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2oi�oo��� <br />change in ownership of more than 25 percent of the votiny stock of a corparation. However, Beneficiary may not <br />dertiand payment in the ahove situations if it is prohi6ited 6y law as af thie date of this Deed of Trust. <br />19. ENTITY WARRANTIES AND R�PRESENTATIONS. If Trustor is ari entity other than a natural person (such as a <br />corparation or other orc�anization�, Trust:nr rnakes to Beriefici�ry tfie following warranties and representations which <br />shall be continuing �s lony as ttie Secured Debt remains outstanding: <br />A. Trustor is an enti[y which is duly or�anized and validly existiny in the Trustor's state of incorporation (or <br />orc�aniratinn�. lrustor is in good standing in all states in which Tr�istor Cransacts husiness. 'Irustor has the <br />power �nd authority to own the I'roperty and to carry on its business as now beiny cnnc�ucted and, as <br />applicable, is qualified to do so in each state in which Trustnr operates. <br />B. The execution, delivery and performance nf this peed nf Trust by frustor and the obliyation evidenced by ttie <br />Evidence of Deht are within ihe power of Trustor, fiave been duly authorized, have received all nec�;ssary <br />governmental apprnv�l, and will not violate any provision of law, or order of court or governmental agency. <br />C. Other than discinsed in writin� Trustor has not chanyed its name within the last ten years and has not used any <br />other trade or fir.titious narne. Without Beneficiary's priar written cons�nt, Trustor does not and will not use any <br />nther narne �nd will preserve its existing name, trade names and franchises un[il rhe Secured I:)eht is 5atisfied. <br />92. PROPERTY CONDITI�N, ALTERATIONS AND INSP�CTION, Trustor will keep the Property in good condition and rY�ake <br />all repairs that are reasonably necessary. Tn�stor will c�ive Beneficiary prnmpt notice of any loss or dartiac�e to the <br />Property. Trustor will keep the Property free of noxious weeds and grasses. Trustor will nnt initiate, join in or consent <br />to any chanc�e in any private restrictive covenant, zoning ordinance or other pu6lic or private restriction limiting or <br />defining the uses which may k�e made of the Property or any part of the Property, without Beneficiary's prior written <br />consent. Tn.�stnr will notify Beneficiary of all demands, praceedings, claims, and ar..tions �gainst Tr��stor nr any other <br />owner rriade under law or rec�ulatinn reg:�rdiny use, ownership and occupancy of the Property. Trustor will cornply with <br />all leyal requirements and restrir,tinns, whether public or private, with respect to the use of the Property. Trustor aiso <br />agrees that the n�t�.ire of the occupancy and use will not chanye without Beneficiary's prinr written consent. <br />No portion of the Property will be removed, demolished or materially altered without Beneficiary's prior written consent <br />except that Trustor fias the right to remove items of personal property cnmprisiny a part of the Property that become <br />worn or obsolete, provided that such personal property is replaced with other personal property at least equal in value <br />to the replac�d personal prnperty, free frnrn �f�y title retenlion device, security ayreement or other encumbrance. Such <br />replar.ement oi personal property will be deemed subject to the security interest created by this Deed of Trust. Trustor <br />shall not partitinn or subdivide tfie Property without Beneficiary's prior written consent. Beneficiary or Beneficiary's <br />ayents rnay, at Benefiriary's optinn, enter the Property at �ny reasona6le tirrie f�r the purpose of inspectiny the <br />Property. Any inspection of the Property shall be PlltlfP..IY fOf Beneficiary's benefir �nd Trustc�r will in no w�y rely on <br />Qeneficiary If1SF7P,CtlOf1. <br />13. AUTHORITY TO PERFORM. If Trustor fails to perfonn any of Trustor's duties under this Deed nf Trust, or any other <br />mortgage (�P.PC� of trust, security agreem�nt or other lien doc�unent that has priority nver this peed of Trust, <br />F�eneficiary rnay, without notice, perfonr� the duties or cause them to be perfnrmed. I'ru5tor appnints �3enefici�ry as <br />�ttorney iri fact to sign Trustor's name or pay any amo�mt neressary for performanr.e. I( any r.nnstructinn nn r,he <br />Property is discontinued or not rarried on in a reascmable manner, Beneficiary rYiay do whatever is necessary to protect <br />Beneticiary's security interrst in the Property. This may inr..lude r..ompleting the cnnstruction. <br />Beneficiary's ric�ht to perform for Trustor shall not creace an obligarion [o perform, and Beneficiary's fai�ure to perforrn <br />will not preclude Beneficiary from exercisinc� any of Beneficiary's other rights �inder the law nr this I�PPCj of Trust. Any <br />amnimts paid by C3eneficiary for insuring, preserving or otherwise protecting the Property and Beneficiary's ser.urity <br />interest will be due nn demand and will bear interest frorn the date of the payment uritil p�iid in full at the interest rate <br />in effect from time to time according To the terms of the Fvidence of pebt. <br />14. A551GNMENT OF LEASES AND RENTS. Grantor irrevocably assigns, grants and COflVeys to I_ender as additional <br />security all the right, title and interest in the follawing (Propertyi. <br />A. Existing nr fut�are leases, subleases, licenses, guaranties and any other written or verbal a�reements for the 1.15P. <br />and occupancy of the Property, inr,luding h�rt nnt limited tn, �ny extensians, reriewals, rnadificatians or <br />replacements (Leases�, <br />B. Rents, ISSI.JP,S and profits, including but not limited to, security deposits IllIC111l1U171 rents, percentage rents, <br />additional rents, cortimon area maintenance charges, parking charges, real estate taxes, other applicable taxes, <br />insurance premi�.im cantrihutions, liquidated damages following default, cancellation premiums, "loss of rents" <br />insurance, guest receipts, revenues, royalties, proceeds, bonuses, accounts, cantract riyr,ts, general intangibles, <br />and ali righis and claims which Grantor may have that in �ny w�y pertain to or are nn accnunt of the use or <br />occupancy of the whr>le c�r any part of the Property (Rents�. <br />In the event any item listed as Leases or Rents is determined to be personal property, this Assignment will also pe <br />rec�arded as a security agreement. <br />Grantor will prompt�y provide Lender wiih copies of the LP,c75P.5 and will aertify these Leases are true and correct <br />copies. The existinc� L.eases will be provided on execution of the Assignment, and all future Leases and any other <br />information with respect to these l_eases will be provided immediately after they are executed. Grantor may collect, <br />receive, enjoy and use the Rents so long as Grantor is not in default. Grantor will not collect in advance any Rents due <br />in future lease periods, unless Grantor first obtains Lender's written consent. Upon default, Grantnr will receive any <br />Rents in trust for Lender and Grantar will not commingls the Rents with any other funds. When Lender so directs, <br />Grantor will endorse and deliver any payments of Rents from the Praperty to Lender. Amounts collected will be applied <br />at Lender's discretiori to the 5ecured Debts, the costs of managing, protecting and preserving the Property, and other <br />necessary expenses. Vrantor agrees that this Security Instrument is immediately effective I7P-iWP.P.f1 Grantnr and Lender <br />and effective as to third parties on the recording of this Assignrnent. <br />� ' � :-� <br />�'� (Page 3 of 8) <br />�Cr� ��� 7993, 2001 Bankors Syst�ms, Inr.., ;;t. Cloud, MN Form AGCO-RESI�NE 1!17r20p:? `,� ,.,.. <br />. <br />.� <br />--.._..... .....__........_._..._.._ . ..._..,;. _� ........ <br />�r <br />2 5 <br />