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<br /> abandonod Property. Boreower shall �Iso Dz in def3uit if Bart'owu, durin� thc loaa ap�iicaik�ti procesn. Q�va
<br /> muerially falce or inaccurate iafom�tioa or stateme,nts to Laxlcr (or failed to provide I.eadir wit4 aay mucrla!
<br /> inform�tioa) in coauc�tioa with tAe tww evi� by th2 N�� inclutlin�� bt:t aat limlted to. regraanWiow
<br /> coacemin� Barrower's occu�ancy of the Property as a principal resideace. If thL Securlty Instnimenl ii oa �
<br /> leacehold,Borzo�wer shall camply with the pravisiona of the leawe. If Borrower acquires fee tltto to[ho Ptnperty�tha
<br /> leasdiald��nd fee title shall aoe bc mergai ualeso L.�ader a,��ecs ta tbc mer�u in writio�.
<br /> 6.�CooB��n,�tioo.'itie pracoa�oi any award or�laa;a fae uar�zs,d:.:�.t or co�w-.atisl,ia qaaxtla�wis9
<br /> auy coademnatian or otlur taking of wy part af�he Proporty. or for coaveyau�;e in place af cuadettwsdaa, �rc
<br /> bereby assignod susd shaA be paid to l.eacler to ttu exYrnt oi tho fuU atnouai of thc�ndebtedae�s thu rem�im unWld
<br /> under tt►e Noto aad this Securiry Iaucumuu. Lw3a shs�l apgly wch praceods to tbe roductioa of the iadebtodas�
<br /> under the Note aad this Security Ccuuumeat, fint w u�y do2iisquent aroo+ints appliod in We orda providod ia
<br /> pua�ra��,aad thea co PnWY��f p�ipal. Aay opplkuion of ttu proeeod�to tl�ee pciaeip�l t�11 aot�xtead ar
<br /> postpor.�t�due�txte af she moa�ilY payments. v►�u�e refcrred to ln pua�raph 2,or chutQe the amotuu of we�
<br />• prymwts. Any ez�ssti p�nnxeds ovu aa�mount reqnirod W p�Y����Y�s under the Note aod thU
<br /> Secwity Insttumant a�:a�1 fie pud to the eatiry le8all'entidal tAereto.
<br /> 7. �,'L�t�es to 13ar�nwer w�i Penfe�loo of I,eadrr'n Ri�i�ts in �Le Pt+npeity. Borrowu th�U piy �11
<br /> govannx�vall ur mvairipal cbuges,�ina and im,posi�ions that�re uot included in pirs;rapb 2. Borrower�a11 WY
<br /> tbeae o�flig�om time directiv to the auiry wP.ic]a is owed tLe paymeat. If fiilnre to psy vroWd advasely attect
<br /> Leader's iatrns� ia t� ProQeity. upon i.eader'� reqsseat Bocrower s1W1 PmmptlY fumi�h to l�mder rooeipt�
<br /> �vidmc,'sa�these pry-mrnts.
<br /> �f Becrower fiils to make these p�ymeats or tLe P�Ymeats raluired bY P��2.or fail�w�tfotm�ey otl�et
<br /> ooveasrau aad�groe�unwts concained in this Sxuriry Inuntmeat.or chere is s le��i pracadia�that may ti�aificaot�Y
<br /> � affea�ader's rights ia the Propaty <such as a pcoceedia�in b�alwptcy. for condeaonatioa or w enfoc+ce laan or
<br /> .
<br /> t'�Sulatiw�s), thm Leader may do and p�y wh�a ia nawsuY to Protect thz value of tlie Propetty�od Leader•
<br /> rlgbts in tLe PcaQ�ty..iacludin�PaYmeat of tucs,E�aacd iasutanoe and other iums nxadoaed ia pat�tap6 2.
<br /> : Aa�smaee*s�s'Suned by Lafder uuder this pangnph shaU beoome m�ddltloail de6�t of Bote+ow�a aod be
<br /> aecura�,bt;t3tis Seazr3�Y Iattrumeat.7'hae amount+thall bat it�¢rrat froat the dato of d�u�mwt.at the Note rxe.
<br /> ' aad at tbe oQtlm of�.�eader.sh�ll i�;�,,,,,�:�r��y due aad PiYabie-
<br /> �' Borrown�ah�pa�tty di�c�r�e any liw wbi�cb has priority ova tt�Saauiry Iastiumeat unku Borrower:
<br /> .� (a)�es ia wridn� to abe paymeat of the oblig�tio�n�cured by the liea ia a mmnor �oepqWe w Ireader: (b)
<br /> coutest� ia good faith tbe liea by, or defead+ a8ilnat eafocaemeat of the lim ia.le�l P�ooeedia�s �rhieL ia the
<br /> ? __ . I�����,�,..��� �,.� � .�..fi�,.��nf the liett. oc [cl aeoues $qm the LQidO[ O�tbC Lipi �O -.----
<br /> .s a�reement�tis�aaory ta l�eader suboidinu�tho liea w tLis Sec�tr�ty Ia�tcameat.If L�eadtr dasxmir�es that auy�pu!
<br /> ;�_ of tbe Propaty is wbjax w a liea which may uuinpriocity over tbis Saxulry lastiwue�t.I.mder mry�ive Boao�rer
<br /> a notice ideotifYinS tho liea. Bon+owes aball e�tiafy the liea or talce Qae or mose of tbe sctiaos�t facth ibove�rlthia
<br /> � 10 diys of tbo�ivla,�of notice. •
<br /> �' 8.Fe¢s,.i.wd�r m�y oollect fe�aad ch�r�es wtLorizal by the Socret�y.
<br /> " 9.Cr�do for Aooeler�atlor af Debt.
<br /> (a�DelariE.. �eader may.excePt as limitod by reYs�at3aas issued by the Sxret�y,in t6e care of prymeat
<br /> dafauits,er�ies immodiaa WYmmt in fuil of�tl sum�tecured by this Seearity Iasuumme lf: �
<br /> r)Boriv�rer d�ts by faillag w psy in fhll any uo�oo�h1Y t�'��9��►t�is Sacuti�Y Iasuumeat
<br /> prar to or aa tl�e due due of the next mootbty ptytoeat,oe
<br /> (il)Borrow�er def�lu by f�ilia,R�for�petlod of dsii�y daYs,to Daform mY ot�a ob�►ta�+o'�o°�°0d
<br /> ia this Security In:trtimeat.
<br /> (6)Sde[�i�Aort Credit Approval.I.re�der s2u11,if pesnnitceid bS'aPPlkyb�e la�v(iac�udiAi Saexion 341(d)
<br /> • of the G�rr�-St. Qa�a�aia Dc�ISnry Frr-�wiioo�Act nf 1982, 12 U.S.C. 1701j-3(d)) aad �vlth tl�e pcior
<br /> � �ppmval of tbe Sxs�tary.coygtirt immedlace PYYm��fnll of all suas saured by this Sea�ri2y taanument
<br /> � if:
<br /> ;
<br /> ti
<br /> r
<br /> � + �q�p�� ►.o.sa� wwi.;�._
<br /> � -
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