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2oi�oo��4 <br />Secured Debt is fully and finally paid, Beneficiary agrees to release this Deed of Trust and Trustc>r �c�rees to pay for <br />any recordation costs. All such arnounts are due on demand and will bear interest from the time of the advance at the <br />highest rate in effect, from tiiYie to tirrie, as provided in the Evidence of Debt and as perrnitted hy law. <br />79. ENVIRONM�NTAL LAWS AN� HAZARDOUS SUBSTANC�S. As used in this section, (1) "Environmental Law" rneans, <br />without limitatic�n, the Cnrnprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability l�ct (CERCLA, 42 U.S.C. <br />9801 et sey.�, all nther federal, state and local laws, reyulations, ordinances, court orders, attorney �eneral opinions or <br />interpretive letters cc�ncerning tfie pu6lic he�ICh, safety, welfare, environrri�:nt or a hazardous substarice; and (2) <br />"Hazardous Subst�rice" rrieans any coxir., radioar,tive or hazerdous maCerial, waste pOIIUt�llt or conTaminant whicfi <br />has characteristics which render the substance darigerous or potentially dangerous io the puhlic health, safety, welfare <br />or environment. The terrn iricludes, withnuC limitation, any substarices det'ined as "hazardous rriaterial," "toxic <br />substances," "hazardous waste" or "hazardous suhstance" under any Environrriental l.�w. Trustor represents, <br />warrants and agrees that, except as previously disclosed and acknowledged in writiny: <br />A. No Hazardous Substance has been, is, or will be located, transported, manufactured, treated, refined, or haridled <br />by any person nn, �mder or about the Property, exr.ept in the ordinary course of 6usiness and in strict <br />cnmpliance wiili all applicable Environrriental l,aw. <br />B. Trustor has not and will not cause, c:ontrihu'te to, or pennit the release c�f any Hazardous 5ubstance on the <br />Property. <br />C. Trustor will immediately notify Beneficiary if (1) a release or threatened rel�ase of Hazardous 5uhstance occurs <br />on, under or abaut the Prnperty or migrates or threatens to mic�rate from near6y property; or (2) there is a <br />violation of any Environrnental concerning the Property. In such an event, Trustor will take all necessary <br />remedial action in accordance with Environrnental Law. <br />D. Trustor has nn knowledc�e nf or reason to believe there is any pendiny or thireatened investig:�tinn, cl�irn, or <br />pror,eeding of any kind relatiri� to (1) any H�zardous Substance located ori, �inder or ahn�rt the Property; or (2) <br />any violation by Trustor or any tenant of' any Environmental Law. Trustor will immediately notify Beneficiary in <br />writiny as soon as irustnr has reason to believe there is any such pending or threatened investic�ation, clair7�, or <br />proceeding. in such an event, Beneficiary has the ric�ht, b�rt not the obligation, to participate in any such <br />proceedin� including the right to receive copies nf any documents relatiny to such proceedin�s. <br />F.. Trustor and every tenant have been, are and shall remain in full corripliance with any applicable Fnvirnnmental <br />Law. <br />F. Ther�; are no underground storac�e tanks, private dur7�ps c�r c�pen wells loeated on or under the Property and no <br />such tank CILIITI�J or well will be added unless Beneficiary first consents in writin�. <br />G. Trustor will regularly inspect the Propert.y, rnonitor the activities �nd nperations on the f'roperty, and r,onfirm <br />that all permits, licenses or approvals required 6y any applirable Environmental l,aw �re n6taincd end complied <br />with. <br />H. Trustor will permit, or rause any tenant to perrnit., Beneficiary or Beneficiary's ageni tn enter and insper.t the <br />Property and review all records at any reas�nable time to detenr�ine (1) the existence, location and riature nf any <br />Hazardous Suhst�nce on, under or about the Properry; (Z) the existence, location, nature, and magnitude of �ny <br />Hazardous Suhstanr.e that has been released ori, under or about the Property; or (3) whether or not Trustor and <br />any tenant are in car7�pliarice with �pplirable Environmental I,aw. <br />I. Upon Berieficiary's fE'.C�IJP.St and at any time, Trustor ac�rees, at Trustor's expense, to enc�a�e a qualified <br />environmental en�ineer to prepare an envirorit7ient�l ai_�dit of the Property and ro suhmit the results ot sur.h audit <br />tn E�eneficiary. The cfioice of the envirnnmental engineer wlio will perform such audit is subject to F3eneficiary's <br />approval. <br />J. Beneficiary has t:he ri�ht, but not the obligation, tn perform any of Trustor's c�bligatinns �mdcr this section at <br />Tr�.�stor's experise. <br />K. As a consequence of any breach oF any representation, warranry ar promise made in this section, (1 � Trustor <br />will indemnify and hold [3eneticiary arid Beneficiary's s�_iccessors or assigns harrnless from and against dII IOSSP,S, <br />C�811715 demands, li�bilities, damayes, cleanup, response �f1C� remediation COSTS, penalties c'3f1C� expenses, <br />including without limitation all costs of litigation and attorneys' fees, which E3eneficiary and Ben�:ficiary's <br />successors or assigris rnay sustain; and (2) at Beneficiary's discretion, Beneficiary may release this Deed of <br />Trust and in retum Trustor will provide Beneficiary with collateral of at least equal value to the Property secured <br />by this peed of Tr�.ist without prejudice to any of Beneficiary's rights under this Deed of Trust. <br />L. Notwithst�nding any of the lanqua�e contained in this Deed of Trust to the contrary, the terr7is o( this ser..tion <br />shall survive any foreclosure or satisfaction nf this Deed of Trust reyardless nf any passa�e nf title to <br />Beneficiary or any disposition hy Beneficiary of any ar all of the Property. Any clairris arid defenses ta the <br />contrary are here6y waived, <br />20. CONDEMNATION. Trustor wiil give Beneficiary prompt notice of any action, real nr threatened, by private nr public <br />entities to purchase nr take any or all of the Property, including any easements, throuyh condemnation, erriinent <br />domain, or any ather rrieans. Trustor further agrees to nntify Beneficiary of any proceedinc�s instituted for the <br />establishment of any sewer, water, conservation, ditch, drainage, or other district relating to or binding upon the <br />Property or any part of it. Trustor authnrizes Beneficiary to intervene in Trustor's name in any of the above described <br />actions or claims and to coll�ct and receive all sums resulting frorn the acTipn or claim. Trustor assiyns tn Beneficiary <br />the proceeds of any award or claim for damages connected with a condemnation or other taking of all or any part of <br />the Property. Such prnceeds shall be considered paymenCs and will be applied as provided in this Deed of Trust. 7his <br />assignment of proceeds is subject to the terms of any prinr security agreement. <br />21. INSURANCE. Trustor ayre�s to maintain insurance as tollows: <br />A. Trustor shall ICP..P.F1 the Property insured against IO55 by fire, theft and other hazards and risks reasonably <br />associated with the Property due to its rype and location. Other hazards and risks may include, fnr example, <br />coverage against loss due to floads or flooding. This insurance shall be maintained in the arnounts and for the <br />pPriods that Beneficiary requires. What Beneficiary reyuires piarsuant to the preceding three sentences can <br />change during the term of the 5ecured Debt. 1'he insiirance carrier providing the insurance shall be chasen by <br />r� %� lpage 5 of 8/ <br />�j {_,� ' 1993, 100 1 Barikor Systerris, h�ic., St. Cloud, MN Form AGCO�HE51 NE I� 1 T2003 ��� �� y . �� <br />1� p.� ,-� _ . .�.. _ ., . <br />�. <br />