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�� <br />� <br />� <br />� � <br />� � <br />� <br />V � <br />Cn � <br />�� <br />�� <br />�.. <br />,�, <br />• <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />2a1i00475 <br />�f?� <br />� � � <br />�� <br />� � <br />� <br />�~� <br />�Qi <br />��` � <br />1\l � <br />TRi7STE�'S D�ED OF itECONVEYANCE <br />KNUW ALL MLN }3Y THF,SF, PRESF,NTS: <br />WIIEREAS, all o£ lhe indebtedness secured by Trust Deed �xecuted by <br />�� <br />",�P <br />� � � � <br />7�C a � • <br />r <br />� <br />S'I'LKLING DEVF,LOPMENT, L.L.C. <br />�. <br />� � <br />� � <br />w.�.+ p ._�.� �J �' <br />� � � � � � <br />� �' �, m <br />� � � � v <br />N �q �r, �--' � <br />� � � � <br />� p,..,� !--` <br />� � ,..,. � <br />� � n .;� � � <br />� Y � m^ � � � <br />� " <br />G.� �. � ;µ,,� .�.1 Z <br />N � �=��a GIl � <br />� ��' �3 <br />fy"i <br />rn <br />C7 <br />Cn <br />f r V <br />�,J <br />To AItLND iz. 13AACK, attorney, Trustee, for the benerit of 1�OML I�LDEIZAL SAVINGS AND LOAN <br />ASSOCIlITION OF GRAND 1SLANll, NLI3RASKA, the beneficiary named therein, dated May 19, <br />2010 and recorded May 25, 2010, in the Office o# tl�e Register of Deeds ot Hall County, Nebraska, as <br />lnstrume�lt No. 020100357�, has been paid, and said beneficiary has requested in writing that this lleed oF <br />Rceonveyance be executed and delivered: <br />NOW, 'I'HEREFURE, in consideration of such payinent in accordance with tlie request of the <br />beneficiary n�sned lhercin, the undersigned, as '1'rustee, does by these presents, grant, remise, release and <br />reconvey to the person or persozis e�atitled theareto al.l the izlterest arzd estate derived to said Trustee by or <br />t��rough said Trust lleed in the following described premises, but only as to such pre�i�ises; <br />Lot Two (2), Block Two (2), Sterli�.ig Estates Subdivisi.oz�, in the City of Grand Islanci, Hall County, <br />Ncbraska. <br />together with nll building, fixlures, iinproveinents and appurtenances belon�ing lo such premises. <br />� <br />Dated this ��day of Ol 1. <br />,; G <br />sTAT�; o� N�.�RasxA > <br />� SS <br />COUNTY Ol� HAI,L ) <br />Un this ��• _ day c � 011, be�ore me, the undersigned, a Notary Public duly <br />co�aaxi�issioned and qualified f`or in s d Cc�ur , personally caine ARF,ND R. I3AACK, �ttorr�ey; Trustee, <br />lo me known to be the identical person whose naane is subsc�'ibed to the fioregoing Trustee's Deed of <br />Reconveya�ice and acktiowledged the execution thereof to be l�is voluntary act and deed. <br />Witness iny ]:�and a�id Notarial Seal t]:�e day and year last above written. <br />-- . _. _ <br />GENFRI� Np�ARY - State af Nebraska <br />SUSAN K. MILLER -'�"' <br />My Comm. Exp. July 2(1, 2011 Nota�y Public <br />