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<br /> 1'►. '�'�mn�ter af the 1'iropat�OP Y E�N1C�{CIYI�l�elfY�i�p 61�1�1NCT.IP ull or�u�y�rl uf 1hc Pny�e�ty ar w�y iiucrv�l in it
<br /> i►u,l;l ur cr►�:1+fa�r�xi i�r iF a t+cncllClp� lti1C1'C�I Ifi Ia'a17(ilW'�T Iw cc�ld c�r tr:uuf:Ch�I 6U11I��l��fllK'Ct ��IMN M IL11UflI F1►1's1t111 KIl}1t1U1
<br /> i.cs�;'s ptitir w7itinn cti��►s►►u, l.etder nuy. �t ii.s c►plian, rcyuirc iaunodiute p+ynk�� in tLU uf all ►unu; sceurecl by ft�i�
<br /> Securi►!�luyuuaxc►L fTi�u���•cr,thls opilan�hall uat bo ezcnix�l by Ix�►.kr iP exurctk le prahibit�by faierrl!vw rs uf Q�e d�te
<br /> uf'thls Sx�riq�Inst�or��rt.
<br /> ti Le:�s�tia-r.is�tiiis upiiun, [..e;xle��+m11 gir•c&xrovr.t�►:ui:e of ucccicntic�.'i'he nn�icc�hall pruvl�a pericxl aF�wt
<br /> las tt►�n 3t1 da��� f�nrn tt�t d�t:� thc �u�ticc is dclivcrcd or r�uutal within which l3��rrowcr mus�pay ull sunu socurccl hy this
<br /> Socurity Intttumr�t.If BomiK•er faiis tn pay these sun�.c prior to thc cxpiration af this perlod,Lendtt ntiay invoi;C uuy ren�ies
<br /> pen�uttod b��this Sccc��it��Iusuument withcwt further ru�tice o�'dcmand on Barcower.
<br /> 18. Burcq�se4's Al�bt to Rcinstate. If Borrowtr nuxta cert+un oonditi�u�.c. Borrowcr shall havc the right to have
<br /> cnfarcemcat of ttds Sec�arity Inxaument discontinued at any time prior to the eariier of: (a)5 days (or such wher period as
<br /> apFticabk� I:,w ms.y s�►.*elfy for ninstatement) beiorc salc oi �ix: P�►���►y �ur�uanf to :r:y po��:r of�!e c�nt�in�d �n chis
<br /> Serunty Instnim:nit ar•(b)entry of a judgatient eufarcing this Security in.ctrument.7'Iwse condiuons are that Barrawer: (a)pays
<br /> Lender all r+ums w�:�ic3y then w�uld be due under this Security Iaurument and the IVote as if no xaleration h�i occurnd: (b)
<br /> cures any defu�aU af uny ather covenants or agrx.�nents: (c) paYs�Il exPenus incumud in euforcing this Socurity iiutrume<�t.
<br /> includin,g, b�t not llmitod to.re�sonabla�ttomeys' fees; and(d)taices such aMion as Lender may reasonably roqu�re to acsurc
<br /> t1�at th.^+lir.�of this Security Insuument, L.enckr's rightc in the Pnoperty and Borrower's obligptian w pay the sums secured by
<br /> this Szeuriry Instrument shall mntinue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by l3orrower. this Security instrument and the
<br /> ob�3gstions sccured hereby shali rcnwin fully effcetive as if no acoeleratinn had axurrod•However.this right to rciastate stmll
<br /> uot apply in the c�e of acceler�tian under paragcaph 17.
<br /> 14. Ssde of l�oie; Cdat�e of I.oan Servker. The Note or a partial interest in the Note (together with this Securiry
<br /> Instrument)may be soW one or morc times without prior notice to Bomuwer. A saie may result in a ct�ange in We entity(known
<br /> as the"Lo�n Serviar")that co3tects��onthiY P3Yments clue undcr the Note and this Secunty Instrurr�ent.Tture also may be oae
<br /> or mone changes af the Loan S��ioer unrelated to a saie c�f the Note.If there is a change of tihe Loan Servicer. Sonnwu will be
<br /> gi�en written notia of the chacr,�e in acoordance w+�t6 P�'aph la abovo and applicable IAw.The notia will statz the n�uie and
<br /> addrcss of the new Loan Seivieer and the address to wRss�paYments s�uld be made. 'It�e aotice will also co�in suy othet
<br /> iofomiation required by applicable law. 7 sco e or release of�n
<br /> 20. H�sr3ous Subs�aees.Borrov:e�:�+,i.4 cat rause or peruti� the presence. use. dispas�l, rag , S
<br /> Hazardous Substances on or in the Pl'opect�- 8orrower sh�ll not d�. nor allow anyone else t, do. anything sffecdng t2x�
<br /> pe�aperty th�t is in violation c�::ny En�irormtiental lav�. The prece�iq� two senter�shall not apply to the pt�esern�e,use, or
<br /> s4arage on the Property of s�r,:�5i quantities of Na�nlatx STabstatwes d►�t are�enerally recognizcd to be approp�te to m�ma!
<br /> re,�deniial uscs nad w mamtenana of the Pnoperty•
<br /> Borrower�hai�prnn�ptly give ixa�der wntter.notice of any inv�,.-^ig�tion.claim, den�and.lawsu4t oe ctoet�ction by aay
<br /> govtrnmetual or regulatory agency or private party involving the Property and any Hazar�s Su�st�oce or fin�zrt�nmeatall.ax•
<br /> of ahich Bors+ower hu actwl kiwwledge.If Borrower leams.or is noufied by any govemn�ual or regulat.�r3y wthoriry, that
<br /> a�:y remaval or other remediatioa of any Hararpons Substance affaxing the Property is nooessuy.Bornower sh�lt promptly wke
<br /> �Il uooessary retnodial actions in s000rdance with Environmental I�w.
<br /> ��;A this par�gn�ph Zp� �H�,udous Substanoec' arc those subs:�*�.�defined as wzic or hu�rdous substznoes by
<br /> Fnvironrnaud law aod tbe folbwing suhstances: gasoline. lcansene. oche* tlammabla or toxic petroleum pt+oducts. Wxic
<br /> p�icidas mu iiaoicwi�a.:vt�:�x,:..;��. ••—•:•r•--�:•!:�^�-Jir:.;°� �••�^�f„!*s"�!!�!y�=wd radin�tive m�terials.As u�od in —
<br /> this paragraph 20. "Environmetud L.aw" me��c fakrai Iswa aud l.ws of tt�jurisdistiaa wls�re be Pmpaty es l�cMed that
<br /> reJate to t�alth.safKy or envimn�neota!protoction.
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and l�ender funlx�covawnt and agra ys foliows:
<br /> 21. Aooda�atbn:Remed3ts.I.rnder s�wU give aotke to Borrower prior to�coda'atfon folbw�Borr�wes's�
<br /> ot aay ooveoaet or s�e+eeatwt tn tbit Seewtty lastrumeot (but not Pria' to aooda�atioA uoder p�ra�aph 17 oakis
<br /> spptkable law�provWes atber��be). 7be notice sL�tl specity: (a)the de�sult; (b)tbe�ctlon reQ�ired to cure Ibe del9u�lt:
<br /> (e)a dWe,uot{d�tlun 30 dsys trwa tbe�ate tbe notioe b=ivea to BaTOner.6y which the dcfaWt muit be cw�d;and
<br /> (�th�t�tailure to c�u+e the det�ult on or before tl�e chte sped�lal ia t6e notice may recult in aocrla�tioec of tYe s�c
<br /> �ecMre�.by thie Seenr�ky Iust�vmeot aod s�ie ot tLe Abpniy. 1Ue uotice stialt['art�r iatorm Borrower ot tLe ri�t to
<br /> rd�ato atta aoad�ration and t6e ri�ht to bring a oourt� to aaat tlre non�e�taa ot a ddsdt or an�otrer
<br /> deteNSe'ad Barrowtr to aooeientioo aod sak. If tLe de[aWt is aot crred on or betore tLe dat�specitied ia tLe ootjoe.
<br /> I.arder, st ks opioo, m�y�qWrc immedhte WYq�eat in fWl ot all sumc secured by t6Ls Sawity ladimkat�ritlrod
<br /> ' tuit6er demaod asd may invdce tLe power o[safe and�ay ot�er remedier permitted by app[kabie la�r.I.esier slnll be
<br /> ebWkd to oollect�Il acpmses ivcurred W pursutog tLe rcmedins provided in tWs pvragrapi 21.�cti�,M�tt uot lioital
<br /> tn,t+a�eoeaWe attorary�'[aes a�d costc ot titk tvWe�cY.
<br /> If tLe powKr of s�{e ie involual,Trustee svall reoord a notke ot deGult ia cach oount9 in RLki a4Y P�'t o[the
<br /> Preperty it locsted and shW maEl oopks of such�wtice in the maooer preecribed by rQpficabk 4w to Borro�sr arod to
<br /> tLe otLer Peisooc Prescribed b�'�pQlicabie IaM.After tLe time reqaind by appiicabie lar►,Tn6ta W�afl g[ve puWic notice
<br /> ot c91e to the pe��oae aad in tbe maaaer p�+e�cri6ed[�applicsbie law.7'ructee,without derr�ed on 8or�+ovra�, tbaU sd!
<br /> tBo�Pwperty at public auctiqo W tt�e higLest biddes�c Ct�e ti�e ansl piace swd muec ioe r�a�ir►up.�.�:t�i:.t:z�r.t
<br /> 'sak in ooe or awrt p�rcd�s t�d io aay order Tn�tet d�mioes. Ttvstce may postpost sole ot all or say parod ot We
<br /> ` proppty by pa6lic anoouocw�eat s�t tLe time �wd plsce ot aaY P�'�Y ��s�Z.eader or itc d�i,�sx may
<br /> , pw�cha�e tLe 1Propaiy at apy sde.
<br /> � Foem 3Q2S �150
<br /> � 1'p�Od6
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