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<br /> in iniar�a.�o�wteP st��11 r�;,t�,a raquirad ta comme�rt�s�rxeedin fls e�ainat such succa�sor or retuse ln ext�nd tlme c-
<br /> for�yment or otherwlw modlty amortizatb+�o!tha sums aecured by thle C�aed o1 Trusi by raason of any damand n�ade _
<br /> by the oriyinal�rrovwr and Borrowar's suc�assat�in interest.A�y forbearance by Lendet in�xarcl�tng any rbht or �
<br /> remedy hereundar,or oth�rwls�stiordeti by applicAble law,shall not be a wafver ot or pracludo the exerctsa�!any �.
<br /> such�iqht or remedy. _
<br /> 19. Su�er�ara�A�7���Ba�+�i�.�alnt acnd Sx�om.l Ltab!lity;Gaal�nen�.Tha ccwanants and aqream�nts =
<br /> hpreln contair►ed shell b�nd.and tha right�hareunclet shall Inuro ta,the respect+vo succossors and as&�g�s of Lenda� -
<br /> a��d Borr��,subJad to tha provislons o4 paraqtaph 16 hereof.Ail covenants and agrac+manta at Borrower shati ba ��;
<br /> jo�nt and seve��tl.Any Barrower who co-�lpns this Deed of 1Fus1,but doas not execute tha Nota,(a)is co-signing this _
<br /> Oead ot Trusi onty to grnnt 6tnd com�ey thal Borrower's intareat In the Propeety to Trustee under the terrn.n oP this Daed =
<br /> ot Trusi,(b)Is not petsonaily liable on tha Note or under thia Oaed ot TFusi.and(c)aprees that Lender and any othe� _
<br /> Borrower heraunder may agree W extend,modity,forbear,or make any alhar accommodations with reyard to the torms _
<br /> of thls Deed of Trust or the Note,withaut that Borrowe�'s co�sent and withaut releasi�g that Borrower or mafityi�g this _
<br /> Oeed of Trust as t�tfiat �orrow�u's tnteresi i�tha P�aparty.
<br /> 12. Notice.Except 1or any notice required under appUcable law to ba given in anather manner,(a)any notice
<br /> to Borrow�er provided tor in this Deed of Trust shall be gtven by dellvering it or by tnailing such notice by cenified
<br /> mail addressad to Borrower at the Property Address or et such other address as Borrower may deslgnatt�by notice
<br /> W Lender as provided herein,and(b)any not{oe to Lender shail be given by certitied mail to Lender's addt�ss
<br /> sia�ed herein or to sucfi other Address as Lender may desi�nate by notl�e to Bonower as provided herein.My
<br /> nouce provWed for in this Desd of 1i'u�shall be deemed te havt+been giv�en to Lia�rowe�a'Lender when�iv�e�In the
<br /> manner designatad heneln.
<br /> 13. Gareml��L,aw;S�wabltity.The state and local taws apPlicable to this Deed of Trust shal!be the�awa of
<br /> the Ju�isdlctbn in which tha Property is located.T'he foregoing sentencs shall not Gmit the applkabitity of Federef law
<br /> to this Deed of T�ust.U the ev�ent that any protiislon or clause of this Qeed of Trust or the Note cor►Hicts with a}�plicab�e
<br /> law,such conflld shalt not affect dher provistor►s of this Daed of Trust or the Note which can be g'�v�en effec!wrthout
<br /> the confUcting p►oviston�and fi4 this end the provislons oi this Deed of Trust and the Note are dectared to be seve►aEle.
<br /> As used herein,��costs•;��expenses"and"attomeys'tees"include aU sums to thv axteni rtot prohibited by stppilcaDle
<br /> law or limited herein.
<br /> 14. Borrow�r's Copy►.Borrower sha11 be turnished a conformed copy of the Note and of thls D6ed ot Trust ai the
<br /> time of executia�or after recordation hereot.
<br /> 1S. R�I�bQi�tlon Losn A�rt�nt. Borrowet shall tutfiil all of Borrowe�'s obUyatio�s under stny home
<br /> rohabititation.imp�retr�ent.repa��or othe►toan ay�eement which Borrower enters ir�towith Lender.L�e�der��9 l.,�xier's
<br /> optbn,may reyuire Borrower to execute and deliver to Lender,in a kxm aa:eptable to Lender�an assignmeM of any
<br /> rish�,dairrs or do�eoseswhich Bortnwef may hav�e against Partfes wt�supply labor.ma�eriats or servioes in oonnectlon
<br /> w;th improve�rranTS made to the Property.
<br /> - 18. �lransNr ot Property or a Beeeficlal Intsnest In BoaowK If all or any part of the PropeRy or any in�t
<br /> in Itts sofd or trans�ferred(or it a beneficlal ir�tetest in Borrower is sold or traruferre�r.nd Borrow�er is nat a natu►a!pe��or�)
<br /> wifisaui Lender's pria writDac�conseM,Lentler may,at its option.re1,4,uire immedia�e payment in tull of all6ums seCUred
<br /> - �f_ t�..tl� L. 'wwii ii'����atA�,`!RA!A�KA�'1!�MZAf�t1�[�AI'��1�
<br /> � ��U$L1080�C A1ZSi.rfONRTY�l1�tl iq V�tuV it.�iqw r�Z w vw�riviwv � -�'- . . __
<br /> af the date of th(s Deed of Trus1.
<br /> It Lender exercises this optbn,Len�sfta!!give BorroMrer nWioe ot aoceleration.The notioe shai!praride�a periad
<br /> ot iu�t:iessthan 30 days from the date the notice ls detiMe�ei or mailed within which Borrow�er must pay all sums secur�ed
<br /> by tTcts Deed'ot Trust.IE Borr�ower tails to pay these sa+sss prior to the expiration ot this period.Lander may a�iao�ny
<br /> remedles pertnftted by this Deed of Trust w�tiout furtl-�r e�otioe a�famand on Borrower.
<br /> NO(�-11t�t�FORlrI CaM1/ENANTS.Barow�er and Lender furthFr ca�enant and aqree ss tdiows:
<br /> 17. /ix�tlon;R�msdNs.Exc�pt s�P�'a►W�d In pxapray�to ie hs�sof,upon Borraw�r's bera�h of�rry
<br /> �ca�Atw�t or�►�nt ot Baraiw�M thb DNd of Trust.IncN�din�8are�ow�e�'s taiiw�to pay.Egl t!w�nd of 10
<br /> caY�nd�r days Marthey ars du�.any sums a�cund trY t�DMd of ltu�t,t.�e�dra+'P�ior to�co�IKatlon str11�iw
<br /> notic�a eo�r�r�s po�vw.d u,p.ra�rapn 12 n.aot sp.atyln�:(f)a�.bn.c6;tZ�tlw sctfoe nq��f b aa+.
<br /> suchl�ci�;�,�,1�dM�.not fMatl�n 20 d�pb�om th�da1�th�notks is nWl�d to Btx��.C�'wt�icA suc�l�ch
<br /> mwt b�aunc�snd('t)�t hiluh to cun such b�stch on ot b�/on t!M daa sp�dtNd le tif�nMb��a�y�t�lt '
<br /> tct a�l�n of tla sun�s s�w�d b�l�D»d of 7tust and sw a?t!�Prop�ty.Tiw nofk,�sfnll�x�o�e M�bnn
<br /> BaQeaw�of!M ri�htb�MMraor.ei�atlon andtl�ri�hNOlxin��courtactfonb a�ttM�
<br /> ot a dMault os�I ol�r d�Nna�of Bnrno�wr to�oafKStbn and saN.lf ttw bn�ch is not cund ere aP bWon
<br /> tlw da�sp�c9ti�d N t!w notice.L,�nder.at L�nd�r's option.se�l d�cl�n all ot tfN w��uad b'Y tl�s D�b
<br /> o!ltust�o b�i�n�rMdlstNy dw and payahN without turtMr dMr�ttx!and rnayt IrrMOla ti��a+�W saie ti�r1 ury
<br /> othw�r+NdfN p�d b�l�pp�la�Lsnd�r shail be entltMd to eoU�et atl�+won�bM eosb�e�ef�s�rN�
<br /> incun+�e!kf pwsuit�p tll!nut�dia pt�o�vid�d In tlds pars�raph/7.Inder�,but nOt WnH�d�0.t�i�o�1�i�N
<br /> atbonwys'Ms�.
<br /> if ttM pow�r af�sN is i�n�ofo�d,l�usLea shsll hcatd a notice afdshuR ln wch oouMy ke whkh tlw Prop�rty
<br /> or soen.parst�sor b�ocat.d ana sru�ir mat�coples ot such not�ce i�tn.manner proscr[tr.d t��pileaa.Wwv
<br /> b BorKnwrand b�o1NKp�esons Pn�ee�d b11�Pp�1�Af1K1�f�l�p��of tueh tlan!�an�y be Nqiiwd
<br />- i��,."`�!�1l�e ehNi_iv��C notia or a.i.ta tl�pMSan•and in a�.a+snn�r pa��lbdd�SY
<br /> appiicai�M f�r.'Itur�,wifho�st drnwtd on Bort�w�.sf WI�NI th�Pr�op�rty at pu6fic�uction�o ttw td�st
<br /> bldd��at tits t�tt�d p1so�and und�r tl��s�ns dMi�na�sd tn th�not{cs oR s�N in ons or mor�praN and
<br /> In wch adKas 1hatM ns�►daM�kw.lh�s�e�!►P�P��of all or sny p�r�cN ot ths Prop�rty b�r PuWic
<br /> annour�nNnt at 4M tiene snd piac�ot aty priwioushl sd�edul�d ssb.Lender cr I.�nd�r's dMi�n�e may►
<br /> _ .......w«.s�..�.r.n�.f�at anv st{�.
<br /> �up«,r,.c,ipt a p;ym.�,:aau�iC.aa,Tru�..shau a.Hv��sotne pur�hus.?i„st..�.a..a eom.y�n�
<br /> tl�e Prop�rty sold.Tfw�cif�ia in tiw 7}us�w's dNd thaM b�primt taci�wld�na�the truth at th�sta�n�Ns
<br /> n�d�thMNo.TMuls��hsW�ppty th�p�oc�ls of the sai�in th�tolbwin�orrlsr.(�)ta au niaonabM cnsb
<br /> and�xp�r�at th��ai�.tncN+dinp�but not Itrnit�e!to�1h�sb�'s M�s actuallY incurnd ot nat mon than
<br />- �i aa+e�roa�r.pHo.,�..�a�aW.at�r�rs�N�s ana co�ts w t�i.wla«�c.�(bl co aM�,n�s
<br /> , .....,,�.a�.±+,r.1iMe�qt Zhwt;�nd 4c)tlt��oass.ff anfl.to ti�P�tson or P�rso�s Myalhl�ntltlod tl�ntv'
<br />= 1�. Borraiwr't Fii�ht�o R�b.Nolwilhstandin�Lender's acceieration of the aums secure0 Dy this t�ead
<br />- d Truit.du�to Sorrower's breach.Borrawer shaU harre the ri9ht to hav�e anY Proc�edings t'�9�n by Lender to enbrce
<br />- this[)eed of Trust disc�ntinwd at any ti�rw prior to the earllx to occur of(i)the fifth day beMre saie of the Praperty
<br /> pursusnt to th�pawe�d aaN corqainsd in this D�ad d T�ust or(ii)eniry of a judgrtwM enbrcinq t�is�ed of Ttust�f:
<br /> _ (a�Borra�wr p�ys leruier a11 surns which wouW be then due under thls Deed of T�ust and tl�e Note had no aoceleratNm
<br /> - .
<br /> � _ _
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