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20�1004�3 <br />shall remain fi�lly effcctive as if n�� accel�ratinn had occurred. IIowever, t}iiti right to reinstate shall not <br />apply in the catie of acce(eration under Section 18. <br />20. Sale of Note; C'hange of Loan Servicer; Notice of Grievance. The Note nr a partial interest in <br />the Note (to�ether wit.h this Security Instn�ment) can be sold one or more times wilhoul prior notice tn <br />Bortower. A sale mighl resL►]t in a change in the entity (known as the "Loan Servicer") that collects <br />Petioc.lic Payments due under the Notc and this Security Intitn�mcnt and perfornis otl�er uiorigage loan <br />tiervicing obligations under thc Nnte, this Security .Instrument, and Applicable Law_ 'I"herc also might be <br />one or more changes of the Loan Servicer unrclated ti� a aale oF the N��te. If thcrc is a change of the I.oan <br />5ervicer, I3orrower will be gaven written naticr i�f the chunge which will 5tate the naznt and ad�lretis of the <br />new Loan S�rvicer, the address to which paytrient� �hould be made and at.�y <�ther itifi:�rrxiatinn RI:SPA <br />requireti in cunnecti�>n with u notice of lran�fer of tiervicing. Tf the Note is sold ancl ihereaftet the Lnan iti <br />scrviccd by a Loan Servicer othet than 1he purchuser of lhe Note, the mortgage loan servicing uhligatio[as <br />to T3orrnwer will remain wiih the Loan Servicer or be transferred to a succe�sot L[�an Servicet and are not <br />a5sumed by the Note purchaser unless otherwise provided by thc Note purchaser. <br />Neiiher $orrower nor Lender inay commence, join, or bc joined to any judicial aclion (a5 either an <br />individual litigant or the membcr of a class) that arises from the nt}��r party's actinns purstiiant to this <br />Security Instrument or that alleges that the other party I�ati hrcached any provision of, or any dtiity owed by <br />reason of, this Security Tnstruinent, until SL1CI1 I3nrrower or Lenaer hati notificd the other party (witl� such <br />notice given in compliunce with the requirements of Secti��n IS) of such alleged breach and atlorded the <br />othet party hereto a reasonable period aftcr thc giving oF tiuch noticc to take corrective action. If <br />Applicable Law provides a time period which mu�t claptie hefi�rc ecrtain action can be taken, that tilne <br />peri[�d will be deemeel to be reasonable for purposes of this paragraph. '1"he notice oP acceleration und <br />oppartuniiy lo cure given to $orrower pursuant to �ectinn 22 and thc notice of acceleration given to <br />I3��rrowtr pursuant tn Seciion 18 shall be deemed to satisfy the notice and opporhuiily to take corteciive <br />action pr��visions of lhis Seclion 20. <br />2l. IIazardous Substanees. AS useci in lhis Section 21: (a) "Hazatdous Substances" ute tho�e <br />�uhstazices delined an toxic or hu�atcious substances, pollutant�, or wastcs by Envirorunental Law and the <br />following suh�l.ance�: ga5oline, kerosene, ather llammablc or toxic pctroleum products, loxic pesticides <br />and 1�erl�icide�, volatile solvents, malerials conluining asbestos or f�nnaldehycle, and radioaclive inaletial�; <br />(b) "Environmental Law" ineans federal laws and laws of thc juritidiction where the Property is located thui <br />rclatc to ��ealth, saFety or enviromnental ptotection; (c) "Environmental Cleanup" include5 any response <br />action, remedial acti��n, or removal aclion, as deiined in �nvironmental Law; and (d) an "Enviromnental <br />Condition" means a c�ndiiion lhat can cuuse, contribute to, or otherwise trigger un Enviroxunental <br />Cleam�p_ <br />T3orrnwet �hall nat cause ut pennil the presence, use, disposal, storage, or release oF any IIa�ardaus <br />Suhtitances, ur threaten tn releatie any IIazatdous Substances, on or in the Ptoperly. Bortower 5ha11 not do, <br />nnr allnw anyc�ne else tn �lo, anyihing allecling ihe Property (a) that is in violalion of any Enviromnental <br />Law, (h) which cteates an Envitomnental Condilion, or (c) which, due to the presence, use, or release of u <br />Hazarcious Substance, creates u condition that adversely affect� thc value of the Property. The pteceding <br />two sentences shall not. apply to the presence, use, ��r storage on the Property of sinall quantities of <br />IId"GAP(Il1Ll5 Subst.anceti lhat are generally recognized to he appropriate to nonnal residential uses and to <br />lnaintenance of� the Property (including, but nnt limited to, hazardouti �ub�tances in con�umer products). <br />Botrower shall promptly give Lendcr written notice oF (a) any invesiigation, clairri, dcmand, lawsuit <br />or other action hy any govcrnmental or regulatnry agency or privale party involving tk�e Property and any <br />Ha�ardouG Suhstanee or �nvirotunental Law of which Botrower has aclual knowledge, (b) any <br />I3nvirora.rr�cntal Con�lition, including but not limited to, any spilling, leaking, dischutge, release ur lhteat of <br />release af any IIazatdaus 5ubstance, and (c) any cnndition cau�ed hy the presence, use or release of a <br />IIazardous Substance which aclversely affects the value of the Property_ If C3orrowcr learns, or is notified <br />N�BRASKA- Single Family - Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMENT „_,_� <br />�$'N�) (0811) Page 12 of 15 Initials: �� Fpl'IT1 3D28 �/�� <br />� • � , <br />