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241�aQ457 <br />IYON-UNIF(]R1Vi COVEN"AN"I'S. Borrawer and T.ender fux coveiYant and agree as follows: <br />22. Accelecation; Remedies. I�ender shall give notice ta Eoxrower prior ta ac�eleration fallowing <br />�arrower's breach of any covenant or agreemeat in ttxiS Securitty instruAUent (but ttot priar tn <br />acceIeratinn under Section l.8 unless Appiic�blc 'Lavsr provides otherwise). The notice shalI spec�fy: [a} <br />the defauIt; (�) We action required to cure ttte defauTt; (c) a date, not less tha�u 30 days from the date <br />the notice is giver� to Eorrower, by which the default must be cured; and (d} th�t failure to cure the <br />detault on ar 6efore the date speci�ed in: the uotice may x+esult in acceleratiau of the sums secured. by <br />this Security Instrument and sale of the Property. The notice shall �u�rther in�o�r�m Borrawer of tlne <br />right to reinstate after acceleration and lhe right ta bring a court action to assert the �non-egistence oi <br />a default or s�uy other defense a[ Borrawer to acceleration and sate. If the defaalt is not cured ou or <br />before the date speci�ed iu the natice, I,euder at its optaon may require immediate payxuent in full af <br />all sums secured by tb�zs Security Instrument witl�aut Pnrther demaud and may invake the powex of <br />sale aud atty other remedies permitted by Applic�ble Law. Lender shall be entitled to cnilect all <br />expenses incurred in pursa"rug the reme�ies pravided in this Seclian 22, including, but z�ut limited to, <br />reasonable attorneys' fees and costs of title evidence. <br />lf the power of sale is invoked, 'I'rustee s�taIl reevrd a notice o� default zu each county In rrhich <br />any �art of the Property is located �nd shall ma�l copies of such notice ia the mar�per preseribed by <br />Applicable T,aw to Sorrower and to the otkex persons prescribed by ApplXeable Law. Agter tb�e time <br />required by Applicable Law, Trustee shaI� give public r�otice of sale to tbe persans a�d in the manner <br />prescribed b� Applicable Law. Trustee, without dema�ad on �orrower, shall se1.1 the Praperty at <br />public auetion to the highcst bidder at the time and place and uuder the terims desiguated in the <br />notfce of sale in one or more parcels and in any order Trastee determines. Trustee nuay postpane sale <br />of ali oc any �areel of the Property by public snnouncement at the time $nd place of any previously <br />scheduled sale. Lender ar its desiignee may purehase the �roperty at any saie. <br />Upon receKpt of payment vf the price bid, "I'rustee shall deTiver to the purchaser '�rustee's deed <br />conveying the T'roperty. The recitals in the Trustee's deed shali be prlma facie evidence of the ti•uth <br />of the statenuents made there'rn. '�ruste@ shall xpply the procccds of thc sale in the fallowing arder: (a) <br />to alt costs and egpenses of ezercising the power of sale, and the sale, iueluding the payment of the <br />Trustee's fees actually �ncurred and reasnnable attarneys' fees as permitted by Applicable Law; {b) to <br />�ll sums secuxed by this Sec�rity Instrumeat; and (c} any excess tn the person or persot�s legally <br />entitled to it. <br />23. Reconveyanc�. Upon payrnent of all sums secured by lhis Security Znstrument, Lender shall <br />request Trustee to Teconvey the FrOperty and sha11 suxrender t�is Security Znstrument azzd all notes <br />evidencing debt secured by this Secwr.ity Instnunent to Trustee. Tr�stee shall reconvey the Property <br />without warranty to tJxe persazz or persans entitled to it. Such pexson or persons shall pay any <br />�ecordatioia COStB Lender may chaxge such person or persons a fee for reconveying the Property, but anly <br />if Che fee is paid to a ttaird party (such as the �'rustee} £or services rendered and the charging of the fee is <br />perrnitted under 1�pplicable Law. <br />2u1 5ubatifat� 'I'rustee. Lender, at its pption, zn.ay from time to time remove Trustee and appo3nt a <br />successor trustee ta any Txustee appointed hereundcr by an instrument recorded in the county in which this <br />Security Instrument As recorded. Without conveyance of the Property, the successar trustee shal.t succeed to <br />all the tztle, power and duties conferred upan Trustea hereiu and by Applicable Law. <br />25. Request for Natices. Borrower requests that copies of t�e notice of default and sale be sent to <br />Borrower's address which is the Property Address. <br />7111:i34509 <br />NEBRASKA - Single Family - Fannia lNae/Freddfe Mac UNIFORNE INSTRUMENT WiTH pll S <br />�-8A(ME)(osio� Paqelaor�s i��ua�a- Form 3028 7/9T <br />m <br />