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2U11004�3 <br />9. Prutection nf Lender's Interest in the �roperty and Rights Under this Sccurity Inrtrument. Tf <br />(a) I3nrrnwcr fail� tu perfc�rn the covenanls and agreements contained in this Security Instrument, (b) thete <br />is a legal praceeding that rnight signilicantly affect Lcnder'ti interest in thc Property and/or righls undet <br />lhis SecuriCy lnstnunent (such as a proceedin� ir� hankniptcy, probale, Ior condeinnation �rr firrfciturc, fnr <br />cnforcemcnt of a licr7 which may at.tain ptiority over this Security Instnunent or lo enforce laws or <br />regulations), nr (c) iiorrower has abandoned Lhe Ptoperty, then Lcnder may do and pay 1'ot whatever i� <br />reasonable or appropriate to protect Len�er's interest in lhe Property and right� under t}tis Security <br />Instniment, including protecting and/nr assetitiing iha value of the Property, ancl seci�ring and/or repairin� <br />the Ptopetty. Lender's actions can include, but are not limited io: (a) paying any �ums sccured by a lien <br />which has priority over this Security Instnuncnt; (h) appearing in court; ancl (c) paying rcasonable <br />attorneys' feen t�� ptotect it� int.eresl in the Properiy and/or rights under thiti Seeurity Instrument, including <br />its 5ecured ppsition in a banlcruptcy proceedine. Securing th� Property includes, but is not limited to, <br />entcring thc Property to makc repairs, change l�>ck�, repluce or board tiip doors and window�, drain water <br />from pipes, climinate building pr ��t}ier en�le vi��latiuns or dangerous conditions, and have utilities turncd <br />on or off_ Although Lcnder may take action under ihi� Seclion 9, Lender does nol have to do �n and is not <br />undet any duly or obligation to do so. It is agreed that Lender incurs nn liability fnr not taking any or all <br />aclions authorizeci undet this Section �. <br />Any arn<�unte dishurse�l by Lendet under this Section 9 shall bccomc additional debt ol� Burrowet <br />�ecured by tliis Security Instnuncnt. '1'hcsc arriountti shall beat inleresi at ihe Note rate from the datc of <br />di�burse►nent and shall be payable, with sueh interest, upon notice ftom Lencler to Borrawcr requesting <br />payrncnt_ <br />If this Securil.y Instrumenl is on u leasehold, $orrowcr shall comply with all the provisions ol� the <br />Ieatie. If I3nrrnwet acquire� Fee I.ille to lhe Property, thc lcaschold and the fce title shall not merge unles� <br />Lendet ugrees to the merger in writing_ <br />10. Mortga�e Insuranee. If Lendcr rcquircd Mortga�e InSUtance a5 a cvnditian of making thc Loan, <br />I3orri�wcr ahall pay the premiurns tequired to maintain thc Mortgage Insurancc in cffcct_ Tf, for any reason, <br />the Mortgage In��u�ance cpverage tequired by Lender ceases to hc availablc from the mortgage insurer ihal <br />pteviously provided such insurancc and I3orrower wa� rec.�uited lo make separately de�ignated paymcnts <br />towatd ihe premiums lor Mortgage Insuranee, I3orrower shall pay i.he premiums required tn obtain <br />covcrage subtitantially equivalent to the Mottga�e Insurancc prcviou�ly in effect, at a cost SLIbSIAIItI'dllY <br />equivalent to the cost to I3�rrower af the Mart�a�e Insurance previously in effect, Iioin an alternate <br />inortgage in�urcr sclected hy Lender. If substant.ially ec�uivalent M�rtgage Insurance covetage is not <br />availah)e, B�>rrower shall continue to pay to I,ender the amount nf the separatcly desi�nated payments that <br />were due when the in5utance coverage ceased to be in effect. Len�ler will accept, use and retain these <br />payments as a non-refundable Ic�ss reserve in lieu ol� Mortgage lnsurance. Such loss re5erve shall be <br />non-rcf'undable, riptwithstanciing the Fact t.hai t.he Loan is ultimately paid in full, and Lendet shall not be <br />required to pay Bortower any interest or earnings on suclt 1���� reserve. Lender can n�� longcr rcquire loss <br />reserve payinents if Mottga�e InsLirancc covcragc (in the am�>unt and for ihe perio�l that Lendcr requires) <br />prnvided by an insurer selected by Lender again becomes available, is obtained, and Lender requite� <br />scparatcly detiignated payments toward the premiums for M�rtgagc Intiurancc_ Tf L,endcr required Morlgage <br />Insurance as a condition ��f making the Loan and $orrow�r was required to make separately designated <br />paylnents toward the premiutns for Mortgage Insurance, Bottower shall pay the premiume required to <br />mainl.ain Morlgage Insurance in effect, or to provide a nnn-refiuiclable los� reserve, until Lender's <br />requirement for Mortgage Insurance end5 in accordance with any writtcn agreement between Botrower and <br />Lendcr providing fi.�r such terrnination or until terminalion is required by Applicable Law. Not.hing in this <br />Section 10 aFfects Borrower's obligation to pay ir�terest ai the tale provided in the Nole. <br />Mottgage Insutance reimburses Lcnder (or any entiiy thal putchanes the Note) fc>r certain lo�scs it <br />may incur if T3orrnwer dnes not rcpay the Loan a� agteed. Borrowet is not d pdriy to the Morfgage <br />Instuance. <br />M�rtgage insiu'ers cvaluate their total risk on all such insuranec in fnrce from time lo time, and may <br />enter inlo agreemeirts with other partics that �harc or m��dify their risk, ot teduce losse�. These abreements <br />are on tenns and conditinns that are satisfactury to 1he mortgage insurer and ihe olhet pariy (or parties) to <br />the5e agteements. "T'hese aereeinents may require thc tnotigage insuter to tnake payments using at�y tiourcc <br />of funds lhat the mortgagc insurer may have available (which may include lunds obiained fratn Mortgage <br />Intiurance premiLUns). <br />NEBRASKA- 5ingle Family - FannieMae/Freddie Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMEN7 <br />�-6(NE) (08� �) Page B of 15 Initials: �� Fo�m 3028 1lD1 <br />0 <br />��. � . <br />
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