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<br /> Trudse�!!�{y IYe pi�oc�ad�t et 1hr wle i�t�e fdb�iu�wder:(�3 W�t��aind acpeaaec d�e�ia���t�w`�'!i
<br /> aks�wl tse a.le�S�eL�dlr�t1�t'!��•wKW o�tirt'itivrtee'�teer�ctuady Wcurro@.iwi w e�reed
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<br /> 22. Raoarey�ce. UPcx►paYmMC of al! s+uns sa�ural by this Sncurity [iu.tnu�oa�t. La�cler chill roauni Ttustoe w
<br /> reconvey the Property ard sh�ll sumnder this 5enuity Itutrumtnt and �ll notes euiJencin�deM�ecured by ihis Securiry
<br /> Instrumer.t to Trustoe. 7�ustx slull rococ�vey the i'ropatY witbow wuranty and witiwxu tih�r�e ta t6e petson ar per�ant IepI�Y
<br /> eotitlod b it.Such person or p�tsong ctaJ{ pey an�•recordadon voct►-
<br /> 23.Sr6�tit�e Tn�eat. l.endcr.u itt optian,m�y 6aa time ta tirne r+emu�o'fnutee aod appolat a sucxa.cor ttusta k�
<br /> my T�ustee�iated 6erauxl+dr by an ic�stnunenc reoordad in tAt cou�y in which Wi9 Sea►rity IastruwaM is r�o+dod.Witt�out
<br /> oaurtyanae of che Propeny.the wocasor uustoe sl�tl woc�oed to aU tbe ciUe.Puwrr s�M�dutiea contared upon Tn�ne haris
<br /> �nd by eppli�ble law.
<br /> 1.4.R�ior Natict�. B��rr+uvner roquests that oopies of the ncxiuec of defwit�mi sak be aat w Burrowu's add�ess
<br /> which is the Propaty Addtoss.
<br /> 25.Ride�s to W�s Se�writy LWrwmt�l.If a�e or morc ride�s ue cxxutai by Hartowa and tocrxded to�etliei witd this
<br /> SCCYTity Il15tNaYl1[,t�t COVCWJIIi#I�t�gl'a0kl1LS Pf pCI7 WC�1 Ii(�C�5�18II IIC 11100[}Y)i�Ql�lA[O�SIMI�it1fE�il�W�Qb�
<br /> the covenan�s and agreeaknts of this Sxurity I�stiume:nt:s if the ridsr(s)w�ere a paut of thra Sau�a�y Inst�un�nt•
<br /> [Ch�ecJ�a�licabiebo:(as)) . ,. •
<br /> Adjustable Rr�te Ric1u' Coadoo�initua Rider 1-4 FaaWy Rider .
<br /> Gradu�ted Paymmt Ricler t�tam�d Unit Devdopmau Iiidcc &ruaekly Pkymeat Rider
<br /> gv�R� Ryte i�nprovemea�Rider Secuod Home Rider
<br /> V.A.R;der �LeKsY[spe�cifyl --
<br /> '. •BY SIGNING BEL.OW,Rormwa acapts and age�o�es w tf�tesms aud oovt�ntu cootainod ia tlds Seauity LWntme�t ad ,
<br /> , ..w w►y r�dar(�)executod by Aonowes aod recocdod witb it. ,,,� � n
<br />� . Rfii��cstes: � ��'��"" (�
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<br /> DQNNI SE.M LAC• �,,,�c
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<br /> -Bo�ro�rer i���o..r
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<br /> 'Itie ' �mart was ack�wwIed�ed befoc�me this �T� �v� AU0[]bT '�;�.996 �
<br /> ''t;
<br /> by l�qL��. i�`i�tIL1i lO�Ii�M.M[�I Q I/�1 L S I I i•R L I�i R� .ti�E�i. . .:- �' -
<br /> Ws�rac my h�ad aud notarid sal ac OBMiD I SLAIiU,:.:IJ$�RJl3lLA ia said Cornty� d�e afom�id.
<br />: Yy Gaa�uoiscioo F.�ires: • .. •
<br />— . Naea�r Pub}+w . •
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