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<br /> 96- �.t���
<br /> S. N�ard ac Prapa�Y Wwra�ce. Borrowu shall kce�+ ttu: in�+m�•tmC�f� nc�w exls:i� or herCxfttr c.rectof! W� the
<br /> Psc�ersY insustt! er�nse loss I+y fire, hs�c.vJs ineluctal within tha term "eztts�cktf oovtrage" and��y�xhu twxarda,itklucfi� _
<br /> floads or ftpo3lnQ,fur whlch l.ender reyuinx insuranoe. 'i'ttic icu�u�w►ce stwll b.nL.fatai�wJ tn t!u�tiwunts ond for the{xriads
<br /> Wat L,e�xSe� royuiras.Tlse insunnce carri�r pruvieli��;tha incur�tw chall be ch��sea by �cxrov�r subjxt to icnder'c upproval
<br /> which shrJl not be unreatio+�aE�ly withheld. If Borrow�er fails to eswicuaia w��r.nt�,: �cribc� above. Luxlu may. at Leadt�'s
<br /> qxion.obtaia coverage to p�i i.u�drr`c rigfits iu ti�c P�upc+.y Se r.ecazd�::RV W itr p,:raDm;t!7.
<br /> All iasuranoe policies and renewals shall be aoct�ptsble ta➢.endee a� slwll include a stanclard nwrtgate claust. Lender
<br /> shsll have the ri�lu w l�old the policies And naewals. 1�Lx�nder requircs.HnrroH•�:s slutl) P��Y C�ve to Lencler rall raeeipts Af
<br /> paid prcmiums�u�d�enewal�wtices. [n the event of loss.Barcoveur stull�iva pmmpt,nalia a the iusurnncc carsier and Lender.
<br /> i,eoder pyy n�ake proc�f of loss if not m�de pmmptly by Borcawor.
<br /> Unkss Lend�r sud gorrower othecwire aonee in wridng. iniauaace ptcxc�ads st+All be applied to n�stwytion or repair of the
<br /> pi,openY dacna�ed,if ttie resWr�iion or repair is ecooamically fei�.ible utd Lendtr's scxuritp is not lessenal.if the rataratio�a or
<br /> sball be ted to the sums
<br /> tspair is not�rawmically fasible or L.ender's security would k�leissenod. eh:inwnmce(x�o�eods aPP��
<br /> seasra!by this Security Instrument, whether or nat thcn due. with any excxss p:id to Bom�rver. If Borrowu abu�da�s the
<br /> �nY.or dxs not answw within 30 Jays a natioe from Lexxtcr thu the insumn;�carrier has offaed to seule a claim,t!�
<br /> l�du msy collec� the insurance procoods. Lender may usc `.he proceCds to rcP11Y oi iestore the Property or to pay sums
<br /> sxuz+od by this Securicy lasuument. whettu�or not tba�duc.11:�30-dxy(►criad w7ll�begin whca the notia is given.
<br /> Uakss Lender aad Iiornower otherwise agra in writing. any a�plir,�tian at�procbods W priucipal shall not�tend or
<br /> poupone the due date of the monthlY PsYmctus nfemcd m its �►�{�hs t and 2 pr c�ange the amount of thc i,xyma�ts. IF
<br /> uader p�ra,gniph 21 tbe Pc�perty is acquirod by I.ender.Eiorcc�w�er's riglu w any iniurst��:policies and prooeals rewlc�ing from
<br /> d�entga W tl�e Ptvpetty Prio�to the acquisiiioc�shall p�ss W l.entier w the eztent oi.tbe s�uuc son►rad by this Seauity Instruaaent
<br /> uamediatdY Prior to the�oquisitioa.
<br /> �,�p��ey,preoervatip�,Majatwncr aad PtY►tcction ot tht Proptrty:,Tic�rrower's I.�ao Applicatiod;.�,e�seLoid�.
<br /> Boa+ower st�all oocupy.establish.aAd use tbe Proputy as ii�xnrWrr's principa!resideaoe within sizty d�ys aftcr tfr:e�ecudo�of
<br /> this Secvrity Insttument�nd shall oontinue to occupy the Pmp�srcY as Borrow�u's principzl rcsidence for at lCSSt w�ae yc�r ift�x
<br /> the date of ooatpuny. nnlrss L.a�dtr otheiwise agtr.es in writiug,whtch oonse�nt s�all not be unreason�bly witht�eld, oc unless
<br /> c,�tenuti�g cirwmstanoes ex9st which are b�yond Bomower's oontrol. Bumowr�r shsll aoc daicoy. dan�8e or it�ir th� .
<br /> proQaty, albw the Fropaty to deteriorate. or canmit wasta,on the Property. HGrtowa shall be ia defwlt if aay forfbiture
<br /> actiort o�pr000eding. whether rivil or crin�iu�. is t�.gun tl.�t.�rt 4.-ixltr's a'J^�F:cii.h�x;�ment oould rewlt ia faifature of the
<br /> peoperty or otbawise muerially impair tbe liGn cseated b�;thi�:Security Insuume�t�or��er's socarity interest.Banower may
<br /> cure wch a defwlt aad rcinstate.ac Wm'idod►n PuuSraph 1g�'bY causing the atticin or p�0000din�g w be disnnissod wid�a�uling
<br /> thrt. ia l�eodet's good fsitb detennin�tion„produdes forfdtcu�e oi the Bormw�e+s?s inuxGSt in the Propaty or oJKr m�aW
<br /> imp�ir�oeat of tLe liea c:r�ted by this Securi�3'' InstcuroGnt or L,ender's sccurity intet�.st. Bonower stall also be ia deFault if
<br /> &ue�w+e*,datinB tl�e lan apglicatioa prooess.ga��e�y false or inaxu�rncF enfoRn�tion or svteaoaNs w ire�r3er(or failod
<br /> "j� " j�pQ.�[1�.�pr:twipiuii'w`va--i'ii�.+:.�i1i .i"'.n�"JA.°'s�`.t�'!�^+L�!lil�ihvtheI�ate_ .ioc:_udioft.61��11iKtOd _ -----
<br /> ----- �ppf�- ---- _
<br /> w.�ioos oc�s�oe�nia�Borrower's oocupaocy of tt�e 1'1np�tty�.s a pric�ci�xF nsi�ieu�x. if tLis S�.'witY Irsirs�u is oa a
<br /> k,zsebold. Borrowa sb�tl oomplY with all the prov�siocu af the lease. If Barr.owu aoquires fae titk to ti�e Propaty, tb�� ,
<br /> k�ehold snd tl�e fx titk shall not mage unkss Leader�grora w the mergu in w�.iting.
<br /> 7���i.�&�����j��ifi a�'iu'r:vwu iiis iv rriv�Ll G�1�.C01C11;Iti5�i�TOC�1�5 O�ilvlIlOa�11
<br /> th:s SeairitY I�tn�oant•or ttsar�is a legal procading tls�t t.�ay significaotly sfI`�ct l.ender's righu ia the Propaey (suc�as�
<br /> pr000eding ia baatin�pery,Probate, for o�tion or forfeiwre or to cnfoma Saws or regulatioes).tlxn I.eades may dcy amd
<br /> pay for wwMever is aooe�rY W Protacs"t�e value of ti�e Pe�etty aad Leadu'a�.ri�htc w the Pt+optrty. Leader's adions nny
<br /> iodude PaYia� �ny sums savred by a tia� which i�s prbrity ova this 5ecwrity Instn�ment, appeui�8 in oau't, Pa!►ia6
<br /> rnso�aEie�uorneYs' faes and m1a'it�g oo t6e Pt�oQeity ta a�s"r,e tep�iis.Altbou�;�l.eader mty taka actio+�unda'tbis p�rap6 •
<br /> 1.I�ender doa not bave to da so.
<br /> Auy amounts disbuised by L�enda•�•+•� t� p°-r�.-•'asat► 7 sl,stt 1�eeow� additional debt of Borrower socurod by tbis
<br /> Security Imuumart. Uakss Bort+owet aad l.eader sgt�ee to otber umis o4'pa}•r�►nat.these�mounts �hall bear itWa�es+t from tbC �
<br /> daee oi disb�usaoa�c �t tlx Note rate aad st�ail be payablc,,witb intetest. uPaa nQtia from I.axler w Boaowa t+oqu�titr� :
<br /> �Moetsa�e I�raooe.ff Leader requirod mortSaBe inrurnoe as a co�litioa of makiag the loan securod by this Seauity
<br /> Iattcumemt. B«rower shau pay che p�+emiums i+oquired w mAintain the mort�,�e insurance in effea. It'. for any naaon. the
<br /> mottgag�i�unmoe mvasg,e re�ic�ed by E.eader la�Ces or�eates to be ia effer;�, Bomower shall pay the pcemiuws requirod w .
<br /> obain covera�i s+�fut�ntiatly equivaleut ca tlae mortgage inwr,uue pre.wiovsl��in effoct.at a oost substsatially equivak�ot to the
<br /> crnst w Bomowet ef tLe mar[g;r,ge ins�uaace previously in ef�t. f�ma an aiie7n�te mo�t$�Se inutres aPProved by I.eaaer.If
<br /> suiia�ntially equiv�ltnt mortgage i�uiance cave�ga is�unt a-rAilabte.Barow�:�!!psy w Leader a�ch mooth�sum equal to
<br /> ciexa-r�e1Rh of ttie}eprlY mort8A8e insusaooe P�nium bein8 Paid by Borrow�.0 wtxn tbe insur�aoe oavetage t�psed or aased to
<br /> . be io eSoct.i.esst�s vr�il!9ocept,use and ret�Ta t3srse paymaws as a loes res��c in lieu of mortgage inuuaace. Loas nesave
<br /> �3oZt itl0 �
<br /> , �a�t�
<br /> � � ' ,
<br /> �•.,.
<br />