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<br /> 5. [�y� u�. pr�rty Iuccu�nce. Eiorrower �hali keep tix in►�waver�sznts ��w• cxisting or hereafter ere+rtal n+i the _.
<br /> Pre�..rt} iruur�i�.^alnxt lo� by Grr. h•rz:uds i►�lu�e.i within the tem� "eaterxle�l cuver�e' �w�y uther hazards.IncludlnQ --
<br /> fl.xxis or fluoJir►K, fur whtch l.c;sdcr r�uires insurunir.Thls inwrancc chall be nuiiuuiiwd in the��xwnts�nd for thc prriu�ia
<br /> uuu Ler��r:.:�uir.:s. 'i'h�1►.serau�:t c_rrier provKlinr�he insurwice siiall be rhuseu by &xr��w�ec subjcxt to L.rixlec'�u�+rova! _
<br /> whinc �tWl ix�t be unrc:wuwbfy withhekl. 1F Borrowcr Pails tu n�intain co��r�e �ies�ribni utx►ve. l.e�xier n�y. �+l I.encter'c
<br /> optiun,��btain w�•�r�e tu pn�iat l.ender's ri�ht�iu the Pr.��ty in wccor�nc�e with{�u�rnph 7.
<br /> All insuau�cc Fwliritc �YJ rotxw�l� cfw11 be u��ceptable w l.axler x�d atwzll includc a aturxl+rd nx►»���duuu�. L.cirier
<br /> ►tW1 have the ri�ht to hokl the pulkies wxl roocw�is. If l.e�x�cr reyuires.Borraw•er s,twll prcKnptly�ise to l.ci�.lcr ull rcccipts af
<br /> N�"'P�At111ALS�i1[I[G31CW'.IJ Il0{ILYy- IIl II1G.:veiu of'Iws.Borruv►u sh�ll�ive pmmpt uwk�c ta tl�e u�surusx:c c:u�tier+uxl Lc:uder. -
<br /> L�ler n�ay n�lcc prouf ai Icus iF nw n�lc pta��tly by Borrower.
<br /> U,�i�xs l.eixk�wxl Horrower�Nherwise a�roe in writing.iasurauce pmceeels cdall bt oPP�ied w restarwia�or m,pair of�1�e
<br /> pmp�rtY danyyjod. iF the resturyaion or�r is oconc�mically f�ssible�d Lenckr's saurity is not kssrned.iP the reuonttion ar
<br /> repair is nai aoiwmlcally f'rasib!e or ixnder's saurity would be lessenod.the insurance p�s sh�11 lx appli�d to the siuns
<br /> sa:urod by this Socuriry Insttument, w•hether or not d�ea� due. with rw�• excess paid to &�rrowec. If Borrower ub�as the
<br />� property, or does not ansu�er withio 30 cl�ys�notico frotn L.ender�hat the insurance c�rt'ier hic afferod ta settle a claim.then
<br /> 1.ttxkr r.�ay collect the insurw�ce proceeds. Lender may use the proceeds to repair or restore the Property or ta psy sum3
<br /> secured by this Secutity Instrument.whether or not then due.The 30day Period wiU begin when t1►e notice is given.
<br /> U:�less Ltnd��r and Bortower Wherwise a�ra in writing. auy �pplication of proceeds W P��F'�o��emerits. If
<br /> postpoae thc due date of thc monthlY paYments nFerrad to in parsgriphs 1 a.nd 2 �r change tt� � Pa9
<br /> aad resuldng from
<br /> under panigraph 21 the Pcopecty is acquired by Lender.Bosrower's right to any insurance pa�[ic5es proceeds
<br /> da�nsY�ta ti�PruP�rtY Prior to the acquisition sh�U pats to L�endcr to tQe exGent of the sums secunc!by this Socurity Insirwuent
<br /> immediatcly prior to thc xquisition. ,
<br /> 6.Oaup4ocy,Prwervation,Msintenance�nd Ptotectioa ot the Propat9;B�orrower's Laaa A�piica�aon; Leaseboltk.
<br /> . Borrowu st�all oocupy.Wablish.and use the Property as Sorrower's priacipal nsidena within sixty days zS,e:We exxutioa of
<br /> � this Sa•�riry Instnunrnt ud sh�ll continue to oa.�upy the PropertY as Borrower's ptincipal residecsce for at Iesst one y�ar�fter
<br /> the date uf oocupsncy,unless I.es�der othrr^wise agtxs in wridng.which conseat shaq not be uu�easonably withiteW,or adas
<br /> eatawating cire�unstances exist whicH ar� beyond Horrower's eonuol. Bormww stnll noc de�tmy. ci�na8e or im�ir the
<br /> Proper[y, �llow the Property w deterioratc, or a,mmit wute oa the Ptoperty. Bomnwer s,hatl be in defwlt if any farfeiwro
<br /> action or proceaiing,wix�er civil or cximin�l. is begun that in I.endcr's good f�ith judgment coutd rawlt ia forfeihue of the
<br /> , proQetty or c�iserwisc materially impair tl�e lien creatod by this Sxurity Iustrummt or L�a�des's seturiry interest.Bormwtt may
<br /> � cure sucic a defwlt and reinstate.as pruviciod in par�,gr�ph 18.by czusing the xdw�or proc�ctiag to bG d'umissod wit�a nding
<br /> � that, in l�ender's good faith daermin�tion. Prccludes forfeiture o�the Borrower's interest ia tbe Propecry ar otlw it�urial
<br /> �. _._�:.�„�e nf rM lien crc�ted by tbis Se,curity Iautum�su or l.eader's security intu�u. Borrower s6aII siw be ia de��ult if
<br /> �� B�.xrawec,during the icwn ypptication pro�ss.Bavc nutesialy falsc ix inaavrate infomsation or si�s co I.enua far i�iioo
<br /> w provido I.enda with aay nutaial inf�occr�tion)in connection vrr?.1z the loan evid�md by the Nde,including,but not limitod
<br /> to,n�ioas conoemii�8 Bormwa's ooc�PancY of the Prapaty�as a princip�l residence.if ti�is Security Inauumeat is on a
<br /> l�s�o�d� Bomow,�r s1�U cousply with all the provisionc of thr Lease. If Borrower acy;� fee tide w tht Froperty, the
<br /> � lasdtiold and the fa title shall not merge unless i.ender agners to the merga'in wising.
<br /> .�; 7.Protectio�af Lea�ler's Ri�Ltc in the Property.If Bo:rowa fails to perPi�►the oo�ea�nts and agoaurnts coat�incd in
<br /> this Security Instrument.os there is a tegal proceedia8 that maY s�aifi�ZY affxt Lender's[igtus ia t6e Property(scuh ss a
<br /> �r000e�ing ia baokiyptcy� probato,for oondeau�atlon or forfuwte o�r to enforce iaws or rcg,uL•�cioos).ttxa I�eador may do�od
<br /> pay for wh�teva is 000essa:y w prota�the value of tl�e Propartv And l.enda'c rights ia e3ae I�mQaty. I.eader's�nctia��
<br /> — �� P�Y�8 �Y � �� by a lirn whicu has priority ovu � Sewn'i.eader�a��P�T+��
<br /> - ' � rersa�ble attornrys'fea and auain�on the PropertY to make rep�irs. chou8h
<br /> - 7.L,eoder does not bave to do so.
<br /> _ My � disiwrsed by Lead� under this puagraph ? shall bxome additiooal ddx of Botrower socured by tfus
<br /> � Socuriry L•�trumau. Unless Bom�wa zad I.ea�dcr agree to otber tams of paymeot.thae��s shall bear i��tesrst from tf�e
<br /> -f dau of disbiusatx.nc at the Note rate and shaii be payable. with intcrat, �on notice frvm I.eader to Bomowar roquati�
<br /> � paymeat-
<br /> $,Mostgage Imvraaoe.If I.a9r�.x ttiquired mortgage insurana ac a caaciitian of m�lcing the ban soatred by ttds SeCttrity
<br /> ' Instrumeat. Bortowu sL�ll pay the �uu� required to maint�in the nwrtga,�e �*^„�'n ia offax. If, for any reasa+� tbe
<br /> mo�tgage insuranoo oova�age requited 6y Le.�xzer t�pses or oe�ses to be in ef�a.�t,�orrower t�bull pay the prani�uns roquirod to
<br /> obtain oovusga subscantislly equivaieot w the mortgPBe i�urana previously ia effed.at�oost wbstsuui�lly oquivtla�t w the
<br /> cost to Bort+ower of ihe mort�e ins�r�noe prtviousty ia effoct, ftnm sm�Itanate antt�a�e inwret�PDcove� by Lender. if
<br /> .� suhs �9�Iy oquivrlent m�utgage;n�„*-,,,�'�ooverage is not avail�ble,$orrower shap pay to Letder each moath a sum eqaal ta
<br /> ;� uoe-twdfth of tbe ywriy moctB�Se iawrance pranium beiag pasd b}�BoROwer when the intt:sance coverage la�od or ce,asod to
<br /> _ y�;n effect_L,e�r Wil1�c�.use aad r�ia�hcse paymeurs as a io� resLrvo in licu of mart�s�e iM���+�+�►. Loss �e
<br /> faa�3o2i �fl0
<br /> 'r �.o.aas
<br /> . -, �
<br />