. . . ' ... . .. .. � :jA� '�;t4,;:�,.-:."o's�t�'. - . _ .. . :i,, .,.r�o::.e
<br /> �� . , . . ._ . -_.`� . . �,. .. � - .- . . �•��lr �� St �,.• � . _ .t•=,1 9,',�
<br /> .` ,��y�.,,..i.�t� ��_'�
<br /> � �� ,� ... - . .�. h,��y.Wqy�-qi�?�. .�{�r,�.�.�,w'.,...�, . _ • � '��'A!'1L�41��11� ' —
<br /> t vi•+u..•.�na. �r:"
<br /> .. ..
<br /> � .
<br /> :91'�'.
<br /> . - �—_
<br /> _
<br /> A�
<br /> � ... .�.�_ .... _ - _ — i�_ .--_ [�`�— _ .
<br />__ , • . ,7. Protoctlon of L�nd�r'�Rlphts In th� Proporty. If BoROwer 1�Ns to prlmm the eovenanb �nd�yre�nwnu conwinwi 6i --_--- - - -
<br /> . thb S�curity InsWm�nt. a lh�n Is�Ipd Proc�np th�t nwy s�GnI�cNW���ct l�nd�i Mphts In lh�Rop�rty(wch u �procMdfnp In ��_
<br /> banlwptay.Prob�t��ta oond�tlon a IorlNtw� or to mfora�w�or rpul�tlans)� Ih�n L�ndw m�y do�nd p�y la wtW�v�b n�c�swy �;,.-:.R__n
<br /> to prot�at th� valw ol th�PiropM'ly�nd L�ndrr'a dphb In lh� Propriy. L�ndrr's �dlon�m�y Indud�P�Y�O �Y sums swu�d by a INn I _ ^
<br /> . „�=- '
<br /> whlcA has prlority ov�r thl�S�ourfly Instn�rtwn6�PP�Y In court� WYlno n.•anabl..namey'� f�u�nd �nUrfnp on th�Rap�Ay to m�k� ------ —
<br /> rp�ks. AilhouQh Lend�m�y Wa�cUon under tbls p�npnph 7,Lmder doK nat h�w to do w. � �._:_
<br /> My amounu dl�bunad by Lwidar und�r thlt pa�ynph 7�h�Y Mcom�addltlon�l dabt ot Borrowar saand by thls 3ecurlty In�Wma�t ��
<br /> Unl�ss Bortow�r�nd L�nda ayn�to oth�r t�rms of p�ym�nL thap amounts sh�N bMr Int�n�t Uom th�d�t� 01 dlsbursrn�nt�t tM Non
<br /> . rat��nd e1W be p�y�bl��wfth Int�rat� upon nopce hom L�nd�►to Bortowor nquntinQ paymad, �`;--- ---- _ � .
<br /> 8. Mort��Q� InsunaoY. U Land�► requked mort�ye Inwrana �. � candRlon ot m�klnQ th� lan a�cur�d by Ihls S�arrlry �.-
<br /> Inctrument. Bonowor�twll pay the prernlums requlred to matnUln tha mortg�g�tnwranca N�if m'If,la�t w:��h���yo��u R --�, .
<br /> aor�raq� r�quind by L�ndK I�pia a aMws to b� In Nl�ot� 8ortow�r �hW W N�atw►t b�t�hui wstn to Bortow�r of th�morty�y� Msunnc� � -
<br /> equN�lent to ths morty�y�hauru�a prevloutly In NI�aL�t •oost wbsunU�YY�qu E`�'�----
<br /> prwlou�ly b �(I�ct. Irom �n alt�t�morty�pe InsurK rpproved by Landr. It wbshndrY �qulvda�t morty�p�Inwrana eow►ap� Is oW _ �
<br /> w�bM. 9arower �fnN pty to L�ndr Mch month a wm �qud to on♦MrMlth ol th� y�rly rtaAO�� Inaw�nc� pntnlum bNny PW bY �u._—
<br /> Barow�r wha+ th� Inwrance oover�ps 4ipud o► eMt�d to ba In eHact. L�ndu w a�P t��tlon o•l L�nder, M ma q�i�e Insuranw E.:"�.'
<br /> retene In Nw of morty�pa Inwranca. Lou rnwv� payments may no lonya b� r�qu � !t
<br /> ��
<br /> C�covenye(in tho�rnount�nd 1or the perlod that Lende►raqukea)provlded by an Inwrer �PP�aved bY Lende►��aln bac°^wa anYabw and u _
<br /> � obtalned, Borrowar ehall PaY tha prerNuma requkad to molntdn moAyaOe Insurance q ellaet� a to provld� a ba resave. un1Y 1h� �9.-.
<br /> C�roqukement lor maiyope Insurance ends In occordanCe wfth �ny wrltten aqrean»nt batwaen Bortowo►�nd Londw a app�lc�blo aw. "=�-
<br /> !}� 9. Inopoctlon. �ena�a►n..ya��may twka raeonable�nhles upon�nd Inspselloa o1 IM P►operty. Land�r thpV yNa Barowr �--=
<br /> 0 noGca�t th�tkne of or prlor to�n N�pactbn specltyUO re�eombN a�us�fa Ihs Inspaellon•
<br /> �' !� 10. CondamnAtlotl. The proaeds ot �ey �ward or eldm for d�ma0es� d�°� a ���We^�� � ���^ w�h Ny
<br /> �..�.�:.-
<br /> � condannailan a othor Wdnp ot any paA o1 tha Properly�w for conwyance In Yw of aondamnallon��n hrnby uslpnad�nd�hW b�pNd ---_ ___ _
<br /> lo Lander. �
<br /> � In the�vont of�tot�l taklny ot lhe Prop�Ay.th�proceed�ehdl bo�pP�b th� sums �od by thls S�axlty InsWm�nt, whNh�r a �
<br /> � not then due, wllh any�xc�ss p�id to Bortower. In Iho went ot�pnrtW hk4�y of the Prape�iy In whleh ttw tdr mvkat value M tho Prop�AY
<br /> b thls 9aai' In�trumwit 6mnadlably bafon th� .�,_ =-
<br /> Immodiately bafae the takYp 1�eqwl 10 a qretler than Ihe amount of the wrm sacured y �Y , "`�
<br /> uWnp,untees Barower end Lender othawlse�pre�h Nrtltk�p,the eums secured by 1hls 9rcu�ly Instrumant ah�ll bo reduced by tM�mount �• 4
<br /> of tha prooaeds mulGpllad by the fapawlnp fracllon: (�) Ihe toul amount o11he aums secund tmmadiWaly bMors th�taking,dfvld�d by (b)1he �'�'�'.• .
<br /> f�Ir owrkat wluo ot the Propeity krmedl�lely balore lho trkinp.My balance aheN bQ pald b Barower. In the event of a parilal WcMp of the �4' +x•�• _
<br /> Property In whkh tha lak ma�ket value of the Proparty Immed4dely betore the taklnp Is less then the vnaunt d the aums aecurod Immodt�tNy I�' '..," ,,,
<br /> 6�lon the uWnQ, unNss Borrower md Lend�othKVria��qreo In wrNkiy a untess �pP1iuubte Yw othwwtw provld�s,th�proowd�sh�Y be � ti.�,`;;�:
<br /> �ppAed lo tha eums securad by thl�S��Ity Inatrum�nt whether a not the aums�n Ihen due. :�
<br /> If the Propaty Is ab�ndonod by Borrower,or i1,�fter noUce by Lender to 8o►rower thN ihe condermor oflers to m�k��n aw�rd or se1tN �'
<br /> a clatm for d�m�pe�.BoRnwer lails to respond to Lender withln 30 d�ys afler th�date the noUce Is plven. Lender la authorized to collact and
<br /> aPply the prxad�. et I!�optk+n, aqhar to rutoratlon or rop�k of tho Prop�rtY c►to the wmt seourad by tMs S�wrily InsGum�nt,wh�lM► �'�.:; _;u���� _ '
<br /> a not then duo. `. ' ., -
<br /> UnNsa Lender and Borrowar otherwlee aprea h wiitlng, any�ppllallon o1 proceada to prk�dpd ahwll not at�nd a poatpon�th� dw �,,;:. . , .
<br /> data of the monthly paymenta referted to In pArayraphs t and 2 or chenpe the wnount o1 euch payrr�enls• , :..••'' �
<br /> . 11. Borrowa� Not Flaoasod: Forboaranao By Lando� Not a Wo�vo►, F�aenaton ct �he t�x tor p.ym�nt a ,
<br /> modmqUon of Mnatlz�pon o1 the wms socured by thl�9ocwity InsUUment pnnted by Lender to any wo�esw�In InbrYSt of 9orrowar shrl .�v-�
<br /> �ot apente to rele�ee tho Ilabiriy of the orlpinal BoROwer or Borrower'a suecessors In IMera+t LendK ahdl not ba requlred to cortwnence '
<br /> prooeodhqe�qYnst any wcceesor In Interest or refusa ro exlend tlme for payment or othwwla� modity wnwwzallon of the suma seeurad by ..�
<br /> 1hls Securlty In�trument by reaeon o1 any deownd made by the orlpinal Borroww w Barower's suaceeeors In Int�t. Any Io�bMnnc�by , :" �: :1_
<br /> Lq�dK In a�carclNnp any rroht or remedy aholl not ba w walver o1 or preclude the oxerclse of any riyht or remedy. _
<br /> 12. Succassors ond Astlpns 6ound; Jolnt and Sovaral I.IAblltty; Co-��W�a��. 'n+e wvenuita +md .qreementa ot
<br /> thls Sewrity Imtrument eh�ll bad ond bamfN tho aucc�sors and asslpns o1 Lendar�nd Bortower,subJect to lM provlslom of pvapaph .
<br /> 77. 8ortow�r'a oov�nts Rnd ayreem�nls ahaY 6e jolnt �nd eeveral. My Bortower who co-al9n� ihls 3acurlty Imtrument but dws not
<br /> execute the Nota: (a)Is co•slgning thla 3ecurfty Inatrument onN to moAgege, gnnt,�nd convay th�t 8ortower's Intereat In the Prop«ty unda
<br /> the terms of thla Securily InsWment: (b)Is not peraomNy obppeted to pay the aums aocured by thta Securiry Instrumant;�nd (c) wyrees thot
<br /> ! lender snd eny other Borrower m�y syree to ezund,modHy, forbear a nwlce�ny �ceanmodatbm wllh repard to tema ot thb 8�aurMy
<br /> In�Uument or Ih�Nots wlthoul that Borrower's cornent. , '
<br /> � 13. l.oan Char��. II the loan aecured by thls 3ea�rlry Instrument Is aubJect to n I�w wl�lch aeta m�cltnum loan charyes,and th�t ;
<br /> � law 1�► fYtaYy Interpratod eo th�t the intereat or alher ban cheryes cullected or to be collacted In connactlon wilh the Iwn eMCeed tl�e •
<br /> ' ' permlqed Ilmlts,then; (a)ony such loan chargea sfwll be reduced by the emount necesauy lo rcduce the charye to Ihe p�mtqed Ymit; and • �
<br /> ' (b) any auma �keady colbcted irom Bortower wh�h wceeeded perm(ned Wnita wlll be ro(unded to Bortow�. Lendar rn�y chooa�to m�ke
<br /> thls refund by raduclny tha pnc�lWl ewed undor the Note or by moklnp a dkect paymeM to Bortowar. It a rafund roduca�prinelpal. ttw
<br /> � nduetlp�wW be Ueqtgd���partW prepiymenl wNhout ony prepayment chu9e under the Nole.
<br /> 14. NOt10Yi. My notbe to Borrower prodded lor In thls Security InaWment shaU be ghen by de�ivering ft a by mMllny R by Ant
<br /> claas maH unlese eppllca6le law requkes use ol enolher method. The noUce aMll be dlrected to the Property Addresa a�ny olher addroas
<br /> 8orrower deslynales by �otice to Lende�, My noAce to Lender shaQ be yiven by ikst chaa maM to lenderb addreas atated henln or �ny
<br /> ' ! other addrQSa Lender dealpnates by not�e ta Bortower. My notice provlded fa In Ihis Searlty InllNmant shan be daemed to have bev�
<br /> � qlven to Bonower or Lender when glven as provlded In Ihls paragraph. .
<br /> 1 18. Govorntn� Law;SavY�aWllty. This Security Inal�ument shall be govemed bY fedaral law and 1hQ law ot tho�u�isdlctlon h
<br /> whlch the Prope�ty le loated. In tha event thN eny provlslon or clause ol thls Securlty Inalniment or the Note confllCts wlth app4cabla law,
<br /> • auch conrict shaA not allsct other provisbna ot Ihla Secaity Inatrument or lhe Note wh�h can be glven eflect wflhout the co�Alctlny
<br /> provlslon. To thla end the provlslons of thls Securiry Inslrument and the Note are declared to be severable.
<br /> 16. Bo►rowa�'� Copy. Borrower shell be given one conlormed copy ol Ihe Note and of Ihla Security Inalrument.
<br /> 17. Transfor of tho Property or a Boneilcial Interost �n Borrowor. Ii sY or my paA ol the Properly w eny htereat In
<br /> � It Is eold or tranaferted (or If a bene(Iclal Interest In Borrower fs sold or translerced �nd Borcowe► Is not a natual person) wllhout Lender's
<br /> prbr writlen eonsent, Lender may,al Na optlon, require Immedlale payment In IuU ol all sums secura/by thfs SQwrity Inatrumw�t.Howevar.
<br /> .��_ .....�.....►..0....��....��.�n�1 anrlw If nrardso Is brohlbfted bV ledefel(8w as OI Ih@ dole of thla Sacurlty InsWment.
<br /> 1 ....�_r�...._.._..._.__ _._.---- -• - • -
<br /> � II Lende► exerdses tNs optlon, Lender shNl glve Bonower not�e of rcoeler�tlon. The nol�Ce shaN provlde �pe�lod of �ot leas than 90
<br /> days Irom thQ date the notice Is dellvered or mafled wlthln whlch the Borrower must p�y all sums secured by thla Secu�iry InaWment. It
<br /> • Bortower lalls to pay theae auma prfor to the expkatlon ot thls period. Lende�may Invoke any remadies pwmltted by thls Security Inatrumant
<br /> wflhout tuAhe►not�e or dernend on Bortower.
<br /> �.�u�• l ,e S iorm 7Ur'tl 99U
<br /> c iU79.1M6(�192)
<br /> � 2o0B9
<br /> , �� .
<br />