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<br /> . -rtu'ar;`��1." " _ 'f;?„�v.w..vi.... . - 'i' ��---_
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<br /> �1 �;�..:a'-��.:k�.dl�VCSr�i'�p.r...�. , r : �� ��.5�:c.-auiaa'_k�^�,E�.' . �,r ���... ;+a v�. _ .
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<br /> ���?[Y'�P�1l�wfwaisa.iiLR1fY[°"SR�trP_'_a.,v�w _ �s1�lnt�s,rS.�- `-�t i�..Y_i�J.6al�sa, .... _...__. _—.
<br /> ��r ��V
<br /> ly.rri►�iec oP tbe Yrpperty c►r�lic��tica)Ititcr�►S tu EiurrUwer. lf uli ur w�y• ��r�t uf ltw Nnynrt►�ar uny intcrc�t in it
<br /> iy u►!J or tr;uuf�rrul 1cu if u ha�ii.ial hurrc� in&��rt�w•c� ia�dJ ar tru��frmx!+u�!t3��rruwcr i��x►t u�ulur�l�+crs��n1 witta+ut
<br /> i.���;tr'. M�i�+�• wiltkn l'atiii..�iii, t�nw�r n�y, ::i i�c c�tilu�. rryu':rc inue�llste �yuxs�t in 3ul! of ull �unu �rcur.rl h;• IMc
<br /> �uri�t 6�trunxru.l�lawc:�ex�thls uptiw�slul! tuu t+�:enet�isai by l.uxlrr if extrclse is pruhil+itirl hy fecle�al I�w w�uf tlu:Ja[e
<br /> of thi�S+ecurit�IRStn�nxnt.
<br /> li[.cikicr exrrciacs thls�►�lun, l,caclec st�all Qi�e Aurruwcr n�uicc oC�cck��tiu+�. 9'tw eK:ti�c>Iwli pa��idc a pericxl oF niu
<br /> le� ttuu►30 dayc trom:h:�:r ttsr. r,;�K: i�.u:11►�::�!o: mstik�cl withtn �hich Barrr�er mu�t �+:�y all wm� ctturcYf by thiv
<br /> Scxurity instcumcm. li'&uruw�er Pxils ta pay thesc sunu prior t�►thc cxpiratian uf this periuJ, I.ciricr�iuy in�•oke Ar►y rcnkdies
<br /> pernutted hy this Security lr.�itutrnnt withcwt funher nc�ticr e�r demznd cu� Bacmv►�tr.
<br /> 18. BoROwer's iiiQht to Refn�tstte. lf' Barrow•er nwets certain cakiitions, &�rn�wer sh:�ll I�ce the rigtu to have
<br /> enfon�cmcn! of thls Socurity instrument discotuinuad ut any tinx prinr to thc carlicr af: (al S days �or sach cuher perial as
<br /> applicable I�w may spocify fcu reinstatenxcul before sale of the Propetty punuant to any E+nw•er uf sale rnntnined in thi9
<br /> Socarity]n4tn+ment:or(b)rntry of a ji�tomenl �nforcing this Securiry ia+uument.Thcxce conditions are that Hormwer:(A)�y9
<br /> Lender all sums whirfi then would t+e due u�xter this Security instrunxnt and the Note u.c if nu acceleration had accurred; (b)
<br /> cures Any default of any other cavenants or agrcert►znts; (c) pays all expenus incurced in enfarcing this Securiry Inurume�u.
<br /> including, but nat limitod to, rea.conable attameys' fees;and(d)takes wch action ac Lender n�ay reasoru►bly require to assurc
<br /> tlwt the lien of this Security instrument, Leoder's rights in the Propcny and Bormw'er's abligalion to pay the sunu wcura!by
<br /> this Security Inurument shall continue unchangod. Upon reiastatemeat by Borrower, this Security iaurunxnt s►nnd �he
<br /> obligatioRS securai hercby shall remstin fully tffective as if no acceleration had ocxurrcd. However. this right to rcitutote sttall
<br /> not�pply in the case of acceleration under paraSraph 17.
<br /> 14. S�le ot Note; Chs�aQc o� Losn Servicer. The Note or a panial interat in the Note (togcthcr with this Securiry
<br /> instrument)nuiy bc sold ane or mart times withaut prior notice to Bomawu. A sale rn�y result in t�change in tbe eniiry(known
<br /> ac the'Loan Serviar")that coltcets monthly payments due under the Kote and this Secwity Inswrn�nt.'ITtierz alw uwy be une
<br /> or more changes of the l..o�n Servic�er unrelated to a sale of the Note.If there is a change of the Loan Servicer.Borrower wi!➢bc
<br /> givan writun notice af the change in accoidance with paragraph 14 abave and applicable law.The notice wiil slate the t�n�e and
<br /> addras of the new L,oan Servictr ux1 the addras to wlucb paym�nts sh�wid be rtade. The notia will also oontain any wher
<br /> infomu:ion requircd by applicabte law.
<br /> 2a. }�azardoac SuEdanees, Borrower shall not c�use or permit the prese�, use, disposal. sto�age. or tde�se of any
<br /> Haza�dous Substanoes on or in the Pmperty. Borrow;,r shall not do. nor aUow anyone else to do. anything affecting thc '
<br /> Property that is in violation of any Envirorunenwl Law. The pra�eding swo sentences shall not apply to the pracnoe.�ue, or
<br /> siorage o�the Praperty of small quanti�es of�iazardoac Subst�nces ttut are generally r000gnizod to be approQriate to nonna!
<br /> r�i�ential uses and w msinten�rKx of the Propei�sy.
<br />' Borrower sl�all promptly give l.ender wtiucn notice of any investigation, cltim, demu�cl. lawsuit or othe�action by any
<br />� govarxoenta!or�e�uWory agecxy or private p�'ty involviog the Propetry tir]any liu,�rdous Substance or Emi�wunent�!Law
<br /> of wi�i�9�Borrawer has actual knowledge. lf Borrowu le.s,c�sa�o�is notifed by any governmental or rcgulatory�uttnority,that
<br /> any r��va!or otlxr ranodistion of any HaT�ndous Substr�e affecting the PropeAy is r,�cxx�sary.Borrowa shaU pta�(xly wice
<br /> �, a[I aa:es;ary rcmedia!xYion�in aoaotdatxe with Environmerual Law.
<br />'=� As used in this pu�agraph 20, 'Hazarclous Substu�oes" are those su6uano�s definod u wzic or hazarclau subuaz�cts by .
<br />:�, Environts�eival Isw aad the folbwing �: gasoline. kerosuse. a+hea' flvnn�able or Wxic petroleum ptoducts. toxic�
<br /> s.
<br /> pesticides and herbicides.volatile soivents.muetiats coatainirtg asbestos a'fom�aldehyde.aod radioxtive materials. As used in
<br />'� Sy:� .. '!A •rA"3TC^w,...e.l I�u.• �Fi.ir�l{w�34� l3S�nf�i.i��ricriiMw►n wiww.1M P�rVfrtt�(.it T+tisfed thit _
<br /> p;. .._ �"'"t'1.bS�2'�w . ..........« ...,..� �.-- ' .�'- r--------� •_-°._ ...�__�
<br /> reiat�to health.syfay or mviroru�iaual prote�xiou. . .
<br /> � NON-UIVIFORM COVEIVAN'1'S.13orrowcr a*��ra�s further coveiunt�nd agroe as follows:
<br />� 21.Aoa�In�allo�+;Remedks.I.ewler shaliL g�e ooti�-e!o Borrower prioc to aoodnYtion fdbwie�I�a�t�ower's b�reach
<br /> ot auy coveaant or �mt in tLk Savr6ty Lnstrmment (but aot prior tt► aocdaatioa uad�e��tagrap6 17 urksp
<br />'� s�piicab�e law provides other�vise)-7fhe ootjce s6s�11 spec8�y: (a)t6e ddwtt:(b)tLe actkw req�ired to cort�e detsdl;
<br /> (c)a:�iai,e, not less thna 30 d�ys fnrom the date the aotioe i�givea to Bon+ower,by wLicb the default must br�7a�+ed;su�d
<br /> � ' (� W�rL�ilure to curt tDe d�iatlt on or bdoce tlu d�speafied in tbe notlee�reruit ia sccdaatioa�43'•'t�e s�mv
<br />,:� �ec�re�,rf by ti�es Seauity I�Unm�ent and st�le ot the Propesty. 11e ootioe sl�all twtber info�m Borrower ot t�e ri�ht to
<br /> rr�tate.aRer me�xatlon a�d t�e ri�6t W Wiag a oavt actiao to �ssert tbe ne�eaoe ot a dr[adt oc aay otier
<br /> ddea�e oF Borra�rrv,n�ta a�oalerstjoa aad sxL�.tf tLe delaolt is aot aer�oc�on or betore tLe date specflted in tLe aotio�
<br /> �? I�drr,at its op[ioa,may require imm�PoYmc� 3:.;:�1! ot�!: s�:secuc�ed by tl�Seau�ity la�t�a�eot witiout
<br /> t�aeai..a a.a may iovol�c6e po�er+�sNe Aaa aoy other remed�pamitted br apr+ic�l�iaw.I,er�r�a116e
<br /> �to toBeet dl apeaces ionrred ia prrsviog tlie�porided iu tbk p�raQapd 2l,iedudio�,�uxt li�ite�!
<br /> �, td,e+easoiable attaseys'tee4 aod oo�ts of titGe evkieooe.
<br /> S If We p owa�ot cak is invokai, Trmstur sbal!naocd a ootlor of detautt ia ead�c�o�mty is rr�as�' ptrt of tie
<br /> � Property is locited ad s�all mil copies af's+acb notke ts the m�ao�er prescribed by sppiicabk Bs�s to+$4rt+o�er sM ta
<br /> :�, tbe uti4a perso�s P�e�cr�b�bi'aPPlicabie Fs��v.Atter the tia�e r�equi�ed by applicaNe law,Trosxec sWt�e prob�ic notice
<br /> of sxT,r ts ttie per�oa�aad iR t1Eic�wer prc�cribed by sp�piiabie la�v.T�tee,��l�o�t de�aod ai Bor�-,d�all sdi
<br /> � tl�e�lropu�ty at poblic aucbo�Gv�k!e hi�6ett 6iddee at tl�ttme 9od piaa aod�r£rea�tLe terms dnd�oated in�e aotjct of
<br /> �'� s::z ia aj:e or�r parcii��i iu iw�.,w:T-•.�.;.a..��j-�-"'- '!'e�.�.:s��� �e ot ali or aIIy po+ned ot t1e
<br /> �3'bY P�+� awoouac�at at tbe time sad ptaa d auy Pre'vi,�lY sc6edukd cale. I.eoder or itc de�ee o� '
<br /> . Wrc�e tl�e P�pnr�Y at nY sak- .
<br /> '�€
<br /> � Fa+n 302� W�0
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