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<br /> � - - - --- --.-
<br /> ��+. • - - - - ._�,__ --�-_-
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<br /> --_��.__.:�- . - __... - -----
<br /> ,
<br /> ..�., ..;: •� � -�--•-=• -__ -
<br /> � ..��-. .. .. : .. ._ . .,..em�u�.awnrr�r...�l�.s�i✓,•-+�a...-� •'• _�sttt�u...PCMYIIK•bu._94t' . . . _
<br /> �S� .
<br /> . -'�O��L�1iY4�tI" .aJC'•.a1�. u.� fww - — ...
<br /> • 1 i.k3orrowu'�Co�y. l3orrowrr st�ll bc givai ana confomtird copy of thc Not 9�o���q���n�
<br /> 17.ti'r+u�Yer ot the Y'�ro�cN or�Bss�eiicLA Yate�rcct fa Bonruwar. Ii�11 or any pa�t ot'tt�..Ropaty or�ny int:.rest in ii is
<br /> so3cf or vMncfertod(or if s��iclal inkresc ia Homower iv 9oW oc traruterrod and Batrower is �wt A�turs�lpe�sai) w�twut
<br /> 1.axSor's pdor written conrent�I.entzer msy,�t ita ,xo9uiro i�uroo�diate payaux�t in full of all wms securod by th14 Sacuriry
<br /> InsuumGj�Howeva.this option st�ll not be e��by l,eader if oxerciso is ytohibita!by fcder�l law as of thc d�ta of tLls
<br /> Sa:.iuity Instr�mtai.
<br /> If 1,etulr�exaciscs this ,I.cnd�r sh�ll give Borrawa t�tico of ncct3craakfn.71�c notice s1�1!provide pa eriod af�uN less
<br /> tlwn 3U dAys iivm tha da3a a�Wji.;t�1s d:�i�ti:���i+�withtn wluch Bo�rowa must pay a!1 sums 9ocnrai by thls S�.w9ty -
<br /> Iauruma��IF Eorrrwet fA1tc�u�lp�I �a of tdia prsiod.I.ender a�y iavoke any rctnodlas permitteA
<br /> by this Securit;Instruma�t witl�dut f����'1�lf���Y�nd�wer.
<br /> lA.Bo�rawer'9 Riaht to ReLiib�l�. �f'9�Ir�Pd�dr'iA�tts c�rtatn conditionc. 1Barowv st�all !u►vv tho right co twva
<br /> enforoement of thi�Soc Inswment diiooatinue��t anq 6cne prior to tlsa earlier of: (a)5 days(or such othcr period as
<br /> q�piicahlo yw mqy spxif�yor rcinsirtanent)beE'on sale of tbe ProQertyp t tn sny powcr of sale oonuancd in this Security
<br /> Ins�rt;ar(b)entry of a judgmatt enfcxci�q tAb Securiry Instrunu,��7�O.�co condi,tia�s at�e that Bocrowu:(o)P�Ys Lender aU
<br /> sums whlrh ti�+i w�wid �e�ua w�u'�i Sa�uity'aasieuri�e+�t��t t�Nata:s if c.o accc�r..�!�s!occur*r�;(3)cur�any
<br /> ckFault oF oay olhtr covenAnts ar Agree�a�ents:(c)F�Ys tU expet�ses inctured in eaforcing this Security Instrucaena,including,but
<br /> nat Ilmik+d w,na�onabb attorneys' fas:�csd(d)�aices sucb�ctbn as l.rad�r maY re;9onably cequire to Assure tLat tbn lion of this
<br /> Socwiry ZasR�wt�at, I.cndrr's rlghts ia We Pntrpaty aad Bo�mwer's obli�auoo to pay the sums socuro� by thla Security
<br /> Insaunx�u stu�u ocx►tlnae ancA�ngea.Upon rc�n►sut�neAt�y Bormwer. th;9 tnsawnait ana we �anoos securaf
<br /> daeby sh�11 trr�n�in fuUy effociivo as;f ao acoeierutioo Aad oocutrod.Ho�ver,�'us�'• t�u r�iastate ahall sr�t�y in t!�ca9a of
<br /> aocekrAtlon undci 17.
<br /> 19.Sale d Noh: �ie of Loaa Se�vicer. i1�e Nate a a p�tisl ioteract in tAe Note (togetAar with thls S�ity
<br /> Ia�t)mAy be sold one ar mone am�s wit�►.�ut prlor�otbe w Barower.A swle may rGailt in a clunge w tho enuty(�nown
<br /> as tbe"La+n Savjcar')Ihat ooliocts monthIy AaYt�is due w�det the Noto aud tAis Scewity Iawutneat.7bere also may be one or
<br /> mae cl�sngos of the Loan Servicar �uuelsted ta a s�ie of the Noie.If tlxre is a chaage of tbz Lo�a Servictr.Eiorrow+er will be
<br /> givon arritia�notkx of tbo ch�age in aocord�noe v����ph 14 above and appiicable law.7be notice wiil s�e the na�oo aad
<br /> �d�Cfi Of 1170 OO�V L.Oa[I SW10Ct i1Q�tj1G�t�SS{O 1Vh1Ch Q�yn1C�ILf�110Y�bd ti1/dG.Th0 OOtiCO vVill�90 COG�B�D my Oi11Ef
<br /> lAfOflllYlOti�'�Q{I�I'Od 11y�Ci�C�iVY.
<br /> 20.�iiim0{W$�10li. BQ[1'OWCl i�� GOi Ci1�9C OT jIQR11! tj1C pfC9�8CC. tL9G. VL5�06�, SIOqy�G' *t�PC�t19C Of�fy
<br /> �;ils[tjOt1S$q�Of1 Of�11 thC p1Y1�C�iy.8077�OWt.7�SZlall 00[fSD.IiOf iuOW illY0i1E la9C L6 d0.9dyIi111O$�([���:�lli$t�IC PtbQEtly
<br /> that is in violAdon of�a�►Eaviroam�aml I.aw.'ltre pcdooding tw�o saua�oes shail aot�y w the prweao��,or seorAge oa tbe
<br /> Piro�ry of saull quanhoes of Hvanfous Sub�s that are�a�1tY r000�ized tu i�e�iate b aan�trsidmti�l uses
<br /> aad a ma�ctr�anoe of uso ProQs,:cy.
<br /> Ba�o+ra sh�ll P��P�Y 8�� wriq�ea ao�e of�my inv�n,ci�m, da�,4ww�a�� i�r�uy
<br /> 80�►�1 a���Y+�B�Y a Pn�P�'��8 tl�e Property snd amy Haracdous Sabstanoe ar Eaviro�une�lt II:aw
<br /> of wLich Harowar hat actwl knowledga Ii BornaN�ar lea�n�,or u nodfiod by�ny QovorameaW ar n�o1�la�y .t�E any
<br /> raaov�]a otber ranediadoo of�►y Hu��dws SahsLnoe aftectia,g t�O A�p��s neoess�ry,Bocm�rv sh�Bi� os�oe sll
<br /> aeoe�srry remodlal�etio�s in acoordaoct with F���tal Lw.
<br /> AS 119Dd 1G t�S�Y�1�1. "I'�G[�Olit $13�0f�lOCS�i�C t2109C SO�G110RS�100d aS BJ�7C Of 11iTi(�Oi�9 Sll�'e'"�
<br /> Eav�oomaats�l Iaa aad d�e fdbwipg subatmces: �uoiine. tcaosene, adW it�mmabie ac �ic pWOieam
<br /> patici�s�od harbicidas,vWt,tile��.m�eri�eoamining asbesto�or W�maldebyde,a�!c�o�ctive As used'm
<br /> dds 20.'Eav�otune�l I.a�r"maat fodetai l�ws�od Lws of tbe j�aisdictiaa w�ene the PmQaty is bcatod that rel�te
<br /> to ba6L.�ety ac mviroome�t�1 pc�-�.
<br /> .. . � -�I�t,tFtJPil�tJl~tt,it V��'St�ti��:�a'4.�CVwGa�au'�i tu�wti w:w�.:i�.i:�awv�'w���.+."`��..
<br /> �il.�'s�• •�'�-'�aTL'�0�10!ZO BOITO'R!!pi�'�i00l�!lit��07���017�Owlrt bl'!��li Ot
<br /> �1� COYSi1t Or �l1tt � t� SlR11Ti�y IYfb'r�N (bY� �Ot �10� t0 �OOti�f�0� Y�d!! �u,l'/jl� 17 Y�l�
<br /> applfcsbie bw providea otl�e�wiie).7fe aotke sm11�ecif'r(a)tl�e ddsalt:(b)tie utlo��roq�ired to eare tre dd1�d�(c)
<br /> :d�not ies t�a 3�d��s fY�tre date f6e wtloe is pva��u Borrower•6'wiieti Ne de�ault�a�t be c�ed;s�d(d)
<br /> titt h�u+e�o c�ne ttie defadt oi or belore tLt daZe�peeftied i�ttie iotiue�a�rr�it i■�ooderatio�ot tre n�s aee�red
<br /> y tt�Seau'tt�Iam�t aad ssie a�tLe Property.7're�otice�al hrtlKS iafar�Borra�ear at tfe ridt to�ate
<br /> al�a�sooelsa8a�nd the rijtt to 4e�a oo�t sctioi b afurt d�e�oi-aiynoe ot a de�adt or at�oti�ar de�eaie o�
<br /> Boeronner Eo aeoderatia�a�d We.it tl�e detwk i6�ot�7�+�d o�o�'beloe�e t1t dde speii�ied t�t�e�Nioes l.erder.at fli
<br /> aP�.�Y*'e4��te p�are�t i�fd10�v ss�s ac�red b�tlrit Seevlq b�st wit�ooietc hrlier de�aad
<br /> a�d.y�i�vots ttie power ot a�e.amrD ary otLa.+eserBea per.if�ea A�a�piearie Ir....Ee�der sti.�ee s�awka a oo�ea
<br /> v rs�eaoes Lnrr�d i�prr�iE f�e r�sedita pro►ided i�tiia para�ra�21,i■c��ii�,A�t�ot li�iled b4 re�aiaqlie
<br /> ador�gs'fea Md aoW d titk e+riieue.
<br /> V t�a po�e� af s�ie it i��oic�el,Tr�bee sL�e�eoord a �o11oe o�ddadt i�eae� eo�ut�i� wUici a� prt a�tie
<br /> Propaty i�ioe�bed wl slal aa�oopies d�eiaWibe i�t�e�atier p�+�ser�bed��applkaWe I�w�Boc�+o�wei wllo t�e
<br /> otlkr Pa'�praari�ed�7'ap�iieaile hw.Alter tle tLe reqotred b���ble I�w,Tr�+Dee Y��ire prWic�otloe ad
<br /> sate�s t�perrom a�d t�ttie�a�mer p�n�ribed b�appiic�Dle Itw�tm�ee►w's"soaf�dema�ci a■aar�+ow�a.s�sei�e
<br /> Piropa�t�at pdb�x aactio��o the iiVia�t 6idie��t ttie iae aa¢�pe�d tiWer t�e fers�de�ated i ttie mtioe of sde
<br /> � Forw!02!!!!0
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