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<br /> ' S. H�acd or�'rope��9 �os�s�e. Borrawa tball fceep the improvemeaa aow exlstia� or 6ere�ftra' eroctod oa the
<br /> �'c�}xr.y iasui�..� �:st loss by iire. d�ucu�d9 Includai wfthin thc term 'cxie�dod aover�Qs" �ad any�t1ur dazard9. iaclucliaR -
<br /> tlooda or floodinQ�ta�w4tcb� require� ia�uraaoe.'Cdt�i�uuraac��all be nsaiuiatno�ia thc amaunt�and for tl�o periods
<br /> th�t I.eac3cr ractuira�� '1'6e fasursace carricr pc�vidia�the inwtosca�haj!be c�ose�a by Bormw�s sub}ect w Irssier�i a�proval --
<br /> wWcb ahall aot be unre�blY witWtield, if Bormwir faib ta auiatsia oover��des�:ribad aEnve� l.eader caqY� u L�des'a _
<br /> optioc,obtaln oova��to Praec.�t�,�de�'��n�ia tac pc�a�Y ia r:�,�rM::�:z wi�h par�graph T. �
<br /> All incurance po►lcies �od ers►ew�ls sDill be awapt�bk to W�der�ad aD�ll iaclude a uaadnrd wnstY�e clsusa. i�r _
<br /> �11 have the riQLt co hold s1k palkia aad reaewsla.U Lxader requlr�s�Bo�rowrr sb�il promptlY�ive to l.eadcr aU«celpt�af
<br /> P�P�um�aa�d ren�w�l aotioa.Iu the eveat of lou�Bormwa�SU�ive prompt aotice to tbe iauu�oce curier�ad Larkr.
<br /> Lmder may maice proof of locr if mt m�de PromptlY b}'Boe�wu.
<br /> Uetes�icacler�wd 8oa�owtr a:��wise a�ree in wr:tin�.inwruioe proceed��hall bo�pplied to rator�tion or rquir of the -
<br /> propettY duutYal,if tbe restorstloa or re�ir is ocononilcally fwible aad L�eadu's aocuriry is not 1a�er�od.If the rawr�tioa or
<br /> re�air is not ec000mic�llY fwibk or Leader's�ecurity would be fes9eaod,tbe�ur�aoe pmceeda thall be�ppiied w tlre wms
<br /> s�cured by this SxuritY iastiumau� ��' or not thea due. witb aqy c:cw Pa1d w Borrower. It Aoimwa aba�bw �he
<br /> pc+onecty. or doe�aot wwer w'tthia 30�y�a notices fraa L�mder tbat tbe inu�taa�x caniet has offeral to uttk a cWm.thea
<br /> Latider maY oo]!ea tbe iusuru�p�. l.eader mrY we t�e Pmceed� t°re�it or rator� the Property os to pay waL+
<br /> secured by tbis Secur'sty Iasauaxat,whetLa or not tben due.'I7se 30�daY Puad wi11 begi°w�the notia ia Qivea.
<br /> UnLes�l.eader �md 9ortnwer othenvise aYree 9n writin�. aay a�plicatbn of Pcaoods �°P��P� �not extax!or
<br /> poatpooe tbe due date of the monthlY WY��n�erred to in pan�graph�1�ad 2 or c�t�e tLe�asouat of the prymeal�.if uadtr
<br /> p,r,�r,Qh 21 tbe Propenr � �9� �'Y.j.,maer, sor�owec•� rlghc w any iasur�nce policia �ad vroceeds cewi� �
<br /> d�ge W dye Proparty prior m tbe=;,;•;��+*��a11 Pr�Ge Lmder w the w�teat of the snmi socurod by this Savrity Instrumwt
<br /> �mrsediauelY P���+�1�'x'0II•
<br /> i.Oc�r�prs�,Pterar'�r��.116a�te�u�e aad R ot�axioi oi tie PenpKty�R�er'a�a�c Appticatb+�:Le�eLoids.
<br /> Ban+owror�LL�,�,r.t,�'v',acaa�ii�,aaod c�e eTae�cperty s�Bormaec's princip�al resickn�Ri�sia a•"aa�dsY��Ra the e�cacutioa ca'F
<br /> this Securicy Gs��e+t�s�oonr�Gz oc+cupy the Pt+ogerty a+Bocmwa's p�ineapat:a�cfi�xe ior u leau oae ye�r alka
<br /> the d�te of oo�.'},uc�as IIx�r.3er oC6aa�e�rea ia wrltin�.ahich coaseat�i1�uot be�eessan:bly wit�eb,or ankss
<br /> p�tpm�,j a�ooa exist which m i�yand Hocaa�rer's cooted. Borroaver :bal1 mt de�+ag. d�a�a ar is�r the
<br /> propercy� �11o�wr the ProQE�y w detaio�sor. ae coaomit waue on ihe P�opaty. Borrower s�ll b�in dtfault af agy foridau+e
<br /> actlon a pcocee�io�.wLetber civll or crimiis�l.ia be�um.th�t in I�eacler's good faith j�ment ooulil rault ia�orfeiture oi tbe
<br /> propaty a othsrwi�e m�ri�11Y�r the liea cnated by this Security Intt�umeat or Leader'a�ecurity interat.Bon+wvet m�Y
<br /> aue such a dat�ult aad rdawt�.a provided ia Para�rq�18.bY causio,�tbe�etiaa or p�ocxedi�to be dLmissed w�ith a ruli�
<br /> tl�c, in Lrader'�tood fiitb detaevioatioe. 1xe�luda for6dture of tbe Borm�re:'�iatsrat ia tbe Prepaty oc otba m�erial
<br /> impaismeot of tbo Iiea cre�te0 bY th�s Se�itY�ot l.tader'�se�auicY iate�. Boct�MCr tball al�o be io def�ult if
<br /> Ba�ra�wa,durinl dae loa�i°°P�+�f��r LLe or la�ccur�te ja�ioo or�t�oeaem to L�eadar(a taiied
<br /> .---, W�� . ._�.. .r. _.__�_.�,.... .�� '�. ;_�it!+s.�&h eLa lo�a ,�ridmmd b!►d�e NolO.�1�tdit'�f.bu��ot lio�ilyd
<br /> . . •- La„O,Q..t�..�Ll....�.. _ . .... --.
<br /> �0.�,�;jp�p0�p�t�H011+O�El�{OOL�.y Of tLE�y ii�Qi�i.!'Ci�CC.�t�l�'�►� -
<br /> 1e�eboid, 8onawee�11 eomplY with dI t�o provitioos of the k�e. cr eocr+o�r aoy�a � �e m me Rope�er. �
<br /> k�eboid�od t�e fee ptk sh�ll nat n�e unlar Leader��rees to t b e mez�er i a�•
<br /> ?.A�a[I�adu''s�i�ib i�tl�e Prqtal7.U Honower f�W w perfo�m tbe ooveaaot�iad�reeme�ts�fned�
<br /> this SeaulcY Imtnu�t. a tbere v a ley�l pcnaodia�t�t msY�i�Y+���s Ii�t�ia the Prc�ty(such�a
<br /> p�ia b�o�tcy,peabite.for oomdemnat'soa or forfdwre oc w enforoo laas os regulat�oos). �+�aiom mtY
<br /> p�y fa wfi�teva is nooess�Y to Pt'otax tLe v�lue of t�e Prope�ty aad I�der's sighu ia t6e Pio�paty.
<br /> mclude payit� my �t �t�od �Y a liea�vh�ich�ae psiotity ava tbis Sea�rjtY Ia�um�, �t m °0�� P�Y�t
<br /> re�on�k�+oraeYs'�oes �e�ai�t°m��Y to mai�reQain.A1tLau�I.eo�'�0►tai�e atxiion nadet ihi�pm�
<br /> 7.��eoder does tiot�►ve to do se.
<br /> Any �mo�mts �sb�a� bY �ua3er this p�c�Qh 7 �1W1 be�come additiaoal debt of Hon�wer �ea�red bY dtis
<br /> Searicy�Crnmmu�.Unlao S�n�aaa aod L�der sy�ee to otLa tasm o�f paymeoc,d�ne amaints aball bar iotarat irom tb�e
<br /> d�le of tWb�ma'smeat�t die Nate r�oe�od shtU be pa�able, rvith i�a+eu. upon notioe t:+om I�oder to Bosmwec toqoatiat .
<br /> �,�e�a�ee•If Leadet taNirod mac�te iana�ooe�u a caoditioa of maki�tht iosn�ecured bY thia See�itY
<br /> bntn�meot.Baro�v�ha11 p�Y�P��='a9�so maintaia the moit�age iaweaoee ia et�xt. If. foe�ny rea�on. the
<br /> ��.�.�requi=,pd by I�eader 1�ar oeates to be ia ef6oct.Hormaer sl�atl WY tLe��LO
<br /> obnin oova�e wbt�sS11Y equiv�e to tl�e moct�e Inauaooe Prer'ioudY ia effeat,st a oat�b�i�ialrY eqniYakat to the
<br /> c�o�t w Boccvwtr of tbe moc�8at� �p�'�y ��� from m�lcem+`e mort��e��Y�M'I�r. Ii
<br /> �}Y ��n°OK�ag��awr�x eovers�qe u not avail�bk,Boriro�res�11 PaY to I.eadec each meoth a wn►equal W
<br /> GOC-toMC1�1 Of tbC Y�Y ��Y�C lIIfYf��OL'���bY��r iY�WI t11C 1�ft1i�C+E OOYtii�C liplOd Ot OCifO�t0
<br /> be ia etfecs. Isade:�rU1 aooept.u�e md retaia diae psymeats� a!ou rexrn ia liw of mo�t�e iaaua�kx. Las rercrve
<br /> foiw�
<br /> �.WIiE1 asty.ati �•s•:: /r
<br />