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2oiioo��� <br />(C) "Lender"iti ��•�$ �'•�G� BAI�1K, N.A. <br />Lcndcr is a NATInNAL ASSDCIATION <br />��rganized and existing under the law� nf THE UNITED STAT�S <br />Lendet's address is p•�• BOX 117D1, NEWARK, NJ 071014701 <br />Lender is the heneficiary undcr this Security Insttumenl. <br />(D) "Trustee"is �LLS FARGO FINANCIAL NATL SNK <br />C/O SPEC. SERV., PQ BQX 31557, SILLINGS, MT 59107 <br />(F) "Note"rziean� 1he prnmia�ory nule signed by $orrower and dated JANUARY 13, 2011 _ <br />'I'he Nc�t.e �t.ates that $orrower owes T�ender ONE HUNDRED SIXTE�N THOUSAND ANp OQ/1pQ <br />Dnllar� <br />(U.S. $****116, 000 . 00 ) pluti izaterest. .13artnwer hu� promised 10 pay thiy clebl in tegular Periodic <br />Puymenls and to pay thc dcbt in ftlll nnt later lhan FEBRUARY O1, 2041 . <br />(F) "Pr�►perty"m�un� thc property that. iti described below under the heading "Transfer of Rights in the <br />Property." <br />(G) "Loan" ►ncans the dcht cvidenced by t.he Note, plus interest, any prepayinent charges and latc charges <br />due under the Notc, and all suxns �lue under this Security Instrument, plus interest. <br />(H) "Riders" meat�s all Riders to this Secutily Instnunenl that are executed by Borrower_ `1'he following <br />Ridcrs arc to he executed hy Bortowet [check box as applicable]� <br />0 Adjustahle Kate Ri�ler C� Condominium Rider 0 Sccond Homc Ridcr <br />0 I3alloon Rider 0 Plunned Unit Developmcnt Rider ❑ 1-4 I�arnily Rider <br />� VA Ri�iet � Biweekly Payment Rider 0()ther(s) �tipecify] <br />(I) "Applicablc Law" means all controlling applicable fcderal, titate and local stat��tes, tegulationti, <br />ordinanceti ar.�d admini�trative niles and orders (that havc the cffect of law) ati wcll as all applicable final, <br />non-appcalabl� judicial npinion5. <br />(J) "Community Association Dues, Fees, und Assessments" �neans all dues, fees, assesament� and other <br />charge� that ate imposed on $orrower or the Property hy a ec,nd��minium ase��ciatipn, homeowner� <br />asti��ciatiozi nr similar or�anizulion. <br />(K) "Flectronic Funds Transfer" means any transfcr of fiu�cl�, other than a transactic+n originated by <br />check, draft, or similat paper instnuncnt, which is initiated fhraugh an eleutronic tenninal, telephonic <br />intitrutr�ent, computet, or mu�netic tape so as to ord�r, instn�et, nr authnrize a financial insiiiution to debit <br />or creclit an account. Such tenn incltiidcs, but is not limited to, point transPetS, aulvmated leller <br />machine transactions, lransfers initiated hy tcleph��ne, wire transfetti, und autolnated clearinghouse <br />transfers. <br />(L) "Escrow ItemS" means thosc items that are described in Section 3. <br />(M) "Miseell:�neuus Pruceeds" meana any cc>mpensation, tiettleinent, award of damages, or procccds paid <br />hy any t.hirei party (other than insurance proceed� paid under Lhe coverages described in Section 5) for_ (i) <br />damuge to, or destruction of; thc Property; (ii) condemnation or other tuking of all or any part of tl�e <br />Properly; (iii) convcyance in lieu of candemnati��n; or (iv) misrepresentations of; or omissions a� to, thc <br />value and/or condition of thc Prc�p�rty. <br />(N) "Mort�;a�;e Insurance" tncans it►s�uance prol.ecling Lender against the nonpayment of, or dcfault on, <br />the Loan_ <br />NEBRASKA- Single Family - Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac UNIFORM IN57RUMEN7 <br />�-6(NE) �oai�� Page 2 of 15 initiais: �_ Form 3D28 1/01 <br />0 <br />�� r � 9 <br />
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