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<br /> ��i� SP$CIAL W7�tRA�i'1'Y DSBD
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<br /> �-��� �` FRANCIS H. HARDERS and CHA.RLOTTE A. HARDERS, husband and
<br /> � ��,,...,:;r wife, each. in their own right and as spause of the o�her, herein -- ,�_��,_
<br /> �.;� , w•�.'. ,� called the ciraatars, for and in considezation of the cancellation
<br /> � '`"�`' � of indebtednesa owing from c3rantors ta C3rantee� do qrant, barqain,
<br /> f;_�, �_ sell, convey and confirrn unto the STATE SANK OF CAiRO, a Nebraska
<br /> � n Banking C�rpcxat3on, herein called the Grant�e, the following-
<br /> = -- -----� - - de�cribed rea� estate in tiall Caunty, Nebraslsu: �
<br /> � '� � The South Half of the Northeast Quar�ex (Sl/2NE1/4) of �__
<br /> ; ~ Section Eight IS), Township Eleven (il) , Nc��th, Ranqe Eleven
<br /> (11) , W�st of the 6th P.M. , and tha South Half of the
<br /> � Northwest Quarter IS1/2NW1/4) of Seati.on Nine (9), Township
<br /> ° Eleven (11), North, Range Eleven (il), WQSt of the 6th P.M. , _—
<br /> �� all in Ha�l County, Nebraska, less ths. following descri.bed
<br /> � real estate: A tract of land comprising a part of the South - --- ---
<br />� Half of tbe Northwest Quarter (Sl/2NWJ�/4) of Section Nine. �-
<br /> " (9), Township Eleven (il), North, Range Eleven (11), West of
<br /> the 6th P.M. , Hall County, Nebraska, said tract being more
<br /> particulaxly described as fallowss BE(iINNIN(3 at the
<br /> Soutbwest corner of said South Half of th� Northwest Quarter .—
<br /> � � (Si/2NW1/4) f thence rurining on an assumsd bearing of N 00°
<br /> ' 00' 00"B on the Wes t line of said Sou�h Half of the Northwest
<br /> � Quartez (Sl/2NW1/4 ) for a distance of 315.00 feet; thence N �_,.
<br /> 89° 30' 04"E paral lel with the South liae of said South Half �,.—
<br /> of the Noxthwest Quarter i Sl/2NW1/4) for 742.00 feet; thence flr_t��,--=-=--
<br /> -_ - - -= S 00° 00' 00"W fc�r 315.00 fe�t to a p�int �n the Geuth line =--_-
<br /> ' ;_ of said South Half of the Northwest Quarter (Sl/2NW1/4) ;
<br /> ` thence S 89° 30' 04"W on the South line of said South Half of s,:�,��.�
<br /> •.•�,, the Southwest Quarter (S1/2SW1/4) far 742.00 feet to the o�, �� `
<br /> � � POINT OF BEGINNING, said tract containing 5. 365 acres more or ' v�, h-";
<br /> � less, the Westerly 40.0 feet thereof to be dedicated to road ��A=_.:-
<br /> right-of-way. �' .4 =
<br /> cw �.�'�:
<br /> TO HAVE AND TO EIOLD the premis@s above-described, toqether � �;e�.�_�_�`��-.�_.
<br /> ' will a11 the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto ��':_�•-___
<br /> belonqing, unto the said Grantee and to Grantee's successvrs and ;" - -_
<br /> assiqns forever. And Grantors hereby covenant with the said �_ :� �
<br /> � ,.
<br /> Grantee and with Grantee's successors and assigns, that C3rantors " � �y��"
<br /> are lawfully seized of said premises, that they are free from r �=
<br /> " ' encumbrance, except that owing to Grantee, the Equitable Life �. :. �
<br /> ' Assurance Society of the United States, and the United States of M� :;..��;.,,.�;j;�:�
<br /> � � " Amezica Farmers Home Administration and that Grantors have good , ���-�;,��� �-_
<br /> right and lawful authority to sell the same; and Grantors hereby � =_
<br /> covenant ta warrant and defend the title to said premises against ; - - -
<br /> the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. And the said �
<br /> ' Grantors hereby relinqui.sh all riqht, title, claim and interest in .
<br /> • and to the above-described premises.
<br /> This Special warranty Deed is given as an absolute
<br /> � conveyanae, the Grantors having conveyed said land to the Grantee
<br /> for a fair and adequate consideration, part of such consideration
<br /> bei.ng satisfaction of principal obligations secured by the �
<br /> Mortgage executed by Grantors to Grantee, as mortgagee, recorded
<br /> • in Book of Real Estate Mortgages at Page , in Hall County,
<br /> Nebraska.
<br /> Grantors declare that this conveyance is frePly and fairly
<br /> ` made, and that there are no agreements, oral or written, or other
<br /> � than this deed, between Graneors and Grantee with respect to said
<br /> iand.
<br /> I�� � l
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<br /> . .
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