "•dl!� . `_�: _ ._..
<br /> ! •-N�t,J
<br /> � ___�__.i'"nnMbllLLL_---_� ���—...•.• .
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<br /> •t H.� _ _—_ __" __ _ � � � � _— — _—_ •..--_— —_
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<br /> � �� ���� `
<br /> ' »,,�p�a,��p��y p�.p ge�d{�W Int�ewt la$orruwir.If a110�any�t uf the Proporty ar any interest in it =
<br /> i�;old or tran�ferrod(or If�braeficW interest in Barrower ia wld or truuf�rr�d wd BortUwe�is not a aatwal persc►n)witbaut
<br /> i,enckr'� priw writttn coouat. l.eodtr ma�nat ho�iex�ecclsd�y�b.eitf3c��r fWZ��i-sye�i ptr�bitrd by f�oderal lRw�a+ro tit�a �tdut� �-
<br /> Seeurliy Itaituaaent-However. thlioptloA
<br /> 05 thi�Secutity Intttutt�mt. =
<br /> if La�der exa'ctia�hi�oPtjoa�L�end�r s�11 Qive Bn�row�er aot:ce of a�ceduuioa.'Rx noticx rtwil provlde A peria�i of not
<br /> la�than 30 dayr frem tUe date tLe notke is dciiverod or raalle��+i�in w:sich Borrower mt;st p�Y �11►an�a secura9 bv thip _
<br /> Socudty Initrumeat.If Borrower fdls W paY these�uAU prior to the expiration of thls periad, 1.C1�A1�Y IAVpkC 8�1)�.TQTUOd�IIs
<br /> permltted by Wi�Securlty Its�t�rt without fiutber notice or dea�nd aa Barrower. -
<br /> ls. lsorrower� Rl�ht to ReLmtate. lf Borroww aweeu ocrtain oondidoo�, Bormwer ihall h�ve tho r�.�bt ca havc
<br /> mforament of this Secunry Inttnuneat discoatinued u+oY time pcior to tho earlier of: (� S diys(or cuch od�or�ariad as
<br /> �pplicabk law �uay �pecify far niastatemeat)befoco s�le of the Pmperty' p�►ssuant to aay power of salo wntt�incd in this
<br /> Socudty Inscnimmt:or N)enuY of a jndgcaeat eafondng this Saarri:y Iasuu.�aeat.7Uose wnd�tions are tha►�Bomnver:(a)PAY9
<br /> I.eader�11 auma which thw would be due�iader this S�ecurlry Iatutiuneat w�d the Note a:if no aooeleration had occurred; (bD
<br /> cuns any default vf�ay otber coveaanu or�reemeucs;(c) P�Ye all expawa incurr�ed in enforcing this Securlly Iusnument,
<br /> incl�ding,lwt not limital w. nawaabk utor�Ys'fea'wd (d)takes such actioa as Imdor may reasoaibly nquire to Ascure
<br /> tl�at tbe liea of chis Socurity Instiument�I.eader's rights ia the Pmpetry uid Borrower's obliguioa to pay tht wvis saurod by
<br /> this SavritY Inanvmcat ahall coatinue unch�n8ed. Upon rei^..s:��++�+t by Borrower. this Security_Insuumcat aad the
<br /> oblig�tloo�sec�cod hereby�hall remaia flilly effxdve u if ao�oaleratiun bud oocurred.HaAtiver, this t�ht to�xr.iactatc�
<br /> nac�pQty iu the cise of�eceleration under pat�,�}e�h 17.
<br /> D9. Swk af Note: Chan�e ot Lwe �i�.�n'.'f�c :�i�oe or a paztia�inta+est in ¢he Nuta(u+getber vW]th •thi� Sac�ariYy
<br /> IIaxerotmeat)m�y be sold oae or mae times W�:t p�icss n��icoe ca S��ro�u.A s�2a may�esult im� �ia aDa zz�tity fla►a��
<br /> as tbe'I.oan Se�'�ea')that eulkds moat�tg pyn�meats dw�t�der the llvatt aaci ehis Sc�.�u=iry inswa�at. air.o rnay be onc
<br /> oc IDore cha�es o�d5e Lwo Savioer unrelau�9 w a s�le of the Note.If th¢re i�a ohaaSe of the l.wa S�n�icxr,Borrowcr w��e
<br /> givm writtea mtuere Qf the cbaage in acoordance with pzr�gra4oh 14 abovb aad�pplicable law.'Ibe not�e will�eGte tho name usm
<br /> � a�ldtrsi of tbe nrw Lrwn Savica�nd the addrr.ss co which piyments st►ould be made.T�o notice wiU�lso wontaia+AY ot�
<br /> iatocm�tioa raquirod by spplicable law. ston,Qo� or raleisa ot any
<br /> Z0.Sa�Sub�ta�oa.Botrower siaall tat cause or permit the preseace,use,d�spos�l•
<br /> H�r�rdo�u �avoa oa or in the Pm�CtY. Borrower shall uat do, nor �ltow anyoae else to do� iwwytlting affoctiag tbe
<br /> prapacty that i�in vial�tiou of�ny Envimameatal Lw.1]�e prtoedIaB two�auawa si�ll noto�ppiy w tho presenco.we. ar
<br /> uon�e oa tbe of small qwntida of Haz�rdoua Subwnces tbat�re�taer�lly ceoe�niaed W be ap�'oPri�to w aormal
<br /> eaidmtW uia�a�aiateaaoce oi tbe PmpettY.
<br /> Bam�vee shallpro mptlY�ive La�der wriuea aotia of�ny inveul�ation. cl�im�danmd, lrwwit or aihar�by as►Y
<br /> • �ova�nma�tal or rs�ulatoey'�eocY or v�e 0�volvios tbe PropatY aad+mY Harardous Subtmoo or Htrv t�l Law
<br /> ot whk�Hat+awe:!w�ctual lmowte�e. If B kams�or is notifled bY mY Love�►meat�'�*��pry+�d��`'t�
<br /> ' �ny removal or otL�r r�nediatian of�oy Haz�rdo�s Sub�t�oce iPfecBai tbe PcopertY u�•So�ro�a s�b�ll A Y
<br /> ' a11 nxwuy e+emed�l s�s ia�000�d�oe witb Baviroammt�l[.tw.
<br /> ^ ����� 20. •Haz�eubus Subrtanoes" ue tho�e wbst�nca detiaod�s toxic or hwa�dous subatamoa!►Y
<br /> 1 �foi{owin� wb�pca: woliae� icaaeae, aher Aammrbk os waic petroiwua produ�ta� wxic
<br /> � Qamm b
<br /> pp�cid�a�d hesbic;da,voiatile�ol eda.m�testits 000niaia��ta oc fm'm�ldehYde.�d r�dio�ctiva n�rUU.As uied in
<br /> _z�-- - Hiir _ 1u. =mv�o� 's.�« u—�.n.:'.�,.�'••l�L•�,_.,�A�..�a�rt�.j�u�tdiGdon�lfecC thC Pc.oAaty �s_10Cifed t�t_ . .
<br /> i iel�tC-�,s�ecY a mVitO0am�1 P�ta�o�.
<br /> t NON-UNII�ORM COVBNANTS.Bomoaer�od ��Jce to B�oeivwea'plor�aecda�O°i°u°w�Baa�wer'a breaci
<br /> - 21.A�ooder+�tio�:jte�e�n.Ia�dar�aU�he
<br /> = of arY ou�e�t a� y;�'ea�t W t�Y Sea�t7 I�r�a�t (� � a�'t° aocd�'a=im�der °„�a*s�SPd i? u�e� . -._
<br /> = appikabie laR pmW�s afLvwbe).Tl�e�rotiue�nil�peei['!: W ttie de[�itt N)t�e aetbw e+eqdred'to c�e+e tl�e aki�
<br /> - (c)�d�t e, �ot i n r t l u�3 0 d a r t t e+o�t 1�e d�R e t L e wotice i�t h s to Eamwer,6y wYei tLe de�adt:maot be etired:s�d
<br /> - (�e�t iailoce to e�re tLe ddw�t os ar be[acs tLe d�te rpedfle�i i�tk aotke�Y r'esait ia axdc+ratbn ot t b e�w�
<br /> � se�weed bf tYt Sea�rit�L�t�+�vd a1e a[t�e Propart7. 'itie rotiee slnU fYntLee tatoe�Borrawar ot t1�e rf�t t�►
<br /> rd�rt�te aRa a�ooderMio� a�d tLe ridt tv bri� a eaa�t setio�to arert tbe aore�t�aee vt� dtlAUlt or afi►a�iaee
<br /> :�. �lete�e ot�oceewer to�oaderrtioa uw1�.1t the de!l�rt is rot�vied o�or 6t�ore t�e drle rpedfitd i�t6a noeieie,
<br /> �� . •��,e�er��t id�oplo�+s�,1're9��1�p7� 1a tWl at d!sw�s�ee�ai by tlii�Secmit3'Iu�mmt witbaM.
<br /> lretlut de�sri a�d�ay iraice rie powee ot�1e a�d aryr atLn't�edies p�aodltal bY ap�kabk law:L�ewlei'tball 6e
<br /> `� tatkied to oeMec�t ag�hcm�e�al ie p�cs�t�e crae8ies R'a�sid�d L tLi�p�t�p'�pr 2!.��.ewt.na lY�itea
<br /> `• b.triro�e attor�eys'fees aMl aoW at tiBtie erlaeaoe.
<br /> It the power d w{e is iaroi��d.'�'��sw8 c�oo�d a nofke at defaoit in e�dt oo�tY in wYkb any pat ot tl�e
<br /> lr�qi� ir IoeNted trd�Yli aMti oopi�o[aao���oticrt i�tlr�swee�67'a�Yeal�k bw ta.�oee+oweti'�d to
<br /> t�e otlwt pei'ioa�p�ibed b7�PW���w•Al�ct t�e tjoe reqWral b1�P�lka�d�•ltartae i1l'�he pW�lic�aRice
<br /> a��le to t�e pd�aod i�He�a�ee preseribed�y a�liabk 4w.'ilrtrt�witb�t de�a�d aa�tm�aner',d�aII sdl
<br /> ilre Pivpaty at P+Wk a�W tLe Lk1wt Wtlder at tl�e tLne aad ptaoe s�at1 n�der tie ak o�el��Y I���T3be
<br /> ; ak h osbe a more���the Bme�od piwewd e�an�.y p�o�a1Y ���i�k. I,emdee'oc iro d�nee�l
<br /> � ��e Y�a�9�t ay!qfe.
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