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<br /> l_`DL�'_':.._ . �. . ;. ,_s..-__—" - .
<br /> _.:_uS --IM�� �. � ..�n� ..r.�+`.:a�d6Y:-Y;�t4c<�eyin�w.�iia�'ea��rineri��'- ---� ���ti.��iii�}::_--�-�.•-- "-- — .�-..
<br /> 96_ i�6.3�� -
<br /> c.�ssicxMSavT oF�ES. u��•s�a�.�ono��u�;�,v,���o�wz --
<br /> FmQr�ty �ad ai!aocuretY deposits made iA coanecsioa wltb ka�c of tha Ptcq�uty. Upua tbe�si�oa��i�� °_.
<br /> ct�ll hsva 1be ri�At w nwdify.eattcu�ot trauai�ate thc uiss3a�kss�s aad w exocuto t�w k.aces�in l.cacler's sci{e _
<br /> di:�c�.�.Ai uso�ia tIIis p�sst.^saph a.t!x vrard'bne"abtU mean"sublaae"it tbe Secutity Iasuuaaust is oa a _
<br /> k�bold.
<br /> Bortoarar�6moluWy and uucand.i�o�w11Y assi�n�aad oransfers to l.�a�{er�ll tbe cc�att�ad roveatus("Resus")of i,be _
<br /> Prc�y,c-^.,,._-�d...�cf ta wt�n Ihe Ra�of tha Propacy aro pAy�b{e.B�xrcwu swtbarizos I.eadet or LetE�er's
<br /> �ents to colloct the Reaa,aod agrees�hat ach tmont of tbe Propaty s6�11�y tAa Reuts w l.cacler ar l�ecrda's
<br /> �mts.Howeva.Bamwer t6al1 roceive the Reau until(i)L.e�da 1�Bivm Somow�aotice of clefault parsuaat to
<br /> pr��ph 21 of tba Security Instruu�t�nd(ii)I.a�da h�s Bivea aMioe to the�aunt(s)that tbe Rwu are w ba
<br /> p�id W I�e�ier or I.a�dcr'c �a�t. 'ILis assi�ncomt of Reats ca►tiWits aa absolute assignmcat aad not an
<br /> arsiguma�t for additjoa�l socurity on2y►•
<br /> If l�euder gives aoSce of Cyec�cb m Banowv:(i)ail Rcnts reoelvod by Baimw�u chall bc be3d by Bormwa a9
<br /> wstee far d,e beae6c of La�ocs a�ly.a b�appliod a ttje w,as sxurad by the Sec�'itY 1ns�umeu�(u)1.end�ahsU
<br /> ba�mtitled m oolloct aad tnoe+vt all ot t�e Reats of the ProQaty:(w'?Borrow�Gr a�rees tlut eacL�t of tbo
<br /> �Y �WY�Rams cE�e�ad uqpaicl w I�enckx a I,eoder's�tats upm Ira�ler'�writ�m dan�eed w tbo
<br /> iaian� (��)unkss�PNic�1e�a�+{xovldes otl�+ise.sll Raits collec�ed by L.eada ar L.end�'c a�eats sh�lt be
<br /> �ppliod fast ID fbC OOats Oi't�kio�Coo0ro1 Ot'�al mn�iaQ tbC PiOpaty aod ccliOCttu$thC Keats.iocludin��bu!pot
<br /> tia�r,d i0.�Ys°fees,mxiv�a's fas.P�miums m rocdva's ba�dx.mpair aad mainlon�oo�coats.ias�a�nca
<br /> p�mt,tu�ea. �aod at�a c�es oa the Prq�aty, �tha�to We wms saxurrd hy the Secw�icY
<br /> I�cumea�(v)I�nda.I.coder's�gaus or aoY�Y APP���va sh�U be li�bic w�000rtcaa Ear oaly tbose
<br /> , Reats acxs�lly ebodvad; �od:�vi�Laxiar ah�U be eatitf�d to have a t+ecxjva appointed w tak�poc�st+oc of aad
<br /> m�e d�e Prope�ty.na aol3ea t�e Rmt,��od pro6ts dai�++ea rrom tbe pr�aty withouc any sbo�ving as oo tno
<br /> atle4uacY of tbe Fco�artY as SecuritY•
<br /> If the Re�ts of tbe Pno�aty �rt va6 sufFiatieat o0 oover tba oastt of taking coe�roi of�od ra�nt� tho
<br /> penQaty�od of cdieaio�tde Reats ae�^4r�aads eacPeaded bY I�ender fa su�p�upatet aball baome iodebledne�s oi
<br /> Barowa a La�da�ecuca8 by tbe Securi.'�+�wtrumeac pursu�ot a uaifam Cov�a�nt 7.
<br /> Bo�towei re�e�mes aod�raon ti�t Baro�rer tas aot amculed�aY P�ior�of tbe Reats�ad ha�
<br /> not��vill aot pe�fa�m�ay�ct ddt�i perveat l.eat3er frnm es�acisia�its�is�undar d�p�c�b. _
<br /> l�aotler,a�I�ender's�tots or a judiaally aPPointed receivrr,sLaq sot be required to mlrs tipoo.Wcz ooe�t[ol �.
<br /> of a m�iohm tbe Pe�aty befae oc�ier�ivi�uot�oe of��o Barnxu. I�Ia�va�I�kr.a I�'�
<br /> ..�,�a.Y�ari:e�tiv,emie�ed modvrr.miv do�o�t�►.v t�ovc wl�a defauit oaars.MY�ppbc�tios af�
<br /> _. . . . -�—- -.-- - - - -- - - - � ,
<br /> . ._ . . .. _
<br /> i�ii not c�e ar w�irre sny dcfa�it ac inva�i.�}ite aay ot�r siga't ar sematp af Ie�.T6#s.�of�at�bi
<br /> ihe Fmpaty�hall krmio�e�eo�l1 tbe sua�s�ncund 6y d�e Sa�rity Insuumeat are prid'm ti�.
<br /> L QtOS.4-DpFAULT PitOVISiON. Bccro�ra'� debult or be+nch �tdar aoy m�e ar a6teemmt in
<br /> Mhicb lea�lar bfe�n iaMsrat�lt be a berach emder tbe Seauity lnsuume�t�od La�cier nyy invaice any of tbe
<br /> «aooQies pamitmd by d�e Saou�iaY In�eat.
<br /> Xi W,Barowet aooepts sod s�'eas to tbe iams aod provisioas 000�ed in this 1-4 Fimi'Iy
<br /> _ 1 I
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