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�uiloo4�3 <br />I3orrower shall discharge any lien which has priority ovcr tl�is 5ecurit.y Inst.tument unlesti <br />I3orrower� (a) agree� in to the payment of the ohligatron secured by the lien in u manner acceptablc <br />to Lcnder, hut only so long as $orrower is performing such a�rccrnent; (h) cnntests the lien in good faikh <br />by, or clePends against enfi�rcement of tlae licn in, Icgal prnceedings which i�� Lendcr's opinion operate to <br />Ctevenl. 1.he enforccment of thc licn while those �,raceeding� are pending, hut nnly until such proceedings <br />ate conclti�ded; nr (c) secures from the holder oF the lien an ugreement satisfuctory t�� Lender subordinating <br />t.he lien to this Security Intitn�tzient. If Lender determines that any puri of the Properiy is subject to a lien <br />which can attaitt rriority nver this Security Inslnunent, Lender inay give Borrower a noiice identifyit�g thc <br />lien_ Within 10 days of the date on which thut notice is given, $orrower shall sutisfy the lien pr take o.zac or <br />inore of thc actir�n� set fi�tth above in this Section 4. <br />Ler�der may requite Borro�ver to pay a one-time charge for a real cstatc tax verilication andk>r <br />repnzting service used by Lender in conncction with thiti Loan_ <br />5- Property Insurance. Bnrrowcr shall kccp tk►e improvements now exiating on c�rcaiter erected on <br />the Ptoperly insurcd against loGS hy fire, hazards includec] within the tenn "Gxtended covcrage," and any <br />othet ha�ards including, but not limited to, earthquake� and fl��ods, for which Len�ler require� insurance. <br />ThiS in�urance shal] he maintairaed in the amaunt5 (including deductible level�) an�l tnr the periods that <br />Lendet requires. What Lender requireti pursuant ta the pteceding sentencea can chan�e during the tenn oF <br />the Loan. The insurance carrier providing the insurance �hall be chosen hy Borrawer subject to Lender's <br />right tn disupprove Borrower's choice, which right shall n��t be exeruieed unreasonably_ Lcnder may <br />requite $orrower to pay, in conncction with this Lnan, either: (a) a �ne-time char�c for flood zone <br />determination, certification and trackin� serviceti; or (b) a one-iime chatge fi�r flaod zonc dctcnnination <br />and certirculion services and subscquetat eharges cach time remappings or similar changes occur which <br />reasonubly inight affect such det�rminati�>n rir cettiliculion. Bottowet tihall al��� he retirontiible for the <br />paymenl of any fces impnsed hy the Federul Emergency Managemenl llgency in canta�ction with the <br />review o£ any flood zonc dctcrminatian re�uliing I'tom an objection by $orrowet. <br />If Borrower fails to maintain any of the coverages described above, Lendet nnay obtain in�urance <br />coverage, ai Lender's option and I3�rrowcr's cx�cntie. Lender is 1Kn�ler na i�hligation to purchase any <br />particular lype or amount of covcragc_ 7'h�rcforc, tiuch coverage shall cover Lender, but might or might <br />not protect Bprrower, Bortowet's eyuity in the Prop�rty, or the contcntti of the Property, against any tisk, <br />hazard nr liability and might provide grcater or lesscr covcrage than was previously in cffect. Borrower <br />acknowledgea that the cost of the insixrance coveragc so nhtained rt�ight �ignificantly exceed the co5l of <br />intiurance ihat Borrower could havc obtaincd. Any amountti disbursed hy Lender under this Section 5 shall <br />became additional debt oF Borrowcr sccured by this Security InStnunent. These arnoitntG shall bcar interest <br />at the Naie rate from the date of di�burticmcnt and tihall be payahle, wiih such interest, upon notice from <br />Lender ta Borrower reqLiesting pay�nent. <br />All insurance policies required by Lender and renewal� of such policies �hall he subject to Lender's <br />right to disapprove such policics, shall incluae a titan�lard m[�tigage clautie, and nhall name Lcndcr as <br />mortgagee and/or as an additional loss paycc_ Lcndcr shall I�avc the right to h��ld thc policies and renewal <br />certiticate�. II� Lender requires, I3orrower shall prornptly give ti� Lender all receiptti of paid premiums and <br />renewal notices. IF $orrower obtains any forni nf itttiurance coverage, nat othenviae requircd by Lcnder, <br />far dainage lo, or destruction of, thc Property, suc}► rplicy shall inclrxcie a standard mortgage clause and <br />shall name Lender as inortgagce and/or as an aclditional los� payee. <br />In the event of loss, i3orrower shall giVe prompl notice to the in5urance curtier anc� Lender. Lendcr <br />may makc prno�� i�f los� if not made proinptly by Borrower. Unless Lender and Borrower olherwise agree <br />in writing, any it�surancc praceed5, whelher or not the timderlying insL�rance was required by Lender, shall <br />bc a�plicd to rentoration vt repair of the Property, if thc restoration ��r repair is economically feasible and <br />Lender's securily is nol lessened_ Thxring such repair anci restoration period, Lender sliall have thc right to <br />holci tiuch insurance proceeds until Len�ler has had an oppnrtunity ta intipect �uch Property to ensurc the <br />NEBi2A5KA- Single Family - FannieMae/Freddie Mac UNIF�RM INSTRUMENT <br />�-6(NE) (081 �) Page 6 of 15 Initials: 1� Fo�m 3028 1/D1 <br />C> <br />��.�. <br />